英语人>词典>汉英 : 碘乙烷 的英文翻译,例句
碘乙烷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

ethyl iodide
更多网络例句与碘乙烷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My company can provide pesticide, medicine, veterinary medicine intermediates, have 48 kinds of products (p-Bromo-p-Bromotoluene bromoform 1 - bromo-heptane Triethyl Citrate 1,2,3 - three Bromopropane 3 - Chlorine -4 - fluoro bromobenzene Bromotoluene ethylbenzene 4 - bromo -2 - bromo-ethyl-Chloroaniline 2 - bromo--5 - chloro-toluene 3 - bromo-C methyl 1,6 - dibromo-hexane 1 - bromo --4 - p-methoxy benzaldehyde o-bromo-acetic acid propyl bromide p-fluorotoluene dodecane four bromoethane of iodine bromide toluene tert-butane Tributyl Citrate 2 - bromo-p inter - Hydroxybenzaldehyde bromine butane 2 - bromo-propionic acid bromide veratryl aldehyde inter-bromo-trifluoro-n-hexane of toluene on Bromoxynil Bromotoluene toluene ethylbenzene o-bromophenol bromide Cyclohexane Cyclopentane bran bromate bromide Malay Dibutyl Ethyl Lactate Propylene between bromine bromine bromine between aniline o-anisidine o-fluorophenol difluorobenzonitrile to aminobenzaldehyde Bromotoluene aniline on Bromobenzaldehyde Bromotoluene acid) expressed the hope that customers contact us!

我公司可提供农药,医药,兽药中间体,有四十八种产品(对溴苯酚对溴甲苯溴仿 1-溴庚烷柠檬酸三乙酯 1,2,3-三溴丙烷 3-氯-4-氟溴苯对溴乙苯 4-溴-2-氯苯胺溴乙酸乙酯 2-溴-5-氯甲苯 3-溴丙酸甲酯 1,6-二溴己烷 1-溴-4-硝基苯邻甲氧基苯甲醛溴乙酸丙酯对氟甲苯溴代十二烷对碘甲苯四溴乙烷溴代叔丁烷柠檬酸三丁酯 2-溴氯苯间羟基苯甲醛溴丁烷 2-溴丙酸黎芦醛溴已烷间溴三氟甲苯对溴苯腈对溴乙苯邻溴甲苯溴代环已烷溴代环戊烷糠溴酸马来酸二丁酯溴丙烯乳酸乙酯间溴苯胺间溴苯甲醚邻氟苯酚邻氟苯腈对氨基苯甲醛对溴苯胺对溴苯甲醛对溴苯甲酸)希望广大客户与我司联系!

The main products are: HH-01 fungicides HH-02 organic dispersant HH-03 cationic starch Wood HH-04 cationic starch Department HH-05 modified starch warp sizing agents also sell German Baker Chemical Co., Ltd. Main Products Defoamer series product: E640, T50 Surface Sizing Agent: A281, A288, K532, pesticides / medicine / veterinary medicine a variety of intermediate products (p-Bromo-p-Bromotoluene bromoform 1 - bromo-heptane triethyl citrate 1,2, 3 - Three Bromopropane 3 - chloro -4 - fluoro bromobenzene Bromotoluene ethylbenzene 4 - bromo -2 - bromo-ethyl-Chloroaniline 2 - bromo--5 - chloro-toluene 3 - bromo-methyl 1,6 C - Dibromo Hexane 1 - bromo -4 - nitrobenzene o-methoxy benzaldehyde acid propyl bromide p-fluorotoluene bromo dodecane toluene four of iodine bromide bromoethane three citric acid tert-butane n-butyl 2 - bromo-p-bromo-butane Hydroxybenzaldehyde between 2 - bromo-propionic acid bromide veratryl aldehyde inter-bromo-trifluoro-n-hexane of toluene on Bromoxynil Bromotoluene toluene ethylbenzene o-bromophenol bromide bromide Cyclohexane Cyclopentane bran acid dibutyl maleate Ethyl Lactate Propylene between bromine bromine bromine between aniline o-anisidine o-fluorophenol difluorobenzonitrile to aminobenzaldehyde Bromotoluene aniline on Bromobenzaldehyde Bromotoluene acid) and other relevant units have been in substantial promotion, and client set up a good relationship of cooperation has been the user's praise.

