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硝化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nitration  ·  nitrify  ·  nitrating  ·  nitrified  ·  nitrifies

更多网络例句与硝化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The invention is to carry out heterotrophic nitrifying phenomenon from the biology angle by screening heterotrophic nitrifying bacteria and the technology is the condition precedent to carry out short-range self-synchronous nitration and denitrification.


According to the above study results, especially the steady operation of two-sludge system(2A/O+N 2SBR), it can be proved that denitrification and excess phosphorus uptake are relatively independent and intersectant biological processes. The overlap is that denitrifying phosphorus removing bacteriawhich possesses the two bacterial metabolisms, could utilize nitrate as an electron acceptor for phosphorus uptake. The two-sludge system can not only combined biological phosphorus removal and denitrification processes to form a process in practical wastwater treatment , but also solved the main difficulties of current single-sludge systems:①the sludge age competition between phosphorus removing bacteria and nitrifier;② the substrate competition between denitrification and dephosphatation.

以上的研究结果,尤其是时间序列的双泥生物反硝化除磷脱氮系统工艺(2A/O+N 2SBR法)的稳定运行,不仅证明了生物脱氮与生物除磷是两个既相对独立又相互交叉的生理过程,其交叉点是同时拥有硝酸盐还原性和超量吸磷这两种生化特性的细菌进行的反硝化吸磷脱氮生化反应,而且双泥系统工艺克服了常规单泥生物脱氮除磷工艺的两大问题(①聚磷菌和硝化菌的SRT相互干扰;②反硝化与生物除磷竞争VFA),同时保证了脱氮和除磷效果,排水指标达到污水综合排水标准(GB8978-1996)的一级标准,具有实际工程使用价值。

After comparison of various process, a optimum process—ANIS process can be drawn; A autotrophic denitrifying process is successfully started up and stable operated; ANIS nitrous nitrifying process and autotrophic denitrifying process are joining-up in series to operate, and sound nitrogen removal effect can be achieved.


The invention discloses a disposing method of ammonia nitrogen waste water in the effluent disposal technological domain, which is characterized by the following: sieving heterotrophic nitrobacteria and aerobic denitrobacteria with stronger environment adaptive ability to nitrate and denitrate simultaneously; constructing mud nitrated and denitrated system to dispose waste water with nitrogen simultaneously to satisfy different DO densities.


To assess the thermal contribution from oxidation reaction, the standard formation enthalpes of all reactants and products were used to calculate the oxidation enthalpies. It could be found that all oxidation reactions were exothermic. And oxidation played a more important role during the toluene trinitration at high temperature, because the reaction temperature of toluene trinitration is the higher than mononitration and dinitration, and the temperature coefficient of oxidation is higher than that of trinitration too.


Experimental results showed that, in this process, the optimal pH of the shortcut nitrification was 8.0~8.5; when the pH was less than 6,the nitrification is completely inhibited; when the pH was 6~7, at the end of aeration, the Nitrobacteria become the dominant bacteria because of the dropping of the free ammonia concentration. It is known to all, the activity of the Nitrobacteria and Nitrosomonas was affected by FA concentration, so nitrification was affected by FA concentration. According to the author's research results, the FA concentration which inhibit the Nitrobacteria was below 1.0mg/L,which inhibit the Nitrosomonas was above 10mg/L.


When studying simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in membranebioreactor,it was foud that the concentration of DO was a key factor and the influence of C/N,pH value and temperature were unconspicuous.


Among them, nitrate-sulfuric acid system with higher nitrating activity can get high yields at mild condition in the nitration of deactivated aromatic compounds and could be used in the laboratory and industrial applications.


The green synthesis of nitrate esters using dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) as nitrating agent was briefly summarized.


The expression of one-dimensional mathematical model of vertical migration of ammonia in the CRI system is:The parameters in the CRI model are determined as following: the retardarce coefficient is determined by static isothermal absorption experiment, the velocity of sewage travel through the soil column is determined by permeability test, the vertical dispersion coefficient is determined by test the electric conductivity of tracer in the dispersion experiment, the rate of nitrification and denitrification is determined by test of Baps technology.


更多网络解释与硝化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

denitrifying bacteria:反硝化菌

段. 硝化菌(nitrifier)包括亚硝酸菌(nitrite bacteria),亦称氨氧化菌和硝酸菌数反硝化菌(Denitrifying bacteria)是异养菌(反硝化杆菌、荧光假单胞菌),也有


主要来源於硝化作用(Nitrification)与反硝化作用(Denitrification), 由硝化菌通过氧化将NH3转化为NO2, 或少量由没有气氧能生活的细菌经过反硝化作用将NO3转化为NO2.

aerobic denitrification:好氧反硝化

然而近年来,国内外的不少研讨和报道已能充足证明,反硝化可产生在有氧条件下,即好氧反硝化(Aerobic denitrification)的存在[1~2]?. 而在许多实际运行中的好氧硝化池中也常常发明有30%的总氮丧失[3]. 作者在采取序批式反映器处置某化肥厂氨氮废水的钻研中也发现了类的现象.

aerobic denitrification:好气反硝化,好气性反硝化作用

aerobic dehydrogenase 需氧脱氢酶 | aerobic denitrification 好气反硝化,好气性反硝化作用 | aerobic digestion 好气性消化,需氧消化法

denitrifying dephosphorization:反硝化除磷

硝化聚磷:denitrifying dephosphatation | 反硝化除磷:denitrifying dephosphorization | 反硝化聚磷菌:Denitrifying phosphorus-accumulating organisms

pyroxylin silk:硝化人造纤维,硝化丝

pyroxylin coating 硝化棉涂布 | pyroxylin silk 硝化人造纤维,硝化丝 | pyroxyline varnish 低氮硝化纤维漆

pyroxylin coating:硝化棉涂布

pyroxyling 硝化棉 | pyroxylin coating 硝化棉涂布 | pyroxylin silk 硝化人造纤维,硝化




参与这个阶段活动的亚硝酸细菌主要有 5个属:亚硝化毛杆菌属(Nitrosomonas) ;亚硝化囊杆菌属(Nitrosocystis);亚硝化球菌属(Nitrosococcus);亚硝化螺菌属(Nitrosospira)和亚硝化肢杆菌属(Nitrosogloea).


水族界向来认定亚硝化单胞菌(Nitrosomonas)将 NH4 转变成 NO2,而硝化杆菌(Nitrobacter)则将 NO2 转变成 NO3,亚硝化单胞菌(Nitrosomonas)和硝化杆菌(Nitrobacter)在水族缸内所扮演的角色其实不如预期!