英语人>词典>汉英 : 硫喷妥钠 的英文翻译,例句
硫喷妥钠 的英文翻译、例句


pentothal socium · sodium thiopental · sodium thiopentone
更多网络例句与硫喷妥钠相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective: To investigate the effects of Thiopental on δ-band of QPEEG in convulsant rabbits.


Methods: Totally 16 healthy adult rabbits of both sexes were randomly divided into SP group and NS group. The rabbits in SP and NS group were given Thiopental (3 mg/kg) and normal saline (1 ml/kg) respectively by intravenous injection via ear vein after establishing convulsant models by injecting Strychnine into the other ear vein. QPEEG and power spectral analysis were used to analyze the changes of δ-band of QPEEG in convulsant rabbits before and after administering drugs.

成年家兔16只,雌雄不限,随机分为硫喷妥钠组和生理盐水组,每组8只,在建立惊厥兔模型后,分别耳缘静脉注射硫喷妥钠3 mg/kg、生理盐水1 ml/kg,应用QPEEG,采用功率谱分析法,分析惊厥家兔给药前后QPEEG δ频段的变化。

Propofol15 M and thiopental 10 M attenuated gap junctioncommunication in slice cultures by 46.7%± 4.5% and 48.8%± 5.5%, respectively, as measured by FRAP.

FRAP 发现15u m 的异丙酚和10u m 硫喷妥钠分别减低缝隙连接间的信息传递达46.7%±4.5%和48.8%±5.5%。

Methods Pro-caine intravenous anesthesia was administered after ketamine basal anesthesia,pentothal sodium induction and intubation.


The cocktail used generally contains sodium thiopental (to anaesthetise the condemned man), pancuronium bromide and potassium chloride.


Results Mean number of errors of the mice were 1±0.3, 0.9 ± 0.6 and 1.4±1.0 respectively, all of them were different significantly compared with control on the second, third and fifty-sixth day after the brain irradiated with 20Gy electron beam.


The good news is that the intravenous anaesthetic thiopental appears to have no effect on the proteins.


At similar levels of drug effect, propofol and thiopental affectdifferent regions of the brain.


Thiopental 4 mg/kg was used for anesthetic induction.

诱导使用4 mg/kg 的硫喷妥钠

Objective: To investigate the neuromuscular effects of propofol or thiopental on succinylcholine.


更多网络解释与硫喷妥钠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sodium pentothal:硫喷妥钠

"导语:北京时间12月15日消息,据国外媒体报道,印度警方怀疑一名男子参加了11月发生在孟买的袭击袭击事件,他们打算给这名男子服用"吐真药"硫喷妥钠(sodium pentothal),让他说出事实真相.



thiopental:硫喷妥钠 戊硫代巴比妥

硫柳汞 Thiomersal | 硫喷妥钠 戊硫代巴比妥 Thiopental | 硫利达嗪; 甲硫哒嗪 Thioridazine

Thiopental Sodium:硫喷妥钠

1.硫喷妥钠(thiopental sodium) 为超短效巴比妥类静脉全麻药. 常用浓度为2.5%,其水溶液呈强碱性,PH值为10-11,在室温下可保存24小时,但容易析出结晶. 硫喷妥钠容易透过血脑屏障,增强脑内抑制性神经递质γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的抑制作用,

Thiopental Sodium:硫喷妥钠[麻醉药]

Thionine 硫堇[解毒药] | Thiopental Sodium 硫喷妥钠[麻醉药] | Thiopentemal 硫喷妥钠[麻醉药]

Thiopental Sodium:硫喷妥钠,硫戊塔钠,喷妥撒纳

thionyl fluoride ==> 亚硫酰氟 | thiopental sodium ==> 硫喷妥钠,硫戊塔钠,喷妥撒纳 | thiopentone sodium ==> 硫戊塔钠

sodium thiopental:硫喷妥钠

查出来的结果是氯化钾(potassium chloride),可使心脏停止跳动,配合麻醉用的硫喷妥钠(sodium thiopental)以及让肌肉放松的泮库溴铵 ...很好奇,今天特地查了一下百度,看看注射死刑到底是用的哪种致死药物.

Thiopental Sodium for Inj:注射用硫喷妥钠

Streptomycin for Inj. 注射用链霉素 0.25EU/mg | Thiopental Sodium for Inj. 注射用硫喷妥钠 1.0EU/mg | Thiotepa for Inj. 注射用塞替派 6.25EU/mg

Penthiobarbital;Thiomebumal;Thiopental Sodium;Thiopentemal;Thiopentone:硫喷妥钠

硫培南 Sulopenem | 硫喷妥钠 Penthiobarbital;Thiomebumal;Thiopental Sodium;Thiopentemal;Thiopentone | 硫平酸 Tiopinac


pentosuria戊糖尿 | pentothal硫喷妥钠 | Pentothal喷妥撒