英语人>词典>汉英 : 碳酸饱和 的英文翻译,例句
碳酸饱和 的英文翻译、例句


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After saturating the aqueous layer with anhydrous potassium carbonate, the organic layer was removed and the aqueous layer was extracted with tetrahydrofuran 4 .times.


Spicy and fatty foods, fizzy drinks and citrus fruits can make the problem worse.


It is convenient for sinter to be leached, and the secondary reaction appears little. The slurry after sinter leaching is transferred into autoclave for desilicification at about 170℃, and the siliceous modulus of solution reaches more than 200. Then some lime is added for deep-desilication at normal pressure, the siliceous modulus of solution increases more than 600 even if the Al2O3 content is more than 200g/L.The SiO2 coefficient in hydrate garnet from deep-desilication is more than 0.28. Under conditions of the addition of seed and application of novel technology of carbonization, the contents of Na2O and SiO2 in product are less than 0.37% and 0.025%, respectively.

实验结果显示:烧成的熟料溶出条件宽松,二次反应程度弱;溶出浆液在170℃左右直接进行加压脱硅,脱硅后溶液的硅量指数大于200,再加入适量的石灰进行深度脱硅,即使溶液中氧化铝浓度超过200g/L时,精液的硅量指数也大于600,且得到的水化石榴石中二氧化硅饱和系数大于0.28;通过加入晶种和采用新的碳酸化分解工艺制度,产品中的SiO2 含量降至0.025%, Na2O含量小于0.37%;加入表面活性剂,不仅能将碳分母液蒸发至Na2OT浓度大于300g/L,而且还可有效减缓表面上结疤的形成速度。

II. Oxidation of α,β-Unsaturated Ketones with Hypervalent Iodine Reagent Literatures reported that lead acetate-borontrifluoride etherate (LTA/BF3-Et2O) can transform α,β-unsaturated ketone to β,γ-unsaturated carboxylic acid ester through an one-step oxidative rearrangement reaction. Our research along this line indicated that hypervalent iodine reagents can also affect the same reaction.

II。 高价碘对α,β-不饱和酮之氧化研究先前已有文献指出用leadacetate-borontrifluoride etherate (LTA/BF3-Et2O)做氧化剂,可以经由一步的重组氧化反应把α,β-不饱和酮(α,β-unsaturated ketones)氧化成β,γ-不饱和碳酸酯(β,γ-unsaturated carboxylic acid esters)衍生物。

Thus,α,β-unsaturated ketones were prepared by base-catalized aldol condensation between substituted arylaldehydes and acetones. Using iodosobenzene diacetate as oxidants, the resulting α,β-unsaturated ketones will be transformed to β,γ-unsaturated carboxylic acid esters.

以不同取代的芳香醛跟丙酮缩合后可以得到α,β-不饱和酮,再用iodosobenzene diacetate做氧化剂氧化,可以成左卤o到β,γ-不饱和碳酸酯类化合物。

The mechanism of carbonization process of aluminate solution was analyzed thermodynamically. The results show that the internal reason of precipitation of Al3 in the process is its spontaneous nucleation caused by supersaturation of aluminate solution. The behaviors of SiO2 in the process are in accordance with that from published experiment, which implies that the content of product SiO2 from carbonization depends on its solubility but is not the result of absorption. The thermodynamic calculation for forming Na2O·Al2O3·2CO2· n H2O was achieved.

摘 要:为对高浓度铝酸钠溶液碳酸化分解过程中产品杂质含量的控制提供理论依据,分析了铝酸钠溶液碳酸化分解过程的热力学,认为该过程中Al3析出的真正机理是过饱和铝酸钠溶液的自发结晶;而基于分解过程中平衡浓度的热力学计算表明,在碳酸化分解过程中SiO2的变化规律与公认的三段变化规律一致,说明该过程产品中SiO2的含量取决于它在溶液中的平衡浓度,而非吸附所致;同时还分析了丝钠铝石的形成热力学。

The adsorption of NH〓 in the 〓CO〓 solution and the adsorption of NH〓-N in the waste water from the Coking plant,Capital Iron and Steel Coripo ration by bentonite were investigated. The results show that the amount of 〓 adsorbed by particulate betonite (〓1. 68mm) and -200 mesh bentonite are 26. 39 and 8. 87mg/g, respectively; and the amount of NH〓-N in the waste water from the coking plant adsoybed by particulate bentonite, acid activated bentonite and -200 mesh bentonite are 32. 00, 21. 85 and 15. 62mg/g, respectively.

对膨润土吸附溶液中的 NH〓离子和从首钢公司焦化厂焦化废水中去除氨氮进行的试验研究结果表明,该膨润土对碳酸铵溶液中 HN〓离子的饱和吸附量是颗粒膨润土26.39mg/g、粉状膨润土8.87mg/g;对焦化废水中氨氮的饱和吸附量是颗粒膨润土32.00mg/g、活性膨润土21.85mg/g和粉状膨润土15.62mg/g。

更多网络解释与碳酸饱和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


carbonas 碳酸盐 | carbonated 含二氧化碳 | carbonation 碳酸饱和


我的一位同行---艾伦韦纳是位于加州伍兰岗的交流发展联合公司的总裁,他使用"碳酸饱和"(carbonation)一词形容一个人的活跃程度. 它不仅包括手势,也包括面部表情、说话速度和其他形式的肢体语言. 我们都听见和看见过"充碳酸气过饱和"的人,

carbonic acid gas:碳酸氧

carbonation 碳酸饱和 | carbonic acid gas 碳酸氧 | carbonic acid 碳酸

trans-vinylene unsaturation:反伸乙烯不饱和反应

vinylene carbonate polymer 碳酸伸乙烯酯聚合物 | trans-vinylene unsaturation 反伸乙烯不饱和反应 | vinyl episulfide 环硫乙烯

carbonatation mud:碳酸饱和泥

carbonado 黑金刚石 | carbonatation mud 碳酸饱和泥 | carbonate 碳酸盐


carbonationjuice饱充糖汁 | carbonatization碳酸饱充作用 | carbonator碳酸化器;碳酸化装置;碳酸饱和


carbonatization碳酸饱充作用 | carbonator碳酸化器;碳酸化装置;碳酸饱和器 | carbonicacid碳酸


399.4771 饱和脂肪酸 Satu rated | 十二碳酸 Lauric | acid、十四碳酸


carbonatedspring碳酸泉水 | carbonating充二氧化碳;碳酸化 | carbonation充(碳酸)气(作用);碳酸气饱和

aldehydo-carboxylic acid nitriles:醛类碳酸腈

aldehydo-carboxylic acid ester, acyclic 醛类碳酸酯、无环的 | aldehydo-carboxylic acid nitriles 醛类碳酸腈 | aldehydo-carboxylic acids, aliphatic, saturated 醛类羧酸类、脂肪族的、饱和的