英语人>词典>汉英 : 硬颚 的英文翻译,例句
硬颚 的英文翻译、例句


hard palate
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Produced with the front of the tongue near or against the hard palate, as the in English young.


Used to contact the back part of the hard palate and the soft palate.


Produced with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate, as the in English chin.


Recently, hard palate mucosal grafts have been successfully applied in oculoplastic reconstruction.


The thickness of palatal masticatory mucosa varies at different parts of the hard palate and increases with age.


Hard palate mucosal grafts are readily accessible, and provide good structural stability.


The roof of the mouth in vertebrate s having a complete or partial separation of the oral and nasal cavities and consisting of the hard palate and the soft palate.


Cleft palate may involve only the soft palate at the back of the mouth or may run forwards through the bone of the hard palate.


Some orders of the commander, in a foreign, guttural voice, reached the !souses which seemed dead and deserted, while behind closed shutters, eyes were Watching these victorious men, masters of the city, of fortunes, of lives, through the "rights of war."


The masticatory mucosal thickness was measured in the hard palate by "bone sounding". A multiple regression model using the generalized estimating equations method was constructed to analyze the site-level data to investigate the association of the palatal mucosal thickness with the five selected factors and to analyze specifically differences among the 15 measurement points at site level.

收集43位台湾成人包括23位男性和20位女性(年龄从26岁至68岁),於硬颚区犬齿到第二大臼齿位置,每颗牙距离牙龈边缘4mm、8mm、12mm处,用牙周探针穿刺法来利量共15个点的黏膜厚度,并利用Generalized estimating equations method来进行统计分析。

更多网络解释与硬颚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alveolar provess:齿槽突

upper lip frenulum 上唇系带 | alveolar provess齿槽突 | hard palate硬颚

hard palate:硬颚

鼻咽部(nasopharynx):前接后鼻孔,腺样体(adenoid)位在其顶端,在小孩时期明显,侧壁有耳咽管开口4.非疼痛性口腔或咽溃疡 ( painless oral ulcers ) :尤其位於硬颚 ( hard palate )...或鼻咽部 ( nasopharynx ) 的溃疡....5.非腐蚀性多


根据Elshaug医师所述,校正OSA有两种主要手术方式:"软上颚"手术,例如悬雍垂颚咽成形术(uvulopalatopharyngoplasty,UPPP),用手术刀或者雷射修饰过多组织;"硬上颚"手术,例如切骨术(osteotomy)/小颚(maxilla)和/或下颚前置(mandibular advancement),


oral vowel 口腔元音 | palatal 硬颚音 | palato-alveolar 硬颚齿龈音

palatine tonsil:颚扁桃腺

hard palate硬颚 | palatine tonsil颚扁桃腺 | sublingual caruncle 舌下阜


11Vertebrata脊椎动物穿腭动物 | 12Gnathostomata颚口动物总纲圆口动物 | 13Teleostomi硬骨动物软骨鱼纲

Ixodes persulcatus:全沟硬蜱

1.全沟硬蜱(Ixodes persulcatus) 盾板褐色,须肢为细长圆筒状,颚基的耳状突呈钝齿状. 肛沟在肛门之前呈倒U字形,足Ⅰ基节具一细长内距. 是典型的森林蜱种,是针阔混交林优势种. 成虫在4~6月活动,幼虫和若虫在4~10月出现. 三宿主蜱,三年完成一世代发育.


根据Elshaug医师所述,校正OSA有两种主要手术方式:"软上颚"手术,例如悬雍垂颚咽成形术(uvulopalatopharyngoplasty,UPPP),用手术刀或者雷射修饰过多组织;"硬上颚"手术,例如切骨术(osteotomy)/小颚(maxilla)和/或下颚前置(mandibular advancement),


12Gnathostomata颚口动物总纲圆口动物 | 13Teleostomi硬骨动物软骨鱼纲 | 14Euteleostomi真硬骨动物假硬骨鱼