英语人>词典>汉英 : 研究神话 的英文翻译,例句
研究神话 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mythologize  ·  mythologized  ·  mythologizes  ·  mythologizing

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Forth,the nature of illogic and surmountable times during its evolutional course.the scholarly values of studying Henan myth are:Making counterevidence with ancient history compensating the lack of china myth;peeking at the course of the develop and changes of china's ancient myth.


At last, carring on dependent thinkingThis paper firstly introduced the exsiting achievement of subject"Han nationality myth of NǚWa and myth of Goddess",then combined with the record about classical books of myth of NǚWa and investigation, revealed the meaning, property, characteristics, historical evolvement of myth of NǚWa. It lets Primary Goddess Procreative Worship stripped from the inordinate folk Goddess worship. This paper holds that NǚWa is the first ancestor of human, which possesses distinct godship of great mother.


This paper discusses the introduction of totemic theories into the study of Chinese mythology with foci on sympathetic birth and metamorphoses, and therefore reviews the relationship between totemic theories and the interpretation of Chinese mythology.


World renowned Mythologist Joseph Campbell studied mythologies in different cultures all over the world and concluded that there's a Mono-Myth where cultural mythological stories may seem different in content, while in fact it's all the same in terms of the nature.


As the longest social ideology until now, primary Goddess worship has deeply rooted in human species memory-----the collective unconsiciousness,flashing original human nature brilliance. Procreative worship is a kind of culture phenomenon in early human society, which formed to Goddess culture is a important content of ancient culture. Associated with the historical evolvement, NǚWa and Goddess absorpt Chinese nation specific culture factors, developt in the inheritance and became the important part of Chinese culture during the fomation of Chinese cultural Pluralistic Integration.


And then calls attention to the shortcomings of the undue emphasis on historical method of the contemporary research on buddhism. The methodology of this thesis to study the mythicality of the legend of Buddha is founded on religionswissenschaft and mythology that can bridge the cliff between faith and reason for the buddhists who are seeking for the meaning of buddhistic myths.


I also hope the work avail to research in topics of violence, moral, love and honour that interlaces tightlywith the one of revenge


The Greek mythology is the myth literature arts domain treasure, this research has comprehensively is discussed literature nature in the ancient Greece myth manifestation and the special characteristic , in to the ancient Greece myth artistic contour ,the creation content ,subjective ideology ,the rationality is energetic ,in the esthetic value cognition integrity understanding ,comprehensively understood the ancient Greece myth literature nature unique charm and it's the origin ,have the significant to the European and American later generation literature cognition .


Cassirer applied the same method to the study of science, which he had applied in the studies of myth and language.


Golganneth's horn is more reminisent(原文错,应为reminiscent,意为"缅怀",此处取"极其相近"之意)of Heimdall, but his province of the sea and storms most closely links him with Njord, also of the Norse pantheon, or Poseidon/Neptune, Greco-Roman mythology.respectively.


更多网络解释与研究神话相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Amazonia Without Myths:亚马孙没有神话

Amazonia Special Health Commission;亚马孙健康特别委员会;CESAM; | Amazonia Without Myths;亚马孙没有神话;; | Amazonian Botanical Research Programme;亚马孙河植物研究方案;;




它是1948年由兰德公司的研究人员首先发明的,以古希腊神话中的神谕之地、可预卜未来的阿波罗神庙原址"德尔菲"(Delphi)命名. 这种技术最初是为军事策略问题的预测而设计的,后来逐步为政府部门和工商业部门所采用,


在神话之中,就有被现代文学史家称之为"史诗元祖"的吉尔加美什(Gilgamesh)神话. 1872年,英国伦敦大不列颠博物馆的研究人员史密斯,开始对拉萨姆送回国的泥版进行了翻译工作,从而使这些远古的神话和文明有了重见天日的机会,


的人类学的研究,认为"原始人"不是愚昧无知的,而是生来就具有"诗性的智慧"(sapienza poetica),这种智慧把"野蛮心灵"(pensee sauvage)对环境的反映变为显喻、隐喻、象征和神话,再以"诗的词句"表达出来,这就是人类最早的神话故事(myth),也就是最早的史诗


与"神话"这个词同时传入我国学术界的是以神话为研究对象的新学科-"神话学"(mythology). 西学东渐背景下现代中国学术发展的一个重要趋向就是文学观念的划时代变革,以及由此引发的全新的文学批评和文学研究格局的形成,


"神话"(mythos)这一术语原意是词语或故事. 只有在现代用法里,"神话"一词才具有"荒诞"这一否定性含义(尽管柏拉图曾因感到神话会引人步入歧途而反对它是确有其事的). 神话研究是一个国际性的跨学科的冒险事业.

folk literature:[俗文学]

其实,在美国式的人类学研究领域中,很早就把"民俗学"(folklore)包括于其中(Finnegan,1992:11-13),而民俗学的范畴虽也包括许多风俗习惯与民俗文物的研究,但是无论如何民俗学研究的核心,仍然是传说、神话、谚语、歌谣等"民俗文学"(folk literature)的素材,而所谓民俗文学,

folk literature:民俗文學

其实,在美国式的人类学研究领域中,很早就把"民俗学"(folklore)包括于其中(Finnegan,1992:11-13),而民俗学的范畴虽也包括许多风俗习惯与民俗文物的研究,但是无论如何民俗学研究的核心,仍然是传说、神话、谚语、歌谣等"民俗文学"(folk literature)的素材,而所谓民俗文学,

Near Eastern Studies:近代东方研究

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