英语人>词典>汉英 : 碧玄岩 的英文翻译,例句
碧玄岩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Basanite and tephrite from Mt. Crater, Cape Bird and southern bank of Bonney Lake are considered as a major result of partial melting of equilibrium in the mantle, fusibility f=1. 5-7%, mantle reservior are enriched in LREE and Yb, and latite from Cape Rodeys and Cape Evens as a results of magmatic fractional crystallization, crystallinity F=58. 09-70.72%, its primary magama is almost the same as basanite in study area.


All the volcanic rocks present younger K-Ar age (less than 5Ma), which can be termed as Cenozoic rocks. In general speaking, volcansim can be dividied into two eruptive stages. In the first stage, volcanic rocks for Pliocene epoch (4. 4-5Ma) consist of basanite and tephrite, which distributed on Mt. Crater, Cape Bird, and southern bank of Bonney Lake; In the second stage, volcanic rocks for Quaternary (less than 1 Ma) are mainly composed of latite, which are distributed on Cape Rodeys and Cape Evens.On the basis of geochemical data such as major elements, trace elements , rare earth elements, isotope, microprobe analysis, combined with main achievement taken by previous researcher in this area, conclusions are drawn basically as follows


Tuyon volcanic rocks are classified as alkali series, which are low in silicon, enrichedin alkali, especially enriched in kalium. The types of the volcanic rocks include trachybasalt,basanite, basalt,and phonolitic basalt.


Basanite and tephrite from Mt. Crater, Cape Bird and Bonney Lake exhibit similar composition in major elements and trace elements, rare earth elements . They are enriched in MgO, TiO〓, transitional elements and compatible elements , and depleted in SiO〓, Al〓O〓, Na〓O, K〓O, incompatible elements and rare earth elements; Latite from Cape Rodeys and Cape Evens are different from basanite and tephrite, they are enriched in SiO〓, Al〓O〓, Na〓O, K〓O, incompatible elements and rare earth elements, and depleted in Mgo, TiO〓, transitional elements and compatible elements. Volcanic rocks in five regions have the same isotopic ratio of 〓Sr/〓Sr (0.703115-0.703334) and 〓Nd/〓 Nd (0.512892-0.513076), however,〓Pb/〓Pb ratio in volanic rocks from Mt. Crater, Cape Bird and Bonney Lake is lower than those of Cape Rodeys and Cape Evens.


On the basis of the study on the petrology, Trace element, and isotopic geochemistry, the primary magma of volcanic rocks can be divided into two series according to their originated rocks and degree of partial melting. One is the basanite-alkaline basalt-Olivine tholeiite magma series, which are generated by partial melting from spinel Iherzolite; the other is nephelinite magma-alkaline picritic basalt magma, which are generated by partial melting of the garnet Iherzolite.


The Tianheyong basalts are basanites, which at least can be subdivided into three types of mineral assemblage.


The rocks aremainly composed of alkaline olivine basalts and basanites, and lots of lava layers had ultra-maficxenoliths and megacrysts.


更多网络解释与碧玄岩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


粒玄岩(dolerite)在13 区- 本区岩石的基本名称为响岩质碧玄岩(phonoliticb asanite)和响岩质碱玄岩(phonolitic14 区- 本区岩石的基本名称为碧玄岩(basanite)和碱玄岩(tephrite),


碧镍矾 morenosite | 碧玄岩;试金石 basanite | 碧玉 jasper

nepheline basanite:霞石碧玄岩

nephelescope 测云器 | nepheline basanite 霞石碧玄岩 | nepheline syenite 霞石正长岩

noselite basanite:黝方碧玄岩

黝方岩 noseanite; noseanolite | 黝方碧玄岩 noselite basanite | 黝方霞霓钠辉岩 noselite melteigite


620 BASANITE 碧玄岩 | 630 PHONOLITIC BASANITE 响岩质碧玄岩 | 640 BASANITOID 玻基玄武岩

biotite leucite basanite:云白碧玄岩

黑云二长粗安岩 biotite latite | 云白碧玄岩 biotite leucite basanite | 云辉二长岩 biotite mangerite

lydian stone:碧玄岩

lycopodium powder 石松粉 | Lydian stone 碧玄岩 | lye graduating tank 稠碱槽


athwartshiptanks 在中央隔板左右两边的对称油舱 | atlantite 暗霞碧玄岩 | atlapulgite 活性白土


"大西洋岩群","Atlantic Suite" | "霞石碧玄岩","Atlantite" | "氯石青","atlasite"


leucite 白榴石 | leucite-basanite 白榴石碧玄岩 | leucite-tephrite 白榴石碱玄岩