英语人>词典>汉英 : 礼拜堂 的英文翻译,例句
礼拜堂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bethel  ·  meetinghouse  ·  tabernacle  ·  temple  ·  tabernacled  ·  tabernacling

side chapel · meeting house
更多网络例句与礼拜堂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This includes the south and east walls; the main nave of the four arches on each side; the four bay chancel arcades and the side chapels of St. Nicholas and St.


A little before the time for the funeral cortege to arrive at the church there appeared at one of its subsidiary entrances a woman in black, heavily veiled, who took a seat in an inconspicuous corner.


In a wall near the arcade opens another arched door, of the time of Henry IV., permitting a glimpse of the trees of an orchard; beside this door, a manure-hole, some pickaxes, some shovels, some carts, an old well, with its flagstone and its iron reel, a chicken jumping, and a turkey spreading its tail, a chapel surmounted by a small bell-tower, a blossoming pear-tree trained in espalier against the wall of the chapel--behold the court, the conquest of which was one of Napoleon's dreams.


In a wall near the arcade opens another arched door, of the time of Henry IV., permitting a glimpse of the trees of an orchard; beside this door, a manure-hole, some pickaxes, some shovels, some carts, an old well, with its flagstone its iron reel, a chicken jumping, a turkey spreading its tail, a chapel surmounted by a small bell-tower, a blossoming pear-tree trained in espalier against the wall of the chapel--behold the court, the conquest of which was one of Napoleon's dreams.

在离圆顶门不远的墙上,另辟了一道门,门上有亨利四世时代的拱心石,从门洞里可以 www.ssbbww.com 望见果园中的树林。门旁有个肥料坑、几把十字镐和尖嘴锹,还有几辆小车,一口井口有石板铺地和铁辘轳的古井,一匹小马正在蹦跳,一只火鸡正在开屏,还有一座有小钟楼的礼拜堂,一株桃树,附在礼拜堂的墙上,正开着花。这便是拿破仑当年企图攻破的那个院子的情形。

When the time of her death arrived she was carried by angels to Aix and into the oratory of St. Maximinus, where she received the viaticum; her body was then laid in an oratory constructed by St. Maximinus at Villa Lata, afterwards called St. Maximin.

时机成熟时,她的死因抵达她所携带天使AIX和进入礼拜堂圣maximinus ,在那里她收到了旅费,她的身体当时打下的一个小礼拜堂建造的圣maximinus在别墅的阔筋膜,事后所谓的圣最大最小化。

And then down, in a lot of stairs, the flight left, then down, down, under the circumstances in the end,累啊playing BOSS, not a break line, ah, is playing the first half of large tentacles, magic direct attacks around with the wind and pay attention to avoid the latter half of the time in the purple light danced around the attack, when the green light to escape, over BOSS, has been the third statue, back to the village, to find children pigsties, he said that a small pig is sick , to go to the mountains to find medicinal plants, and the small chapel at the entrance MM speak, she hid some of the ore in the village, it is necessary to find the protagonist, one in pigsties the above, we can see a little bit, one in the second floor of the chapel, from the jump to the right of the stairs, a female tree outside the house, the last counter in the left side of the hotel, this place has been blocked columns, go on line to determine the last point, when the village head, and can see the priest back After a chat Father left


Michelangelo was involved in the construction of the church beginning in 1520, but due to lack of manpower and materials, it remained unfinished. Nonentheless, the Medici's Church was an important design in the history of architecture. And the statuaries in this church are treasures in art history.


Seen from this angle the dome's colorful glass panels-which shone inside the chapel with magical pictures of the lives of saints-looked dark and flat, a parade of crude figures across a dun-colored world.


And her daughter can get the piano keys to chat, and then go left, jump armor available, if we do not jump to the left take the hit BOSS, the focus of this strange change in his will, with the corresponding color of magic to hit it, hit Duct End later, at the same time the left side of the castle church door opened, and then move into the right part of the road, the first door below, and then come to the bottom, jump up the right side of the first scene, the far right can be破墙320 ore, and then be able to return to the road and walk up to the Secretary for Education and experience, and his words can have only the sewer, while chest is 250 ore, and finally take the right side of the door, where there are leave, the old lady to take the jack-o'-lantern Baozhu, we can see the true path, to shield jump available, the most right is the BOSS, is a wolf, the attention of multi-running, over BOSS, be cross badge, now go to the castle Chapel, and


Other major monuments include King's College Chapel, Cambridge (1446-1515), and the chapel of Henry VII in Westminster Abbey.


更多网络解释与礼拜堂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bethanise 钢丝电解镀锌法 | bethel 非国教徒的礼拜堂 | bethelhalidomhalidomemekka 圣地

Capella Medici:美第奇礼拜堂

美第奇宫之窗 The Palazzo Medici Windows | 美第奇礼拜堂 Capella Medici | 卡比托奈山 The Capitoline Hill

chantry:附属于礼拜堂的小教堂 (名)

chanticleer 雄鸡 (名) | chantry 附属于礼拜堂的小教堂 (名) | chaos 混乱; 混沌; 杂乱的一团 (名)


这是从剑桥街道上拍摄的国王学院(king's college)的标志性建筑-礼拜堂(chapel),据说修了1个世纪.

Sistine Chapel:西斯汀礼拜堂

舞台上方则是号称全国最大的天幕玻璃,上面模仿西斯汀礼拜堂(Sistine Chapel)的天花板壁画,却以彩绘玻璃画上哥特市内各个地标及哥特市民生活的图案,风格混杂古怪.

Alonsus Chapel:阿隆索斯礼拜堂

血色十字军堡垒 The Scarlet Bastion | 阿隆索斯礼拜堂 Alonsus Chapel | 珍宝陈列室 The Hall of Lights


chapelgoer 非国教徒 | chapelry 礼拜堂教区 | chaperon 女伴


chapelmaster | (王宫附属教堂等的)唱诗班(或管弦乐队)指挥 | chapelry | 礼拜堂的教区(辖区)或其管辖权 | chaperon mechanism | 陪伴机理


chaplain /礼拜堂牧师/教诲师/附属军队的牧师/牧师/ | chaplaincy /礼拜堂牧师之职/ | chaplainship /礼拜堂牧师之职/


chaplaincy /礼拜堂牧师之职/ | chaplainship /礼拜堂牧师之职/ | chaplet /花冠/念珠/