现主要产品:HH—01杀菌剂 HH—02有机分散剂HH—03阳离子淀粉 HH—04木署阳离子淀粉 HH—05 经纱上浆变性淀粉同时还代理销售德国贝克化学公司系列产品主要产品消泡剂:E640 、T50 表面施胶剂:A281、A288 、K532,农药/医药/兽药中间体多种产品(对溴苯酚对溴甲苯溴仿 1-溴庚烷柠檬酸三乙酯 1,2,3-三溴丙烷 3-氯-4-氟溴苯对溴乙苯 4-溴-2-氯苯胺溴乙酸乙酯 2-溴-5-氯甲苯 3-溴丙酸甲酯 1,6-二溴己烷 1-溴-4-硝基苯邻甲氧基苯甲醛溴乙酸丙酯对氟甲苯溴代十二烷对碘甲苯四溴乙烷溴代叔丁烷柠檬酸三丁酯 2-溴氯苯间羟基苯甲醛溴丁烷 2-溴丙酸黎芦醛溴已烷间溴三氟甲苯对溴苯腈对溴乙苯邻溴甲苯溴代环已烷溴代环戊烷糠溴酸马来酸二丁酯溴丙烯乳酸乙酯间溴苯胺间溴苯甲醚邻氟苯酚邻氟苯腈对氨基苯甲醛对溴苯胺对溴苯甲醛对溴苯甲酸)等在相关单位得到了大量推广,与客户建立了良好的合作关系,得到了用户的赞誉。

With half-trace law instead of constant law,bromine ethane not iodine ethane reacts to carbolic acid sodium in order to make benzene ether.


We studied the photodissociation of ethyl iodide around 280nm by ion velocity imaging for the first time.


The same is carried out in the microwave, ethanol, dichloroethane, sodium carbonate, tetrabutylammonium iodide ammonium dissolved in dimethylformamide, then access to carbon dioxide.


The iodination of fluorinated ylide-anions using element iodine or 1,2-diiodoethane wassuccessfully underwent and a series of of perfluoroalkylated α-iodo-α,β-unbsaturated nitriles were prepared.

成功地进行了含氟叶立德阴离子的碘化反应,通过用不同的碘化试剂即单质碘或〓, 2-二碘乙烷制备了一系列全氟烷基化的α—碘代—α,β-不饱和腈。

In the hydrocarbylation reaction,bromoethane was used instead of the expensive iodoethane with the yield 90% and the cost was reduced.


Ionization was accomplished by using iodoethane and γ-propane sultone respectively.


The invention relates to a kind of middle/high temperature heat pump refrigerant mixture containing trifluoroiodomethane (R13I1) and tetrafluoroethylene (HFC134a), which is suitable for using as the refrigerants for middle/high temperature heat pump system with a temperature of 60~120deg.C.


Finally, N ethey[3,3 dimethyl spiralindoline naphthoxazine]was synthesized by the addition of 1 nitroso 2 naphthol also,the photochromic mechanism of the substance and its photochromic phenomenon in ethanol were studied.

报道了以苯肼和 3 甲基 2 丁酮为原料首先合成 2 ,3 ,3 三甲基吲哚,吲哚再与碘乙烷亲核取代,碱化得费舍尔碱,最后与 1 亚硝基 2 萘酚作用合成N 乙基 [3 ,3 二甲基螺吲哚啉萘并恶嗪 ]的全过程,并研究了该物质的变色机理以及在乙醇溶剂中的光致变色现

更多网络解释与碘乙烷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Trichloro ethane:三氯乙烷

全氯乙烯 Perchloroethylene | 三氯乙烷 Trichloro ethane | 碘 Iodine

carbon hexachloride; hexachloroethane:六氯乙烷

六氯乙烷 carbon hexachloride; hexachloroethane | 四碘化碳 carbon iodide | 一氧化碳 carbon monoxide

Ethyl hydnocarpate:大风子油酸乙酯

"氨基苯甲酸乙酯(阿奈司兜辛,本佐卡因)","Ethyl ester of paramino benzoir acid (Ethyl aminobenzoate, benzocaine)" | "大风子油酸乙酯","Ethyl hydnocarpate" | "碘乙烷","Ethyl iodide"

quinoline ethiodide:喹啉碘乙烷

quinoline dye 喹啉染料 | quinoline ethiodide 喹啉碘乙烷 | quinoline hydrochloride 喹啉盐酸盐

ethylidene fluoride:二氟乙烷

亚乙乌拉坦;亚乙二(胺甲酸乙酯) ethylidene diurethane | 1,1-二氟乙烷 ethylidene fluoride | 1,1-二碘乙烷 ethylidene iodide


iododeoxycytidine 碘去氧胞苷 | iodoethane 碘乙烷 | iodoethanol 碘乙醇


iodoethane 碘乙烷 | iodoethane 乙基碘 | iodoethanol 碘乙醇

iodoethane:碘乙烷 乙基碘

iodoeosintest 碘曙红试验 | iodoethane 碘乙烷 乙基碘 | iodoethanol 碘乙醇

iodoethane; ethyl iodide:碘乙烷;碘化乙基

碘环己烷 iodocyclohexane | 碘乙烷;碘化乙基 iodoethane; ethyl iodide | 碘仿;三碘甲烷 iodoform; triiodomethane

iodoform; triiodomethane:碘仿;三碘甲烷

碘乙烷;碘化乙基 iodoethane; ethyl iodide | 碘仿;三碘甲烷 iodoform; triiodomethane | 碘甲烷 iodomethane