英语人>词典>汉英 : 砖红壤 的英文翻译,例句
砖红壤 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与砖红壤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under the same condition,the maxi-um 〓 adsorption for goethite was 3,3.5,and 8 times as kaolinite,bayeriteand gibbsite respectively,and also the maxium 〓 adsorption of YB colloid was1.4,3,and 7 times as that of 〓 LR colloids respectively.


Cl - adsorption,metal cation adsorption,inducing adsorption,variable charge soil,constant charge soil.

本文主要研究在可变电荷土壤和恒电荷土壤中,金属阳离子对Cl-离子吸附的诱导效应。1 实验部分1 1 土壤样本土壤样本为广东省的砖红壤和赤红壤,江西省的红壤以及江苏省的黄棕壤,均为底土。

This research studies the effects of mineral oil of Lateritic Red Earth and Laterite on the paddy's and peanut's physico-ecologies and the reduction of mineral oil in these soils by the pot-planting simulation test.


The major results of the work are summarized as follows: In the tested pH values, the ratios of positive charge densities to the negative charge densities of latosol particles were in the range of 0.4 to 0.8, the Po./Ne. of lateritic red soil particles were in the range of 0.08 to 0.22, whereas the Po.

主要研究结果如下:在测试pH条件下,砖红壤悬液中正电荷密度占到负电荷密度的40 -80 %,赤红壤悬液中为8.4 - 22 %,红壤悬液为1.6 - 6.4 %;在红壤悬液中可以忽略正电荷的影响。

The Wien effects of three variable charge soils (red soil, lateritic red soil and latosol) saturated with various chlorides in electric field were different. The relative electrical conductivities of red soil saturated with various chlorides increased apparently with the increase in field strength, whereas that of latosol were almost equal to 1 in the test field strength (15 kV cm-1 to 250 kV cm-1), the increase of △EC in lateritic red soil were between that of red soil and latosol.

各氯化物饱和红壤悬液的相对电导率随着场强的增加而明显增大,且不同的氯化物饱和悬液的△EC之间差异明显;砖红壤悬液的△EC随着场强的增加没有出现变化,在所测场强下(15 kV cm -1到250 kV cm -1)各悬液的△EC都几乎为1;而赤红壤悬液中的现象处于前两者之间。

The Wien effects of three variable charge soils (red soil, lateritic red soil and latosol) saturated with various chlorides in electric field were different. The relative electrical conductivities of red soil saturated with various chlorides increased apparently with the increase in field strength, whereas that of latosol were almost equal to 1 in the test field strength (15 kV cm-1 to 250 kV cm-1), the increase of △EC in lateritic red soil were between that of red soil and latosol.

各氯化物饱和红壤悬液的相对电导率随著场强的增加而明显增大,且不同的氯化物饱和悬液的△EC之间差异明显;砖红壤悬液的△EC随著场强的增加没有出现变化,在所测场强下(15 kV cm -1到250 kV cm -1)各悬液的△EC都几乎为1;而赤红壤悬液中的现象处于前两者之间。

Mineral Oil Lateritic Red Earth Laterite Residue Critical Content and Reduction


So the higher temˉ perature resistance for the three soil types was in the sequence o f dry red soil, lateritic red soil and lateritic soil.


The infrared spectra of latosol and red soil fall into the kaolinite spectrum. On the other hand, the infrared spectra of yellow brown soil, lou soil, heilu soil, loessal soil fall into the montmorillonite spectrum.


Result shows that the weathering rates were very low (usually lower than 1.0 keq × ha-1× a-1) for allite (including red earth, lateritic red earth, red earth, yellow earth, and yellow-brown earth) in south China and silalsol (consisting of dark brown forest soil, black soil, and podzolic soil) in northeast China, but very high for xerosol and alpine soil in northwest China.

总的说来,中国南方富铝土区域(包括砖红壤带、赤红壤带、红壤黄壤带和黄棕壤带)以及东北的硅铝土区域(包括暗棕壤黑土带和漂灰土带)的土壤风化速率较低(通常低于1.0 keq × ha-1× a-1),而西北地区干旱土和高山土的风化速率则较高。

更多网络解释与砖红壤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

concretionary laterite:结核砖红壤

concretionary brown soils 结核棕色土 | concretionary laterite 结核砖红壤 | concretionary sand 结核状砂


防护林带是改善农田生态系统和土壤水热条件,特别对改善砖红壤(LATERITE)蔗区防止土壤冲刷、水土流失,防止风灾威胁具有重要的意义. 因此,营造好坏巩固已有的林带对提高土壤肥力,实现甘蔗高产稳产的一项根本措施.

detrital laterite:残存砖红壤

detrital deposit 碎屑沉积 | detrital laterite 残存砖红壤 | detrital rock 碎屑岩

groundwater laterite:潜水砖红壤

groundwater hydrology 地下水水文学 | groundwater laterite 潜水砖红壤 | groundwater monitoring 地下水监测


laterite 砖红壤 | laterization 砖红壤化[作用] | latitude 纬度


lateritic soil 砖红壤性土 | laterization 砖红壤化 | latitude 纬度


caboodle /群/伙/堆/ | cabook /砖红壤/ | caboose /守车/轮船上的厨房/

humic latosol:腐殖质砖红壤

humic ironpan 腐殖质铁磐 | humic latosol 腐殖质砖红壤 | humic nitosols 腐殖质强风化粘磐土

lateritic soil:砖红壤性土

lateritic red loam 砖红壤性红壤 | lateritic soil 砖红壤性土 | laterization 砖红壤

lateritic crust:砖红壤结壳

laterite 砖红壤 | lateritic crust 砖红壤结壳 | lateritic red earth 砖红壤性红壤