英语人>词典>汉英 : 碰撞声 的英文翻译,例句
碰撞声 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hurtle  ·  hurtled  ·  hurtles

impact sound
更多网络例句与碰撞声相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baize is used to cover restau- rant tables to prevent the tablecloth from slipping off,to cover card tables or billiard tables,and to cover the door leading from a kitchen into a dining room to prevent the door from banging.


But there was no chink of curtain rings.


I heard the clank of metal from the back of the car and the little girl's voice came clearly to me.


They were so close we could hear the clink of the metal and gurgle of the water as they filled their canteens….


I don't hear coconuts banging together.


Continuous spectra are appropriate to the clash of cymbals.


Too negligently or maliciously treated,one would,from time to time,crash to the floor.


The crashed plane was smashed into ashes in a plash, with cashes splashed in clash.


But at about twenty to seven I knew the milkman would come;the noise of the milk bottles usually woke me up.


High up above him there was a clicking of ewers and basins , a sound of laughter and of people calling to one another , a banging of doors , which in their continual opening and shutting allowed an odor of womankind to escape - a musky scent of oils and essences mingling with the natural pungency exhaled from human tresses


更多网络解释与碰撞声相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bump up prices, salaries, etc:提高物价、薪金等

*bump up prices, salaries, etc 提高物价、薪金等. | 1 (dull sound of a) blow, knock or impact; collision (发出低沉响声的)撞击, 碰撞, 冲撞,... | *The two children collided with a bump. 两个孩子砰的一声撞上...


由于采用了"杜比"(Dolby)公司最强的"Dolby Pro LogicⅡ"音效处理技术,因此,在战斗中的全部声音都将采用"实时音效处理"来完成. 由四面八方骤然响起的喊杀声、武器碰撞的斩击之声以及"雨"、"风"等自然现象的音效表现均异常真实......令玩家们在进行游戏时就好像身临其境.


横冲直撞的玩法不同于一般竞速赛车游戏以比快为目标,而是要追求以夸张(Exaggerated)震撼的撞毁来得到高分. 玩家可以开着大马力的跑车,在各种道路甚至都市中超速狂飙,找寻最棒目标来撞毁. 体验碰撞的刺激,享受破坏的快感!声效震撼、画面刺激!

Pom Pom:怦怦声

喷油有尘点 dust paint | 怦怦声 pom-pom | 碰撞 impact


索尼娅( Sonia)在人们面前跳了起来,她像人鱼一样,摆动着腰部和臀部的连接处. 她柔软的腹部,就像有灵魂一样,起伏抖动着,前后肚皮舞左肚皮舞右,从急到缓. 她的微笑有一种独特的魅力,身上的金属饰肚皮舞物在肚皮舞摇摆下发出清脆的碰撞声,

Empty bottles chinked as the milkman put them into the crate:送奶人把空瓶放进箱格时,瓶子发出咣啷咣 啷的碰撞声

2479. Through a chink she could ... | 2480. Empty bottles chinked as the milkman put them into the crate. 送奶人把空瓶放进箱格时,瓶子发出咣啷咣 啷的碰撞声. | 2481. The entire content of a book will be...

the horse swished its tail:嗖嗖

smash碰撞 | swish嗖嗖 the horse swished its tail. | swoosh 哗哗流动声