英语人>词典>汉英 : 硝化菌属 的英文翻译,例句
硝化菌属 的英文翻译、例句


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Results of P-uptake experiments show that 11 isolates have denitrifying and P-uptake ability, and JB2 and JB3 identified as Pseudomonas and Alcaligenes have the best P-uptake ability. After 8 h, 13.76 mg/L and 11.85 mg/L PO(superscript 3- subscript 4)-P can be removed.


The characters and performance of the biofilm were studied. When the concentration of nitrite is 206.82 mg/L, the velocity of nitrification is 260 mg/L·d. The best performed bacteria, N-20, were identified as Nitrobacter sp.


Result The identification showed that the strain ZW38 belonged to Nitrosomonas and ZL5 belonged to Paracoccus.


The results indicate that (1) After acclimation and induction, Phosphorus Accumulating Organism not only has the characteristics of denitrification, but also has the characteristics of takeup phosphate in aerobic;(2) Denitrifying phosphate accumulating bacteria using NO3- as electron acceptor indeed existed in the conventional enhanced biological phosphorus removal system;(3) The facultative anaerobe seperated during the process of acclimation are Corynebacterium, Pseudodiphtheria corynebacterium, Staphylococcus and Moraxella; all of which can be functioned as denitrifying phosphorus accumulating to various degree.

试验结果表明:(1)好氧聚磷菌经驯化诱导后不但具有反硝化产氮特性,而且具有好氧聚磷特性;(2)在传统的A2O 工艺中存在有以NO3-为电子受体的反硝化聚磷菌;(3)在驯化过程中分离到的兼性厌氧微生物有棒状杆菌属、假白喉棒杆菌、葡萄球菌属及莫拉氏菌属,且都有不同程度的反硝化聚磷功能。

更多网络解释与硝化菌属相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


相关链接 硝化螺旋菌门热微菌门 ...简介 硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospira)是一类革兰氏阴性细菌. 其中的硝化螺旋菌属(Nitrospira)作为硝化细菌(nitrifier),可将亚硝酸盐氧化成硝酸盐. 相关链接热微菌门 ...

nitrogenous waste:含氮废物;氮性废物

nitrogenous base 含氮碱;含氮碱基 | nitrogenous waste 含氮废物;氮性废物 | Nitrosomonas 亚硝化单胞菌属




Nitrobacteraceae 硝化杆菌科 | Nitrobacterieae 硝化菌亚科 | Nitrosomonas 亚硝化胞菌属


参与这个阶段活动的亚硝酸细菌主要有 5个属:亚硝化毛杆菌属(Nitrosomonas) ;亚硝化囊杆菌属(Nitrosocystis);亚硝化球菌属(Nitrosococcus);亚硝化螺菌属(Nitrosospira)和亚硝化肢杆菌属(Nitrosogloea).

Nitrosococcus H. Winogradsky:亚硝化球菌属

nitrosation 亚硝化(作用) | Nitrosococcus H. Winogradsky 亚硝化球菌属 | Nitrosocystis H.Winogradsky 亚硝化囊菌属


氨氧化菌种群多样性受溶解氧的影响非常大,而亚硝酸氧化菌的种群多样性比较单一,且不受溶解氧的影响.结合FISH (全细胞荧光原位杂交) 分析结果表明,在OLAND限氧稳定运行后期,亚硝化单胞菌属(Nitrosomonas)是主要的氨氧化菌,


Nitrobacterieae 硝化菌亚科 | Nitrosomonas 亚硝化胞菌属 | Nitscheina 泥苔虫属

Nitrosomonas H.Winogradsky:亚硝化单胞菌属

Nitrosogloca H.Winogradsky 亚硝化胶团菌属 | Nitrosomonas H.Winogradsky 亚硝化单胞菌属 | Nitrosospira H.Winogradsky 亚硝化螺菌属