英语人>词典>汉英 : 硝化细菌 的英文翻译,例句
硝化细菌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nitrifier  ·  nitrobacteria

nitric bacteria · nitrifying bacteria
更多网络例句与硝化细菌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seaweed extract-EClean was applied to treatment for eutrophication water. Quantative detection of nitrogen cycle bacteria showed that seaweed extract could improve the growth of ammonifying bacteria, nitrosobacteria and nitrobacteria in the treated water. There was also an increasing trend in the number of denitrifying bacteria in aerated treatment water, which showed that the seaweed extract could accelerate nitrogen cycle and the release of nitrogen from water.


Conclusion] The ammonifiers in nitrogen utilizing bacteria in Danhe water was in much distribution,the nitrobacteria,nitrosation and denitrifying bacteria were at next and azotobacter was relatively less.

结论] 丹河水体中的氮利用菌中氨化细菌分布较多,硝化细菌、亚硝化细菌和反硝化细菌次之,固氮菌则相对较少。

This experiment is studying the quantities of Change development about the Microorganism Vicinity Manpower wet land with MPN,Last we work out the the quantities of Nitrification bacterium、Oppose the nitrification bacterium and Aminate a bacterium in water Unit volume with Biostatistics.we analysis gets conclusion that the quantities of Three kinds microorganisms is the most Vicinity Manpower wet land according to the last data.


The invention discloses a disposing method of ammonia nitrogen waste water in the effluent disposal technological domain, which is characterized by the following: sieving heterotrophic nitrobacteria and aerobic denitrobacteria with stronger environment adaptive ability to nitrate and denitrate simultaneously; constructing mud nitrated and denitrated system to dispose waste water with nitrogen simultaneously to satisfy different DO densities.


The amounts of microorganisms in a new denitrification and phosphorus removing integration equipment in its initial stage of running was measured and the change of total bacteria ,Molds,nitrobacteria, Actinomycetes, Nitrobacteria ,Nitrosobacteria and Nitrate reducing bacteria in different times were also studied.


Through the screening of the nitrosobacteria and the denitrobacteria, each strain of nitrosobacteria and denitrobacteria was separated and screened resp. form the marine culture wastewater, named as ZW38 and ZL5, and their optimum culture conditions were studied.


The paper studied the effects of submerged macrophyte and immobilized bacteria on the distribution of four bacteria communities: ammonifying bacteria; nitrosobacteria; nitrobacteria and denitrifying bacteria in water column and sediment of eutrophicted water.


To reduce the poisonous compounds in the breeding ponds,five species of bacteria including denitrobacteria ,photosynthetic bacteria,thiobacteria and bioflocculation bacteria were screened from the breeding water.


These nitrogen cycle bacteria include ammonifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, nitrobacteria and nitroasobacteria, determined with MPN method.


Ammonifying rate, nitrosifying rate,nitrifying rate and denitrifying rate were determined by measurement of conversion efficiency and accumulating rate of nitrogenous matter by ammonifying bacteria, nitrobacteria, nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria in the surface 0-1.5 cm of pond sediment from the intensive fish culture ponds.


更多网络解释与硝化细菌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

denitrifying bacteria:反硝化细菌

分解硝酸盐的反硝化细菌(denitrifying bacteria)已过度操劳:在充满腐败物质的排水沟中,它们平均能消耗16%的硝酸盐;即使在污染不严重的溪流中,反硝化细菌也只能消耗全部硝酸盐的43%...过去几年的多项研究表明,睡眠不足会增加肥胖的几率.

denitrifying bacteria:反硝化细菌 脫氮細菌

denitrification 反硝化作用 脫氮作用 N | denitrifying bacteria 反硝化细菌 脫氮細菌 N | dense pasture 集约放牧 集約放牧地 Y


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nitrifier; nitrifying bacteria:硝化细菌

硝化细菌 Nitrifying bacteria | 硝化细菌 Nitrifier ,Nitrifying bacteria | 硝酸碳酸法 Nitro carbonic process

Nitrite bacteria:亚硝化细菌

[摘要]采用正交法建立了由栅藻(Scencdesmus obliquus)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgans)、亚硝化细菌(Nitrite bacteria)、硝化细菌(Nitrate bacteria)组成的复合藻-菌净化系统去除氨态氮和亚硝酸态氮的最优化模型,确定了单胞藻与细菌的最优化数量配比关系,



nitrobacteria:硝化菌 硝化细菌

nitroazobenzene 硝基偶氮苯 | nitrobacteria 硝化菌 硝化细菌 | nitrobacterium 硝化菌

nitrifying bacteria;nitrobacter;nitrobacteria:硝化细菌

硝化;硝化作用 nitrification | 硝化细菌 nitrifying bacteria;nitrobacter;nitrobacteria | 硝酸 nitric acid



nitrifying bacteria:硝化细菌

后来他进一步确认这种反应属於硝化作用(nitrification)的结果,同时也将这类能进行硝化作用的细菌给予命名为硝化细菌(nitrifying bacteria). 维诺格雷斯基(Winogradskyi)认为探讨硝化细菌的种类是认识硝化细菌的基本程序,因此他决定在这个领域中继续探索.