英语人>词典>汉英 : 破产法 的英文翻译,例句
破产法 的英文翻译、例句


bankrupt law · bankruptcy law · insolvent laws · law of bankruptcy
更多网络例句与破产法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cases under title 11 or under the Bankruptcy Act that, from the date of entry of the order for relief or the date of adjudication, as the case may be, antedate the report by more than 10 years.


Backgrounder: November 17, in accordance with the "Bankruptcy Law" stipulates that the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court held its first stake in Huaxia Securities Company bankruptcy creditors of the General Assembly.


Backgrounder: November 17, in accordance with the "Bankruptcy Law" stipulates that the Beijing Second Intermediate Court held its first stake in Huaxia Securities bankruptcy creditors, the General Assembly.


The law of modern bank insolvency is one of the most important factors in the legal system of modern commercial banks.


In the hearings on the 1978 Code, bankruptcy lawyers frequently praised prebankruptcy workouts and argued that the Bankruptcy Code should honor these agreements.


Article 13 Where a creditor dissatisfies with a ruling about the property distribution scheme and has filed an appeal, the people's court at the next higher level shall continue the trial according to the procedure for appeal, and in case an appeal is filed after the implementation of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, the people's court shall notify the creditor to apply for reconsideration according to Article 66 of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law.


Legal rights of obligees and obligors are not protected effectively,and people's courts have difficulty in trying bankruptcy cases accurately in time.


We find that there is an interval of the bankruptcy law, where the number of liquidations decreases in the toughness of the bankruptcy law.


Not surprisingly, it is unlikely that a single design of these bankruptcy laws fits all possible situations1 and different bankruptcy law designs have different effects on the number of liquidations in the country.


The introduction of supervisor system, made the procedure of bankrupt more market and specialization, also it is one of the most prominences of the new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law.


更多网络解释与破产法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attorney General:检察总长

1990年9月,检察总长(Attorney General)和首席法官(Chief Justice)指示香港法律改革委员会对关于无力偿债的法律和实践进行检讨并提交报告,其中要求"研究其他司法管辖区的现行的或拟议中的立法,特别是英国1986年无力偿债法和美国破产法第11章,

bank annuities:银行年金

"backward shiging of a tax","向后转嫁",297 | "bank annuities","银行年金",287 | "Bankruptcy laws",,,"破产法 ",229


卓越网法律法规报价是从卓越网网站同步或自动搜索过来的(未经人工编辑),仅为方便您查询报价和做好购物选择. 您在交易时,请以卓越网网站上的美国破产法(Bankruptcy)报价为准. 此外,智购网为您找到总计4条美国破产法(Bankruptcy)类似报价,详情链接如下:

bankruptcy law:破产法

泰国政府并督促银行进行增资,强化银行营运效益;另外,泰国政府并通过多项金融法案,如破产法(bankruptcy law)及取消抵押权赎回法(foreclosure law),加速企业和银行债务上的重整工作.

bankruptcy law:破产法 设备维修计划书

bankruptcy court 破产法院 | bankruptcy law 破产法 设备维修计划书 | bankruptcy proceedings 破产程序

bankruptcy petition:破产申请书

Bankruptcy code破产法 | Bankruptcy petition破产申请书 | Bankruptcy破产

insolvent laws:破产法

insolvency 破产 | insolvent laws 破产法 | insolvent 无偿付能力的




该法的第11章"重整"(Reorganization)是在1898年破产法第10章、第11章、第12章和第8章中的第77条的基础上,经过整理、修正和补充,重新编排而成. 该章不仅吸收了旧破产法重整制度的经验,而且注入了新的概念和规则. "第11章既可用于个人,

bankrupt law:破产法

bankrupt landlord ==> 破产地主 | bankrupt law ==> 破产法 | bankrupt's estates ==> 破产财产