英语人>词典>汉英 : 硅氯仿 的英文翻译,例句
硅氯仿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
silicochloroform  ·  trichlorosilane

更多网络例句与硅氯仿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper also reports the fusion curves of carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, bromoform, silicon tetrachloride, benzene, nitrobenzene, bromobenzene and chlorobenzene at pressures up to 3500 MPa between 226 K and 915 K.

本论文还讨论了四氯化碳、氯仿、溴仿、四氯化硅、苯、氯苯、溴苯和硝基苯八种纯物质的熔点曲线,温度范围为226 K到915 K,压力最高为3500 MPa。

Part three, preparation of colloidal gold. Wash the terrarium with the chloroform solution of 5% Dime thyldichlorichlorosilame, then we can make the colloidal gold.


Project Introduction: Trichlorosilane, also named Silicochloroform ,is mainly used in the synthesis of organic silicone, alkyl, aryl and organic functional group chlorosilane. It's the most basic monomer of the organic silane coupling agent,and the production material for semiconductor silicon and silicon; Manufacturing process of the tetrachlorosilane includes the reciprocal effect by the trichlorosilane steam and the hydric steam which has been heated up to 1700-2500SiCK by the plasma accelerator; the steam compound in the reactor goes into the condensing system that separates trichlorosilane. After that, polycrystalline silicon can be made.


更多网络解释与硅氯仿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methylene Chloride:二氯甲烷

由于硅胶表面的硅羟基或其他极性基团极性较强,因此,分离的次序是依据样品中各组分的极性大小,即极性较弱的组份最先被冲洗出色谱柱. 正相色谱使用的流动相极性相对比固定相低,如正已烷(Hexane),氯仿(Chloroform),二氯甲烷(Methylene Chloride)等.


CPS)的键合相填料. 由于硅胶表面的硅羟基(SiOH)或其他极性基团极性较强,因此,分离的次序是依据样品中各组分的极性大小,即极性较弱的组份最先被冲洗出色谱柱. 正相色谱使用的流动相极性相对比固定相低,如正已烷(Hexane),氯仿(C

intensional meaning:含意

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silicochloroform:硅氯仿 三氯甲硅烷

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