英语人>词典>汉英 : 碳酸钙填料 的英文翻译,例句
碳酸钙填料 的英文翻译、例句


pearl filler
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According to the production method and the use, calcium carbonate has nano calcium carbonate, light and heavy calcium carbonate and grind calcium carbonate.


The effects of emulsions, pigments, conventional fillers, heat-insulation fillers and film thickness on the reflection and heat-insulation properties under infrared lamp are investigated in order to find the best materials for the heat-insulation coatings. It is found that both the titanium dioxide with high refractive index and the diatomite powder with micro pores possess the optimal reflection and heat-insulation properties, calcium carbonate also has sonic heat-insulation effect. However, the filler such as meerschaum, which in theory possesses the effect, has not shown heat-insulation function.


Used the TDYM to get the image diagraphs of observation of the veinsof the floor and measure its wideness.


Common fillers are various silicates, carbonates and sulfates such as clay, limestone, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, barytes, etc. Water is added to produce a filler that spreads easily when applied and drys into a hard mass.


There is no solvent pollution of the solvent free AKD was. It is able to be used in cap paper of foodstuff. The AKD's production method is consecutive. Liquid AKD wax may solve the skidding of paper. The high speed of reaction with fibre AKD wax is used in the light-weight coated paper.


The best dosage of silicate fiber and the effect of combination of the precipitated calcium carbonate and silicate fiber as filler on paper property are investigated.

摘 要:研究了硅酸铝纤维性能及其作为填料在纸张中的应用,并与轻质碳酸钙填料进行了对比实验,探讨硅酸铝纤维作为填料的最佳加入量及与PCC混合后对纸张性能的影响。

Experimental results showed that the CPF improved the retention of precipitated calcium carbonate filler significantly. With 0.9% CPF (based on oven-dry pulp), the retention of PCC increased from 57.53% to 72.21%. The physical properties of paper were also slightly improved. The tensile strength and burst strength of the paper with CPF were higher than those with CPAM.


The resultant cationized pulp fibers can obviously improve the retention of precipitated calcium carbonate filler in the furnish. Adding 2% of CPF (based on oven-dry pulp) can improve the retention of PCC from 61.1% to 83.4%, compared with the retention of PCC only 78.2% by adding 0.05% of CPAM, and also the application of CPF is better than adding EPI-DMA directly. At the same time, CPF can improve the drainage performance of the stock.


Excellent property scope: for wood pulp, Reed, American pulp waste slurry, and so on all kinds of culture in the production of paper, paperboard and newsprint and fruit sizing of paper and requirements of wrapping paper, over a wide pH (7-9), wide, the most suitable manufacturing conditions are pH (7.5-8.5) cannot use calcium carbonate filler, could replace traditional Rosin Sizing and AKD acid neutral sizing.


The chromatic aberration was decreased for filler adding, and the decrease was the biggest by CaCO3, the smallest decrease is TiO2. The chromatic aberration decreased gradually with CaCO3 dosage, however, the chromatic aberration changed little when CaCO3 dosage is greater than 20%; also the two-sidedness of paper was improved by filling.


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