英语人>词典>汉英 : 硝化作用 的英文翻译,例句
硝化作用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Terrestrial microorganisms play a vital role in soil nitrogen cycling. They participate in important ecological processes such as nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification and denitrification.


In this paper, the effects of enrofloxacin residues on soil ecological processes (soil respiration, soil cellulosic decomposition, soil ammonification , and soil nitrification) were studied.

1μg/ g土对土壤氨化作用有刺激作用,而较高浓度恩诺沙星残留(1μg/ g土,10μg/ g土)则会对其起抑制作用,药物作用活性期为 9d;不同浓度恩诺沙星对土壤硝化作用影响极其显著,当恩诺沙星浓度达到 1μg/ ml时,在 3~ 9d内,对土壤硝化作用有一定抑制作用。

In this paper, the importance of denitrification in the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen in estuaries is summarized, It introduces methods of denitrification determination, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.


The communities of Denitrifying bacteria, and some key enzymes of denitrification were also introduced.


After years' effort, a new aerobic denitrifier that can deoxidize NO 3 - to N 2 and N 2 O has been isolated from ocean environment. Compound bacterial production is made up of aerobic denitrifying bacteria, nitrifying bacteria and organic compound degrading bacteria.

本项目将好氧还硝化菌、硝化细菌和有机质高效降解菌制成复合微生物制剂,通过多种微生物共同作用,在好氧的条件下能同时进行有机质降解、硝化作用和反硝化作用,可有效降低水中的三氮( NH 4 +、 NO 2 -、 NO 3 -)。

Nitrification is one of the most important step is the nitrogen cycle, this series of reactions are responsible for chemoautotrophic nitrobacteria, therefore the chemoautotrophic nitrobacteria play an important role in nitrogen cycle.

摘要 硝化作用为整个氮循环的必须步骤之一,这一连串的反应主要由自营性的硝化菌负责,因此,自营性硝化菌在氮循环中扮演著关键的角色。

The results show that:①The forest soils have the stronger nitrification, but also the nitrification in surface horizon is stronger than the undersoil's.


The results showed that the wastewaters from the production of dyestuff, rubber and assistants from individual discharging points had significant effects on nitrification,while some characteristic pollutants,sueh as aminobenzene,nitrobenzene,phenol as weU as Zn2+,Mn2+,and Ni2+,especially Ni2+,had obvious inhibiting effects on nitrification,resulting in obvious reduction of the rate of nitrificatiOn in the biochemical treatment system.


Heterotrophic nitrification bacteria are able to utilize organic carbon sources to grow and produce hydroxylamine, nitrite and nitrate from nitrogen compounds, and most of them can also denitrify these products to gaseous nitrogen compounds simultaneously.


When studying simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in membranebioreactor,it was foud that the concentration of DO was a key factor and the influence of C/N,pH value and temperature were unconspicuous.


更多网络解释与硝化作用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


主要来源於硝化作用(Nitrification)与反硝化作用(Denitrification), 由硝化菌通过氧化将NH3转化为NO2, 或少量由没有气氧能生活的细菌经过反硝化作用将NO3转化为NO2.

aerobic denitrification:好气反硝化,好气性反硝化作用

aerobic dehydrogenase 需氧脱氢酶 | aerobic denitrification 好气反硝化,好气性反硝化作用 | aerobic digestion 好气性消化,需氧消化法

chemical denitrification:化学反硝化作用

土壤化学固定 soil chemical fixation | 化学反硝化作用 chemical denitrification | 钾固定 potassium fixation


nitrated cellulose 硝化纤维素 | nitration 硝化(作用) | nitric acid 硝酸


nitrate 硝酸酯 | nitration 硝化作用渗氮法 | nitre 硝


氮循环与微生物 氮循环(nitrogen cycle)是指氮在生物与环境之间的一种循环关系,它主要依赖微生物之间的作用为动力来完成的,主要共由四种微生物的生化作用所构成,分别是:固氮作用(nitrogen fixation)、氨化作用(ammonification)、硝化作用(nitrification)和固氮作用(den

bacterial nitrification:细菌硝化(作用)

bacterial methane | 甲烷细菌 | bacterial nitrification | 细菌硝化(作用) | bacterial oxidation | 细菌氧化(作用)


硝化作用 nitrification | 亚硝化作用 nitrosification | 反硝化作用 denitrification

Nitrosococcus H. Winogradsky:亚硝化球菌属

nitrosation 亚硝化(作用) | Nitrosococcus H. Winogradsky 亚硝化球菌属 | Nitrosocystis H.Winogradsky 亚硝化囊菌属

nitrating agent:硝化剂

nitration 硝化<作用> | nitrating agent 硝化剂 | nitrated oil 硝化油