英语人>词典>汉英 : 磁石 的英文翻译,例句
磁石 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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If you are an approachable person, you will be like a magnet and gain more opportunities.


He will削成wooden beer barrel shape of the ear, in the Port Department of the films cast chitterlings and made with a magnet and wire microphone, it can become the voice of current fluctuations.


The scholar to study the ancient geomantic books is precursor from the know the magnetite, use it to guide to the compass come into being. We couldn't gainsay their contribution just because they blazon forth the geomantic theoretics.


3Rd, magnet pillow---The magnet crustification on the wood block, causes the magnet surface to come between favors with the pate contact.


Cracking the rock open revealed an arrowhead loadstone, which magnetically drew itself to the opening in the rock wall.


Ancient peoples knew about the peculiar properties of lodestone—that a sliver of this material, hung from a thread, will point in the direction of the North Star.


NdFeB Bonded Magnet /Sintered Magnet; Magnetic Roller Separator; Magnetic Micro Separator; Magnetic Extractor; Tubular Fluid Magnetizer; Magnetic Sta...


The parallel edge of the PM structure is spread by forty degree spread, it is considered for convenient fabrication. Besides reducing the PM material cost, the designed motor performance is equal to a commercial AC servo motor rated torque,1.3N-m.


Function description: Extract from kinds of plants REGU-AGE, could instantly solve shadows under the eyes, wrinkles and pouch; protect eye skin from UV damage. Ginseng extract enhances the self-restoring ability of cells. Water-locking magnet could regulate water balance, repel crow's-feet, and leave your eyes firm and attractive.


Hong Kong, Xu-hui magnet manufacturing company founded in 1976, in 1987 opened its first plant, after ten years of innovation, has now developed into a production and sales to the main motor with a magnet for permanent magnet ferrite, Soft, samarium cobalt, NdFeB magnetic materials, etc. Products as one of professional manufacturer.


更多网络解释与磁石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1600年初英人医生William Gilbert(1540~1603)所著的书中,指出此类因两物摩擦所生的力和磁石(Lodestone)所产生的力完全不同. 磁石只吸引铁类的物质,而两物摩擦所生的力会吸引各种轻小的物体. 而且它也发现除了琥珀之外上有硫磺、玻璃、松脂等亦可藉和其他物质摩擦而声电.

Lodestone Necklace:磁石項鏈 磁石項鍊

Jet Chain 黑玉項鏈 黑玉項鍊 | Lodestone Necklace 磁石項鏈 磁石項鍊 | Marble Necklace 大理石項鏈 大理石項鍊

permanent magnet generator:永久磁石発電機

permanent-magnet excitation 永久磁石励磁 | permanent-magnet generator 永久磁石発電機 | permanent magnet motor 永久磁石モータ

magnetobell:磁石电铃 磁石式电铃 磁铁电铃 永磁电铃

magnetobase 磁电机座 | magnetobell 磁石电铃 磁石式电铃 磁铁电铃 永磁电铃 | magnetobiology 磁生物学


magnetoswitchboard exchange 磁石式交换机 | magnetotelephone 磁石式电话机 | magnon 磁[量]子;磁性材料中自旋波能量子

magnetotelephone exchanger:磁石电话交换机

magnetostrictive transducer | 磁致伸缩振动器 | magnetotelephone exchanger | 磁石电话交换机 | magnetotelephone set | 磁石式电话机

magnetotelephone set:磁石式电话机

magnetotelephone exchanger | 磁石电话交换机 | magnetotelephone set | 磁石式电话机 | magnetothermal effect | 磁 (致 )热效应

magneto telephone switchboard:磁石电话交换机

magneto telephone set 磁石式电话机 | magneto telephone switchboard 磁石电话交换机 | magneto therapy apparatus 磁疗仪

magneto telephone switchboard:磁石电话交换台

magneto telephone set 磁石电话机 | magneto telephone switchboard 磁石电话交换台 | magneto thermoelectric effect 磁热电效应

magneto telephone set:磁石式电话机=>磁石式電話機

magneto telephone ==> 磁石式电话 | magneto telephone set ==> 磁石式电话机=>磁石式電話機 | magneto telephone switchboard ==> 磁石电话交换机