英语人>词典>汉英 : 磁卡片 的英文翻译,例句
磁卡片 的英文翻译、例句


magnetic card · mag card
更多网络例句与磁卡片相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Magnetic card is a magnetic recording media.


It Jiangci the back of the unique material, it can direct absorption in the iron shelves, the first half of the inserted card, recording material name, specification, model, in the second half with inventory showed that the number of dial, dial a location, E - Can directly record storage, a library, inventory, the certification applies to enterprises, upgrade, a first-class.


更多网络解释与磁卡片相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

data chaining:数据链,数据链接,数据链取

data cell unit 磁带卷,磁卡片机,数据单元存储器 | data chaining 数据链,数据链接,数据链取 | data channel 数据电路,数据信道

brushless excitor:无电刷励磁机

"brush station","[穿孔卡片]电刷站,刷子站" | "brushless excitor","无电刷励磁机" | "brush-operating device","刷操作装置"

magnetic card:磁卡

高抗磁力卡 (3500oe) 直接涂印型:低抗磁力卡(300oe) 如:公园门票 高抗磁力卡(2700oe) 如:地铁卡、电话卡 v 磁卡(Magnetic Card) 磁卡是一种磁记录介质卡片.

magnetic card:(磁条卡)

磁条卡(Magnetic Card) 磁卡是一种磁记录介质卡片. 它由高强度、耐高温的塑料或纸质涂覆塑料制成,能防潮、耐磨且有一定的柔韧性,携带方便、使用较为稳定可靠. 通常,磁卡的一面印刷有

magnetic card:磁卡片

magnetic biasing 磁偏置 | magnetic card 磁卡片 | magnetic cartridge 磁拾音头


magnetic 磁的磁性物质符号 | magnetic 磁性的 | magnetic-card unit 磁卡片

magnetic biasing:磁偏置

magnetic-armature speaker 舌簧式扬声器 | magnetic biasing 磁偏置 | magnetic card 磁卡片

block vote:卡片投票法

block variable ==> 块变量 | block vote ==> 卡片投票法 | block wall ==> 磁畴壁

gyro compass error:陀螺罗经差

Compass deviation card 磁罗经自差卡片 | Gyro compass error 陀螺罗经差 | Search And Rescue 搜索和救助