英语人>词典>汉英 : 碳酸化作用 的英文翻译,例句
碳酸化作用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与碳酸化作用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

New relations of minerals, mineral paragenesis and replacement have also been found.


The study on the hardening mechanism of the soft soil with the materials shows that the hardening procedure can be divided into three stages:(1). Hydrating and dissolving stage, when material A and material B of the high-water-content and quick-setting materials respectively dissolve and balance in water.(2). Gel and consolidating stage, when the materials hydrate into calcium crystal and the ion exchange and aggregation of soil particles occur in an alkaline environment.(3). the structure developing stage, when the calcium crystals connect each other, absorb and crystallize the water around; the hydrate remnants, calcium hydroxide, carbonate continuously in water and in the air.


Rare elements and REE are mainly enriched in gray-black trachyte and less in other rocks. In addition, schistosity, pyritization, silicification and carbonation in gray-black trachyte are contributed to enrich rare element and REE. It is suggested that alkaline rocks in Hongyang area have the characteristics of subvocanics, and alkaline rocks in Hongyang and Miaoya areas all came from upper mantle and mixed with some substances of crust. Intrusion of alkaline rocks is related to the occurrence, development and evolvement of the deep rupture zone in the areas.


The ore-near hydrothermal alteration rocks in Pangushan tungsten deposit s incluted;silicification,greisenization muscovization,phyllitealteration,sericitization,biotization,chloritization, carbonatization and so on.


AIM: Using a new laser fluorescence device - the KaVo DIAGNOdent,we studied the occlusive effects of mixed solution of NaHCO 3 and NaF on dentinal tubules.

目的 :用激光荧光仪定量研究碳酸氢钠和氟化钠混合液对牙本质小管的堵塞作用。

更多网络解释与碳酸化作用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(二)被水解成碳酸铵: 尿素在土壤中会受微生物群分泌的尿素分解酵素(Urease)的催化,水解成 碳酸铵(参考式 1),此即尿素的铵化作用. 尿素的铵化作用速率和土壤质地,土壤肥沃度,土壤酸碱度,土壤水分,土 壤温度有关,


carbonationjuice饱充糖汁 | carbonatization碳酸饱充作用 | carbonator碳酸化器;碳酸化装置;碳酸饱和器


carbonatization碳酸饱充作用 | carbonator碳酸化器;碳酸化装置;碳酸饱和器 | carbonicacid碳酸


再煮器;再煮锅 reboiler | 再碳酸化(作用) recarbonation | 接受器 receiver


carbonatedspring碳酸泉水 | carbonating充二氧化碳;碳酸化 | carbonation充(碳酸)气(作用);碳酸气饱和