英语人>词典>汉英 : 砰的落下 的英文翻译,例句
砰的落下 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flump  ·  flumped  ·  flumping

更多网络例句与砰的落下相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Structural matter drops to hit water with fixed rate phut from certain height, inchoate and main the structure that attacks water process in the light of phut is answered begin research, and press mutation of field of force and Xing Bo to wait to study however to entering the underwater after water less, and add with each passing day as large bridge and marine project much, the construction in these projects and the phenomenon that phut of large construction content also appeared to hit water in use process, like Guangdong 9 rivers big bridge is bumped to break down after collapsing, large area bridge floor falls into surface to wait, the meeting such as mutation of field of pressure of the underwater after this kind of phut hits water and Xing Bo is right all round structural products gives birth to certain influence, evaluate this kind of influence to have real project sense to construction and design.


Streetwalker, street girl, hooker, hustler, floozie, slattern flop

n。 砰然落下,失败v。笨重的摔,猛落,笨拙地抛下

Quickly he unloaded his burden, wincing as the man thudded ungently to the floor and sprawled on his back, arms outstretched, still unconscious.


Outside my house, something even fell down from the roof with a heavy thud and I startles, sprang to my feet.


He thudded to the ground as Jun tackled him from behind.


Finally, his bed, designed to fit into an alcove in the wall when not being used, yet cursed only to do so when it was, thudded to the floor and Ken was able to sit up.


更多网络解释与砰的落下相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


flummery /麦片制的粥/布丁/假恭维/ | flummox /使狼狈/使失措/使混乱/失败/ | flump /砰然声/重落/砰的摔下/砰的落下/砰的倒下/


flump 砰的落下 | flump 砰的摔下 | flump 砰然声


flummox 使失措 | flump 砰的倒下 | flump 砰的落下

Embraceable You:可擁抱的你

05.WE CAN'T GO ON THIS/無法再繼續 | 06.EMBRACEABLE YOU/可擁抱的你 | 07.FLIP FLOP AND FLY/香甜燙酒砰然落下和蒼蠅