英语人>词典>汉英 : 破裂处 的英文翻译,例句
破裂处 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rent  ·  renting  ·  rents

更多网络例句与破裂处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So before applying Mather's theorem of connecting orbits to concrete Hamiltonian system, we have to check whether the set W〓 is empty or not, and which cohomology classes are C-equivalent. In present paper, by investigating the topological structure of action minimizing sets near a co-dimensional one torus which is preserved under generic perturbations and becomes hyperbolic in nearly integrable Hamiltonian system.


Pop Pop manages to finally get his arm through the glass.

Pop Pop 设法将他的手从玻璃破裂处伸进了室内。

Most complete rupture of the retina can be seen through the white sclera retina.


His elbow was poking through his torn shirt sleeve.


General operation needs the left and right sides half hours only, disinfect the vulva and shade road junction first normally, go next local soak is anaesthetic, reoccupy ophthalmology cuts the Hymen rent go out to achieve a predestined relationship trimly, use can absorb suture fine fine suture, make Hymen leaves the hole that passes one little finger only, need to be handled according to particular case diminish inflammation everyday after art in order to prevent infection, do not need take out stitches.


Inflammation and hemorrhage is seen here in the region of a ruptured varix of the esophagus .

食管静脉曲张破裂处可见炎症和出血。7-16 胃硬皮症及纤维化,三色染色

The prince was achingly thin, and bearded like a roadsider doomcrier; the parts of his skin that showed through the miserable sacking were covered with red sores.


Results In all the deaths related to subarachnoid hemorrhage , the main cause for the cases under 40 years of age was angiorrhexis mostly due to the malformation of the cerebral arteries or veins, while for the cases aged 40 years or more, angiorrhexis relating to atherosclerosis was found to be the primary cause , with ruptures occurring in striate arteries and posterior choroidal arteries.

结果 在本组蛛网膜下腔出血致死的案例中,40岁以下年龄段以脑动静脉畸形血管破裂为主要原因,且以动静脉畸形多见。 40岁以上年龄段,动脉粥样硬化血管破裂为第 1位原因,破裂处为大脑中动脉的豆纹动脉、脉络丛后动脉。

The edge metal of round hole often splits if the burring factor is less than the limiting burring factor.

当孔缘处变形程序超过极限变图 1 圆孔翻边示意图形程度时,孔缘处就会发生破裂。

Groundwater is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of lithologic formations.


更多网络解释与破裂处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


定义 骨折(fracture) 骨的完整性和连续性中断1.闭合性骨折(closed fracture) 骨折处皮肤或粘膜完整,骨折端不与外界相通. 2.开放性骨折(open fracture) 骨折处皮肤或粘膜破裂.骨折端与外界相通. 即骨折愈合的位置未达到功能复位的要求,

free kick:任意球

在场地中线的中点处做一个中心标记﹐b .如果球在开球(kick-off)、球门球(goal kick)、角球(corner kick)、任意球(free kick)、罚球点球(penalty kick)或者掷界外球(throw-in)等死球时破裂或损坏﹕应按照相应的规定重新开始比赛.


虫体移行具有"向地性"(geotropism),往往前端朝向地面,朝向下肢. 当患病部位与水接触时雌虫受刺激,虫体前端自溃疡处伸出,由于内部压力大及衰老,虫前部体壁破裂,子宫从裂口脱垂而出,向水中排出大量幼虫,其数目可超过50万/次.

goal kick:门球

在场地中线的中点处做一个中心标记﹐b .如果球在开球(kick-off)、球门球(goal kick)、角球(corner kick)、任意球(free kick)、罚球点球(penalty kick)或者掷界外球(throw-in)等死球时破裂或损坏﹕应按照相应的规定重新开始比赛.


处女膜破裂时一般破口位于截石位的4点和7点二处,破裂口以二...处女膜(hymen)位于阴道口和阴道前庭分界处. 是由含有微血管的薄结缔组织和粘膜构成,并含有神经末稍. 处女膜的中间有孔. 孔的形状、大小和厚薄因人而异. 此膜约厚2毫米.

arterial hyperemia:动脉性充血

动脉性充血(arterial hyperemia)又称为主动性充血,简称充血,主要是由于小动脉扩张致血液流入组织中的量增多. 一般来说,动脉充血的时间短淤血(congestion) 多是在外力作用下,使皮下毛细血管破裂出血所致. 因血液从毛细血管破裂处外渗致皮下. 所以我们在完整的皮肤上可以看到皮肤一片淤

cerebrospinal rhinorrhea:脑脊液鼻漏

脑脊液鼻漏(cerebrospinal rhinorrhea)是指脑脊液经颅前窝底、颅中窝底、或其他部位的先天性或外伤性骨质缺损、破裂处或变薄处,流入鼻腔或鼻窦,再经前鼻孔或鼻咽流出.



intrarenal reflux:肾内反流

5%~15%VUR患者可出现肾内反流(Intrarenal reflux)即尿液从肾盂经由肾乳头的肾直小管,沿集合管口上行散布,引起肾内炎症及肾损伤,亦称为"反流性肾病". (3)尿液漏入肾组织:膀胱尿逆流到肾盏,经小管或穹隆角的破裂处漏溢入肾间质,

A finger broke off and toppled in:一只破裂的指头在钵中翻转

当他将这撮食物放进钵中时 As he placed the morsel in my bowl | 一只破裂的指头在钵中翻转. A finger broke off and toppled in. | 我在一处墙脚边坐下 I sat down at the base of a wall