英语人>词典>汉英 : 研究者 的英文翻译,例句
研究者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
investigator  ·  pursuer  ·  researchist  ·  student  ·  students

更多网络例句与研究者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Readers are required to store all personal belongings in the Library's checkroom. Purses must also be checked; researchers may keep valuables with them in clear plastic bags provided by the staff in the checkroom.


Robust archival mechanisms can work to the advantage of both the discussant and the researcher; threaded discussion forums provide good support for those communicating and keep a complete record of the communication for researchers.


On the out way that I research, I could see the situation of collective cross in the structure, and degrease the view of personal problem, common questing for the meaning and possible from self or community for disembarrass, that is the route we can try advance.


Our team adheres to the same guidelines and principles of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association.

Harry Benjamin ,1885-1986,内分泌医师,性研究者,是变性欲方面最早也最著名的研究者之一)。

In the form of a gladius Hispanus from 3rd century BCE Chiusi, gives some insight concerning the manufacture of Romanswords.[10] The Chiusi sword comes from Romanized Etruria; thus, regardless of the names of the forms which the authors do


In first chapter from thinking researcher's own growing experience' meeting with life-education and changing of the social environment.


At first glance, this basic position unassailable, and even can be said is commendable; and, because of its conclusions with the specific content of the above-mentioned "Filmography" in nature, we can even say without hesitation that these results were "comprehensive."


This dissertation is deals with study some of the specific linearity tests and investigate the possibility to find a specific linearity test that can use to accurately determinant the alternative nonlinear model and avoiding chose alternative nonlinear model other than the true DGP series generating from, in the case of rejecting the null model.


Based on the obtained data and evidence, this research project draws the following conclusions: Chinese L2 learners of English are sensitive to Subjacency and the ECP, thus sensitive to UG; Chinese L2 learners'sensitivities to different constraints are different; Chinese L2 learners tend to reject a lower rate of the sentences with both Subjacency and the ECP violations than those with only Subjacency violation; and there is no significant difference in L2 learners'sensitivity to UG as far as the learners'starting age of learning a L2 is concerned.


The standard of knowledge is open, and is shaped by common sense using conversation between knowers and beknowers.


更多网络解释与研究者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antipyrotic 消炎剂 | antiquarian 古文物研究者 | antiquarianism 古物研究


libertarian 行动自由者 | antiquarian 古物研究者,收集古物者Bavarian巴伐利亚人 | 41.Iberian伊比利亚人


antiquark 反夸克 | antiquary 古文物研究者 | antiquate 使古旧


stenographer速记员 | ethnographer 人种史研究者,人种史学家 | iconographer 肖像学家,肖像研究者


ethnographer 人种史研究者,人种史学家 | iconographer 肖像学家,肖像研究者 | phonographer表音速记法专家


[研究者](Investigator) 一位对试验与试验中受试者的权利、健康和福利负责的人员. 研究者必须是具有合法资格和能力的人员来负责医疗或口腔的治疗和决策.

Principal investigator:主要研究者

[主要研究者](Principal investigator) 多中心试验中起协调作用的研究者. [试验方案](Protocol)书面文件. 述明试验的背景、理论基础和目的,描述试验的设计、方法学和组织,包括统计学考虑,以及试验执行和安排的条件.


textualist 对>原文有研究的人 | medievalist中世纪史研究者,中世纪文化研究者 | revivalist 信仰复兴运动者,领导复兴运动者


这里的"研究者"(researcher)也特意区别于"学者"(scholar). 在中国,"学者"这个词的意思可能要模糊得多,也带有过多的褒贬以及价值判断. 为了明确批评对象,本文尽量使用"研究者"一词,尤其是指那些关注并试图应用公共选择理论以及理性选择理论的研究者.


phytopathologist 植物病理学家 | ethologist 个体生态学研究者,行为研究者 | lithologist 岩性学家