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示众 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pillory  ·  pilloried  ·  pillories  ·  pillorying

publicly expose · put before the public
更多网络例句与示众相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your lighter boxes of family papers went up-stairs into a Barmecide room, that always had a great dining-table in it and never had a dinner, and where, even in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty, the first letters written to you by your old love, or by your little children, were but newly released from the horror of being ogled through the windows, by the heads exposed on Temple Bar with an insensate brutality and ferocity worthy of Abyssinia or Ashantee.


I say, I do not only expect to be held up to the public as an ignorant, impudent and restless disturber of the public peace, by such avaricious creatures, as well as a mover of insubordination--and perhaps put in prison or to death, for giving a superficial exposition of our miseries, and exposing tyrants.


He looked now more careworn and emaciated than as we described him at the scene of Hester's public ignominy


An upright post with a crosspiece, forming a T-shaped structure from which executed criminals were formerly hung for public viewing.


Before the term was over I had left for Tokyo, because after this film I felt that medical science was not so important after all. The people of a weak and backward country, however strong and healthy they may be, can only serve to be made examples of, or to witness such futile spectacles; and it doesn't really matter how many of them die of illness.


To reprove or express warning in a gentle, earnest (类peccadillosin 小罪罪不确定:admonishmentcastigation =告诫苛责 admonishdenounce=punishpillory pretensedeceive=admonitionreprove alibi exculpate=warningadmonish参考:monitor 班长,监视器reprove, chide, monish;rebuke, reprimand, reproachHe admonished those frantic football fans to change their wicked ways.

最新更新和更多下载请到寄托蓝宝书在线::::::: http://www.gter.net/bible 告诫公开责备=惩罚示众伪装是一种欺骗=告诫是一种责备用托词的方式来辩解=用警告的方式来告诫蓝宝 GRE 最新笔考词汇突破他告诫那些疯狂的足球迷们改变那种捣蛋的做法。

A landsman could hardly have worn this garb shown this face, worn shown them both with such a galliard air, without undergoing stern question before a magistrate, probably incurring fine or imprisonment, or perhaps an exhibition in the stocks.

一个陆地上的人,若是周身这股穿戴、露出这副尊容,而且还得意洋洋地招摇过市,恐怕很难不被当宫的召去传讯,甚至会被课以罚金或判处监禁,也许 ssbbww.Com 会枷号示众

Launay himself was dragged out by the mob, his body ripped to shreds and his head hacked off by a cook with a kitchen knife, before being stuck on a pike for public view.


"They were stern enough to look upon her death, had that been the sentence, without a murmur at its severity, but had none of the heartlessness of another social state, which would find only a theme for jest in an exhibition like the present."


This article is a supplementary argumentation for the meaning structure of Call to Arms and Nostalgia. The writer of the paper holds that in "Silent Lu Xuns" Nostalgia and his related diaries between 1912 and 1916, there also exists a kind of meaning structure which is shown in Pillory, Call to Arms, and Wandering. That is to say, Call to Arms and Wandering present a 20th century China reality under Lu Xun's survey-a world of suffering people-dark society-void life.


更多网络解释与示众相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而在Aberdeenshire,"涂黑"(blackening)至今也是一项十分流行的传统风俗. 已经订婚的准新郎和准新娘可能会在某一天晚上被一帮"朋友"逮住,然后浑身被涂满蜂蜜、羽毛、煤灰等东西,并被强行围绕村子或者酒吧游行示众. 被涂黑的人往往要花好几天才能清洗干净.

Made in heaven:天堂制造

库恩斯特地为伊诺娜搞创作,又画画又塑像,还把两人的激情性爱制作成名为"天堂制造"(Made in Heaven)的展出示众. 然而,这段婚姻维持不到一年就破灭了. 离婚后没多久,这段婚姻的结晶:儿子路德维格出生. 也由此一场旷日持久的抚养权争夺大战也上演了,

Kota Baru:哥打巴鲁

殖民统治者还将督央谷的遗体放在牛车上,在哥打巴鲁(Kota Baru)游街示众;甚至还将其遗体公开倒挂在吉兰丹河畔长达四小时,以便对当时的民众产生恐吓作用.


apathetic 冷漠的,无动于衷的 | pillory 颈手枷,示众,嘲弄 | piquant 辛辣的,开胃的


apathetic 冷漠的,无动于衷的 | pillory 颈手枷,示众,嘲弄 | piquant 辛辣的,开胃的

dangling a set of decade-old bones in town square:把埋在地底十年的尸骨 挂在小镇广场示众

Sheriff, you really think that dangling...|警长 你真... | dangling a set of decade-old bones in town square...|把埋在地底十年的尸骨 挂在小镇广场示众 | is gonna clear up these murders?|会让这些凶杀案水落...




在被监禁期间,他与典狱长(wardenry)以及典狱长失明的女儿成为了好朋友. 几年后,Valentine被带到暴君Claudius面前,他不但不放弃自己的基督信仰,还尝试说服暴君改信基督教. 暴君一怒之下,下令将他斩首示众.

He instructs living beings:开示众生

And limitless analogies 无量譬喻 | He instructs living beings, 开示众生 | Leading them to be joyful. 咸令欢喜