英语人>词典>汉英 : 社会中坚 的英文翻译,例句
社会中坚 的英文翻译、例句


Salt of the Earth · the salt of the earth
更多网络例句与社会中坚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because we are the backbone of society.


Let us journey on, because it is our responsibility, because we are the backbone of society.


College students are the backbone of social development, prosperity and development of the country play an important role.


The article is not only discussing the importance of general education form commonness and diverseness of the logos of university, science and humanity, but also emphasizing nursing and developing of creativity and sensibility through general education.


Converging together in this newspaper on this New Year, we are the hard core of society.


Regard a society as supervisory backbone power, registering accountant audit is to be on guard financial and con effective protective screen.


As far as I know, the Middle Ages is the age of the knight and knight class is the backbone element of the society, chivalry is not only a sort of European mechanism, but also has a kind of knight culture and spirit which affect the whole age. Until the quattrocento, chivalry is still the strong ethical idea which controls people's thoughts and hearts after religion.


He's the salt of the earth.


How will metropolis elites of the modern society stick in the mud and be willing to live unromantic living?


But the aristocrats, pallid though they were by Philippine standards, were less Edwardian buffers than mestizos of Spanish-indigenous or Spanish-Chinese blood, whose landholdings and feudal attitudes were reminiscent of nowhere so much as time-warped Pakistan.


更多网络解释与社会中坚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Salt of the earth:社会中坚

A saint abroad and a devil at home. 在外是圣人,在家是魔鬼 | salt of the earth 社会中坚 | The same knife cuts bread and fingers. 同是一把刀,切面包时也会切着手指.

Salt of the earth:社会中坚,最优秀的人

Salt in a wound 在伤口上擦盐 | Salt of the earth 社会中坚,最优秀的人 | **Salty dog "也不错

salt of the earth / world:社会中坚

run of the town 轰动一时的人 | salt of the earth/world 社会中坚 | second sight 超人的预见力

the salt of the earth:社会中坚

the rush hours 拥挤时间 | the salt of the earth 社会中坚 | the same as 与...同样的

the salt of the earth:直译为"世上的盐",意思为社会中坚、人类精华

They are in the habit of speaking with Attic salt.他们习... | 5、The salt of the earth直译为"世上的盐",意思为社会中坚、人类精华 | You are the salt of the earth.Our hope is planned on you.你们都是优秀分子...

The salt of the earth(JESUS:说的,指的是社会中坚力量)

社会中坚力量pillar of the society/backbone elements of the society | The salt of the earth(JESUS说的,指的是社会中坚力量) | 阴历lunar calendar/Chinese Lunar Calendar

He was the salt of the earth:社会中坚

牐營f you want to gain then all, you can wear yourself out.使精疲力竭 | 牐燞e was the salt of the earth.社会中坚 | 牐燬low on the draw反应迟钝缓慢(反应的灵敏度)

You are the salt of the earth:你们是社会的中坚

1.You are the salt of the earth .你们是社会的中坚. | 2.grab a shower快速冲了澡. | grab a sandwich,胡乱吃了一个三明治.

He's the salt of the earth:他如同盐之于人, 是社会的中坚

[21:05.48]He's a prince among men. He's my hero. ;他鹤立鸡群. 他是我心目中的英雄.... | [21:10.75]He's the salt of the earth. ;他如同盐之于人, 是社会的中坚. | [21:13.92]Get with it. ;要跟上别人的脚步....

He's the salt of the earth:他是社会的中坚人物(非常正派的人)

4.He's the salt of the earth. 他是社会的中坚人物(非常正派的人). | 5.unauthorized transmisson 非法传播 | 7.No more monkey business. 不要再胡闹了.