英语人>词典>汉英 : 碱金属元素 的英文翻译,例句
碱金属元素 的英文翻译、例句


alkali metal
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Different functional group also brings different influence for the absorbance of alkali metal.


A light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite.


A soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group; turns yellow in air; occurs in celestite and strontianite.


Based on the characteristics of biomass fuel, this article summarizes the sources of alkali metals in biomass and the elutriation and migration.


" Alkali metal:Any of the six chemical elements in the leftmost group of the periodic table (lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium)."


In heavy compositions, the coal rich in pyrite is seriously slagging, in light compositions, the coal rich in alkali metal is seriously fouling.


This application focuses on the aspects of chemical variation rule of rocks and mineral composition changes of mylonites corresponding to the ductile shearing by the case study in the ductile shear zones in south Tan-Lu fault belt. The results show that there exists evendent variation between deformed and undeformed rocks in ductile shear zones, i.e., the decreasing of SiO2 and alkali elements as well as the large ionic lithophile elements, such as Rb,Sr,Ba. The total REE has the behavoir of increasing during the deformation.

本研究着重选择郯庐断裂带南段广泛出露的中深层次韧性剪切带作为研究对象,系统研究剪切带内外变形条件对岩石化学成分变异规律、研究糜棱岩中变形矿物的化学成分随剪切应变作用的对应关系韧性剪切带内,随着变形程度的增加,韧性剪切带糜棱岩中一些常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素和应变强度之间存在明显的对应关系,主要表现SiO2 和碱金属和大离子亲石元素如Rb,Sr和Ba的亏损以及REE总量增加。

Sherds were collected from Hongzhou Kiln covering 8 periods from Eastern Han to Late Tang Dynasty/the Five Dynastied and their bodies were analysed by NAA. The results show that the elemental contents in different samples are quite distinct, even for those in the same period. It means no single element can be used as "fingerprint" to distinguish the period. The curves of the contents of Na, Rb, Ba and Fe varying with lime are very similar, like "U" shape.


Sherds were collected from Hongzhou Kiln covering 8 periods from Eastern Han to Late Tang Dynasty/the Five Dynastied and their bodies were analysed by NAA. The results show that the elemental contents in different samples are quite distinct, even for those in the same period. It means no single element can be used as "fingerprint" to distinguish the period. The curves of the contents of Na, Rb, Ba and Fe varying with time are very similar, like "U" shape.


And they end up predominantly in the fine particle fraction in the fly ash duringcombustion.When biomass sample is pretreated by using chemical fractionation method,the content of volatile alkali in fuels decreases clearly and large amount of available C1 andS is also leached.So,during combustion the vaporization amount of alkali reduces and theformation of fine particle fraction in the fly ash is limited.


更多网络解释与碱金属元素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alkali metal:碱金属

价电子数等於其族数(Group number),例如IA族碱金属(alkali metal)有一个价电子,而VIIA族卤素(halogen)具有七个价电子. 周期表上同族的元素具有类似的化学性质,即因其拥有相同的价电子. 路以士(G.

Alkali Metals:碱金属本文来自:博研联盟论坛

125. s-Block Elements s区元素本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | 126. Alkali Metals 碱金属本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | 127. Alkaline Earth Metals 碱土金属本文来自:博研联盟论坛


[绿柱石](beryl)化学成分'Be_3Al_2[Si_6O_18]',经常含碱金属元素,如锂、钾、铯等. 六方晶系. 晶体呈六方柱状,柱面上具细纵纹;集合体成散染粒状、晶簇状,偶见柱状集合体. 一般为白色带绿,也有呈翠绿色(纯绿宝石,


第二章 碱金属 锂(Lithium) 钠(Sodium) 钾(Potassium) 铷(Rubidium) 铯(Cesium) 钫(Francium) 注意:1. 并不包括氢(H) 2. 钫为放射性元素 原子半径(nm) 第一节钠 钠可以用刀切开 一、钠的物理性质 a.质地软、有银白色金属光泽 b.密度比水小,比煤油大 c.熔、


(一)碱金属元素:元素周期表中IA族元素(除H外)称为碱金属,包括锂(Li)、钠(Na)、钾(K)、铷(Rb)、铯(Cs)、钫(Fr). 由于它们的氢氧化物(MOH)均易溶于水,呈强碱性,因而统称碱金属. 碱金属是典型的活泼金属,在自然界没有单质存在,


碱金属元素的原子结构 碱金第二章 碱金属 锂(Lithium) 钠(Sodium) 钾(Potassium) 铷(Rubidium) 铯(Cesium) 钫(Francium) 注意:1. 并不包括氢(H) 2. 钫为放射性元素 原子半径(nm) 第一节钠 钠可以用刀切开 一、钠的物理性质 a.质地软、有银白色金属光泽 b.密度比水小,比煤油大 c.熔、


第二章 碱金属 锂(Lithium) 钠(Sodium) 钾(Potassium) 铷(Rubidium) 铯(Cesium) 钫(Francium) 注意:1. 并不包括氢(H) 2. 钫为放射性元素 原子半径(nm) 第一节钠 钠可以用刀切开 一、钠的物理性质 a.质地软、有银白色金属光泽 b.密度比水小,比煤油大 c.熔、


有志者事竟成 苦心人天不负 05/10/25 第三节 碱金属元素 锂(Lithium) 钠(Sodium) 钾(Potassium) 铷(Rubidium) 铯(Cesium) 钫(Francium) 注意: 钫为放射性元素 原子半径(nm) 讨论: 碱金属元素在结构上有无相同点,不同之处有无一定规律?