英语人>词典>汉英 : 硝酸纤维素 的英文翻译,例句
硝酸纤维素 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

cellulose nitrate · nitro cellulose
更多网络例句与硝酸纤维素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mixed cellulose ester membrane is a mixture of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate.


Cellulose Nitrate; Nitrocellulose containing a maximum of 12.6% Nitrogen


Mixed cellulose ester membranefor hydrophilic is a mixture of cellulose acetatecellulose nitrate.


In this paper, the hydrophobic cellulose nitrate microporous composite membranes have been obtained by modification of hydrophilic cellulose nitrate microporous membranes by the use of plasma polymerization of octafluorocyclobutane.


Cellulose nitrate filters, for example, are used for aqueous, oily, and weakly alcoholic solutions; and cellulose acetate filters, for example, are used for strongly alcoholic solutions.


The optimum pH for labeling was between 7.5-8.0, and the optimum spiking rate of polyclonal antibody was 12μg/ml. The absorb pad, sample pad, glass fiber of ARIST and nitrocellulose membrane HF24004 of Millipore were chosen as GICA materials. The carbofuran-OVA conjugate 0.97mg/ml and sheep anti-rabbit IgG 0.48 mg/ml was dispensed with Nano-Plotter (NP 1.2) onto the NC membrane to serve as test line and control line, respectively. The colloidal gold-labeled anti-carbofuran antibody was dispensed on the glass fiber with 20μl/unit.

选用ARIST公司的吸水垫、样品垫、玻璃纤维纸和Millipore公司的HF24004硝酸纤维素膜作为试纸条材料,用三维喷点平台分别将0.97mg/ml的克百威-OVA结合物和0.48 mg/ml羊抗兔IgG间隔5mm平行定量喷涂固化于硝酸纤维素膜上作为测试线和质控线,将金标记抗克百威多克隆抗体以20μl/垫定量滴加于玻璃纤维纸上,干燥硝酸纤维素膜和玻璃纤维纸。

The total RNA from brain tissue of substantia nigra of PD rats is extracted at the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 8th week and comparison is made between it and that from normal rats. The total RNA, after RNA formaldehyde degenerated sepharose electrophoresis and separation and Northern transfer, is adsorbed unto colloxylin membrane. Then ECL labeled Selenoprotein P and an unknown gene fragment are used as probes to hybridize with the RNA on the colloxylin membrane. And the hybridized result is obtained with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Finally, analysis of OD is made using ONE-Dscan software.

分别提取1周、2周、1月、2月的帕金森大鼠(各8只)黑质区脑组织总RNA,并取相对应时间的正常大鼠的脑组织总RNA作为对照,经RNA甲醛变性琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离后,通过Northern转移,将其吸附在硝酸纤维素膜上,然后利用ECL标记的Selenoprotein P和一段未知基因为探针,与硝酸纤维素膜上的RNA分子进行杂交,再通过显影取得杂交的结果,应用ONE-Dscan软件进行光密度值分析。

The objective was to develop a rapid and simple colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay for the diagnostic of chicken NDV. Tri-sodium citrate with aqueous gold chloride were warmed up and mixed to make gold sol. Colloidal golds were coupled with the purified anti-ND antibody.


Tri-sodium citrate with aqueous gold chloride were warmed up and mixed to make colloidal gold were labeled with monoclonal antibody against SM and were coated onto the glass fiber after the mixure veered purified.


A cellulose nitrate used as a component of smokeless powder.


更多网络解释与硝酸纤维素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


绍二、醋酸-硝酸纤维素(CAN)行业下游发展状况分析三、醋酸-硝酸纤维素(CAN)行业下游对醋酸-硝酸纤维素(CAN)行业影响力分析第十二章 醋酸-硝酸纤维素(CAN)重点企业发展分析第十三章 醋酸-硝酸纤维素(CAN)行业投资策略分析第

cellulose nitrate:硝酸纤维素

如亲水性的硝酸纤维素(Cellulose nitrate)滤膜,适合用于水溶性样品;亲脂性的醋酸纤维素(Cellulose acetate)滤膜,适合用于含高浓度醇类的样品;抗生素类药品可采用对抗生素吸附作用较低的滤膜.

CN Cellulose nitrate:硝酸纤维素

cmc:carboxymethyl cellulose:羧甲基纤维素 | cn:cellulose nitrate:硝酸纤维素 | cp:cellulose propionate:丙酸纤维素

CN Cellulose nitrate:硝酸纤维素 赛璐璐

AS Acrylonitrile-styrene resin 丙烯腈/苯乙烯共聚物 AS树脂 | CN Cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素 赛璐璐 | EPM Ethylene-propylene polymer 乙烯/丙烯共聚物 乙丙树脂

cellulose nitrate film:硝酸纤维素胶片

cellulose fibre 纤维质纤维 | cellulose nitrate film 硝酸纤维素胶片 | cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素

cellulose nitrate plastics:硝酸纤维素塑料

cellulose nitrate plastic detector 硝酸纤维素塑性检测器 | cellulose nitrate plastics 硝酸纤维素塑料 | cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素

Cellulose Nitrate CN:硝酸纤维素

硝基苯|nitrobenzene | 硝酸纤维素|"cellulose nitrate, CN" | 小[型]遥控盘|mini-remote control panel

MF nitrocellulose:硝酸纤维素

LDPE melamine resin 三聚氰胺酚醛树脂 | MF nitrocellulose 硝酸纤维素 | phenolic resin 酚醛树脂

nitrocellulose membrane:硝酸纤维素膜

丽春红(Ponceau S)染色液可以用于PVDF膜、硝酸纤维素膜(nitrocellulose membrane)和醋酸纤维素膜(celluloseacetate membrane)上的蛋白的检测. 丽春红带负电荷,可以与带正电荷的氨基酸残基结合,同时丽春红也可以与蛋白的非极性区相结合从而形成红色的条带.

NC nitrocellulose:硝酸纤维素(硝化棉)

CYC Cyclohexanone 环己酮 | NC Nitrocellulose 硝酸纤维素(硝化棉) | CAB Cellulose Acetobutyrate 醋酸丁酸纤维素