英语人>词典>汉英 : 确定无疑地 的英文翻译,例句
确定无疑地 的英文翻译、例句


to demonstration
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"Certain it is that, some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town, the wooden jail was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front."


The confusion with which I am dealing besets confessedly legal conceptions.


The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than any thing else in the New World.


"But surely, Thrasymachus, the arts are the superiors and rulers of their own subjects?"


The problem is that the quests are unambiguously evil. And you have no option to make moral choices.


I most definitely feel that there is.


Certain it is that, some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town, the wooden jail was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front.


They confirm the presence of the companion star's disk, without a doubt, and establish the particle sizes as being relatively large like gravel rather than like fine dust.


The Litany, Collective and Eucharistic prayers of the early Church were surely set forms, and the familiar daily prayers, the Our Father, Hail Mary, Apostles' Creed, Confiteor, Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity, all attest the usage of the Church in this respect and the preference of the faithful for such approved forms to others of their own composition.

的一系列的,集体的和圣体圣事祈祷了早期教会的使命是确定无疑的形式,与熟悉的日常祈祷,在我们的天父,万福玛利亚,宗徒信经, Confiteor行为的信仰,希望,慈善,所有证明的使用教会在这方面的意愿,忠实地为这些核准形式,向他人自己组成。

更多网络解释与确定无疑地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


就首先提出本体论证明这一非常值得注意的思想的人安瑟尔谟(Anselm)看来,无疑地他原来的意思仅论及某种内容是否在我们思维里的问题. 他的话简略地说是这样的:"确定无疑的,那个对于它不能设想一个比它更伟大的东西,不可能仅仅存在于理智中.

beyond question:毫无疑问,确定无疑

35.on purpose 故意地 | 36.beyond question 毫无疑问 确定无疑 | 37.at any rate 无论如何

with certainty:确定无疑地

under repair 在修理中 | with certainty 确定无疑地 | with a firm hand 坚决地

confessed:公开承认的, 不容怀疑的

confessant | 忏悔者, 供认者 | confessed | 公开承认的, 不容怀疑的 | confessedly | 确定无疑的, 众所公认地

confessedly:确定无疑的, 众所公认地

confessed | 公开承认的, 不容怀疑的 | confessedly | 确定无疑的, 众所公认地 | confessingly | 像忏悔者一般地

under repair:在修理中

under treatment 在治疗 | under repair 在修理中 | with certainty 确定无疑地

Out of there without a doubt:确定无疑地出局了

You are all left out 你出局了 | Out of there without a doubt 确定无疑地出局了 | 'Cause baby, baby, baby, you're out of time 因为,宝贝,宝贝,宝贝,你和我不合拍


confessedly | 确定无疑的, 众所公认地 | confessingly | 像忏悔者一般地 | confession of faith | 信仰声明(获准入教前所作)

with a firm hand:坚决地

with certainty 确定无疑地 | with a firm hand 坚决地 | with a light heart 心情愉快地