英语人>词典>汉英 : 硬木材 的英文翻译,例句
硬木材 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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You got rugs to keep from freezing the bejesus out of your toes.

硬木材 有毛毯防治你的脚冻掉

The hard, heavy wood of this tree, used in cabinetwork.


It is a hard wood that comes in a wide variety of colours from light brown to dark brown.


I like to use oak because it is a hard wood, and it holds up to the stress of the shroud lines that are attached to the gunwale eyes.


The hardwoods are used mainly to make furniture, for panelling and flooring, and as fuel.


Just a year ago China appeared to be upending the decades-old order in Africa, stepping into the void left by large Western companies too timid to invest in the continent's resource-rich but fragile states as the market for copper, tin, oil and timber (树木,林木;木材,木料) soared to new heights.


In the process of wood drying, because that the dry rate on the surface of wood is ten times than which inside, the moisture content of wood on the surface reduce to the fiber saturation point first, and begin to shrinkage, but the moisture inside content of wood is far higher than the fiber saturation point, the higher the standard criterion in wood drying, the more obvious of shrinkage.

摘 要:在木材干燥过程中,由于木材表面水分的蒸发速度比木材内部水分移动的速度大10倍左右,因此木材表面的含水率首先降低到纤维饱和点,并开始发生干缩,而此时木材内部的含水率还远远高于纤维饱和点,干燥基准越硬,这种现象越突出,木材发生开裂的可能性就越大。

Hardwoods such as hickory, oak and ash also burn well.


Hardwoods such as hickory, oak and ash also burn well.


While others such as Durhams Rock Hard Wood Putty, if mixed according to the manufacturers directions, does not form a good wood filler coat 20 but when it is mixed with a latex flat paint, it does produce cracks.


更多网络解释与硬木材相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Albizzia Durazz:合欢属

黑格为豆科含羞草亚科(MimosoideaeTaub)合欢属(Albizzia Durazz)硬合欢类的一个树种,主要产于缅甸、云南. "心材黑褐或巧克力色,常夹杂有暗红褐色条纹. 木材有光泽;生材心部有酸臭气,干后逐渐消失,无特殊滋味"(罗良才>).

european beech:欧洲山毛榉

信息简介: 树种商品名(英文名) 俗称 气干密度克/立方米 木材硬度 刨切方法 欧洲山毛榉(European Beech) 欧榉 0,67~0.72 硬 径切、弦切 黑槭本(Hard Maple) 枫本 0.74 硬 弦切少量径切 红柞木(Red Oak) 红橡 0.79 硬 弦切少量径切 白柞

tube bender:弯管器

sellery07-715弯管器(tube bender) 单价: 510.30 元/把武汉雷诺锯业是美国雷诺在大陆的专业代理商,美国雷诺(lenox)带锯条锯条是全球销量最大的品牌之一,特别在硬材料和木材等切割方面,全球领先.


在国际上木材学家将商品材树种分为针叶树(Coniferous tree, Conifer)及阔叶树(Broad-leaved tree, Deciduous tree),据此将木材也分为针叶材(softwood)和阔叶材(Hartwood),也有人将此译为软材和硬材或软木和硬木,

benty:硬草的, 多硬草的

bentwood | 弯曲木材制的 | benty | 硬草的, 多硬草的 | benumb | 使失去感觉, 使迟钝, 使麻木

Enterolobium cyclocarpum:{象耳豆}

略轻软至略硬重,略脆而不耐腐. 常作地板、细木工、胶合板、包装箱和纸浆材等用. 豆科中环果象耳豆(Enterolobium cyclocarpum)称墨西哥核桃木. 分布于中美洲及西印度群岛、南美洲北部. 木材栗褐色,微波形排列的管孔,与核桃木有几分相像.

iron haematoxylin:铁苏木兰

二胺次乙基四醋酸铁 iron ethylene diamine tetraace-tate;Fe-EDTA | 铁苏木兰 iron haematoxylin | 木质坚硬的树木;硬木材 iron-wood


木质坚硬的树木;硬木材 iron-wood | 无柄帽蕈属;真桑蕈属(担) Irpex | 无柄帽蕈 Irpex kusanoi Henn et Shirai

Tabebuia spp:蚁木

木材名称:蚁木(Tabebuia spp)产 地:巴西国外名称:Lapacho俗 称:紫檀材性及用途:气干密度0.80-1.06g/cm3,该木材材质重硬,结构细腻,纹理交错,耐磨、耐虫蛀.

Albizzia Durazz:合欢属

黑格为豆科含羞草亚科(MimosoideaeTaub)合欢属(Albizzia Durazz)硬合欢类的一个树种,主要产于缅甸、云南. "心材黑褐或巧克力色,常夹杂有暗红褐色条纹. 木材有光泽;生材心部有酸臭气,干后逐渐消失,无特殊滋味"(罗良才<<云南经济木材志>>).