英语人>词典>汉英 : 硝化纤维素 的英文翻译,例句
硝化纤维素 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与硝化纤维素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cellulose nitrate containing secondary amine group was prepared by one-pot method in two steps: etherification and amination.

硝化纤维素为原料,经一锅法醚化和胺化 2步反应合成了仲胺型硝化纤维素

Cellulose Nitrate; Nitrocellulose containing a maximum of 12.6% Nitrogen


DSPI MV-series f-imagnat innovativeink, binders is cellulose nitrate, alcohol-soluble, table, heat-resistant up to 160 ° c.


Smokeless powder又称为cordite【A smokeless explosive powder consisting of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and petrolatum that has been dissolved in acetone, dried, and extruded in cords.

无烟线状火药,一种无烟炸药,由硝化纤维素、硝化甘油和凡士林组成,在丙酮中溶解,风干并压成绳状),属于double base powder硝化甘油与硝化纤维双基火药),是跟黑火药完全不同的东西。

As an important industrial solvent,it is capable to dissolve cellulose ether, cellulose ester, nitrocellulose ,alkaline base dyestuff, PVC, polyvinyl acetate, polymethylmethacrylate, polystyrene, coumarone resin, 100% phenol resin, modified phenol resin and various natural resins.


This is particularly evident in nitrocellulose propellants.


NITROCELLULOSE, WETTED withnot less than 25% alcohol, by mass


The process of preparing NCAGE included the following steps: alkalization of the treated cellulose; etherification of the alkali cellulose; nitration of the water-soluble cellulose ether; and azidation of nitrocellulose glycidol ether.


At higher concentrations hydrogen bondings formed due to the residual hydoxyl groups of nitrocelluloses lead to viscoities only a weak function of shear rates.


The experimental results show that the composite emulsion of nitrocellulose -alkyd resin acrylate, which is prepared by modifying the nitrocellulose with non -drying or alkyd resin, methyl methacrylate and butyl acrylate monomer under the optimized experimental conditions have good stability and excellent performance.


更多网络解释与硝化纤维素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cellulose nitrate:硝化纤维素

他无意间在玻璃瓶内铺上一层硝化纤维素(Cellulose nitrate),之后发现玻璃瓶跌在地上后裂而不破. 他想把有塑胶夹层的玻璃应用在汽车的挡风玻璃上,以减少汽车意外所造成的伤亡. 夹层玻璃最初用于第一次世界大战时所生产的防毒面具. 1936年后,

Cellulose Nitrate CN:硝化纤维素

11 羧甲基纤维素 Carboxymethylcellulose CMC | 12 硝化纤维素 Cellulose nitrate CN | 13 纤维素丙酸酯 Cellulose propi

collodion cotton:胶棉,低氮硝化纤维素

collet 小轴钳;套筒 | collodion cotton 胶棉,低氮硝化纤维素 | colloid 胶体;胶态,胶状

collodion cotton:火胶棉,低氮硝化纤维素

collenchymatous cell 厚角组织细胞 | collodion cotton 火胶棉,低氮硝化纤维素 | colloid 胶体,胶态

Nitrocellulose lacquer:硝化纤维素喷漆

nitrocellulose 硝化纤维 | nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维素喷漆 | nitrogen 氮

Nitro-cellulose lacquer:硝化纤维素清漆

Nissen hut 瓦坑铁圆顶屋 | nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维素清漆 | no borrow area 禁止采泥区

Nitro-cellulose lacquer:硝化纤维素(素喷)漆

洗漆剂 paint scrubber | 硝化纤维素(素喷)漆 nitro-cellulose lacquer | 硝化纤维素漆;硝基漆 nitro-lacquer; pyroxyline lacquer


目前市售指甲油绝大多数为须使用去光水去除的油性不可剥式指甲油,其主要成份为硝化纤维素(NITROCELLULOSE),以及大量有机溶剂,如醋酸丁酯(BUTYL ACETATE)、醋酸乙酯(ETHYL ACETATE)、异丙醇(ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL)、甲苯(TOLUENE)等.


pyro-refining 火法精炼 | pyrocellulose 焦纤维素,高氮硝化纤维素 | pyroceram 微晶玻璃,玻璃陶瓷

nitrated cellulose:硝化纤维素

nitrate 硝酸盐 | nitrated cellulose 硝化纤维素 | nitration 硝化(作用)