英语人>词典>汉英 : 研究员 的英文翻译,例句
研究员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
boffin  ·  fellows  ·  boffins  ·  researchers

更多网络例句与研究员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is a fellow of JILA, a fellow of NIST and a professor adjoint at CU-Boulder's Department of Physics.

他是一位研究员jila , NIST的研究员和教授,伴随在铜的巨石处的物理。

Yang, BS in Microbiology (1982), Xiamen University; PhD in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (1994), University of Houston, Texas; 1982 -1988, Assistant Engineer, Guangzhou Institute of Microbiology; 1996-1998; NIH Postdoctoral Fellow/Associate Research Scientist (1994-1998), Department of Biochemistry/Ophthalmology, Columbia University, New York; 1998-2005, Research Assistant Professor/Research Officer , Institute of Molecular Biology/Department of Physiology, The University of Hong Kong; 2006 – present, Professor, Xiamen University.

厦门大学微生物学学士(1982);美国德州休士顿大学生化博士(1994); 1982 -1988,广州市微生物研究所,助理工程师; 1994-1998,美国哥伦比亚大学,美国NIH博士后/副研究员; 1998-2005,香港大学分子生物研究所/生理系,研究助理教授/研究员; 2006–现今,厦门大学生命科学学院,教授/博士生导师,兼厦门大学实验动物中心主任、福建省实验动物学会常务理事

The full-time research workers are in different academic ranks: research fellow, associate research fellow, assistant research fellow and probationer.


Penn State College of Medicine researchers, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Southern California, have taken an important step in understanding the role of stem cells in development of liver cancer.


This can deter them from taking on FME fellows even though, during their two to three-year teaching fellowship, they are supernumerary and therefore not included in the RAE process.


After a postdoctoral position at the Universtat Wien, Austria, he was awarded a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung in 1985 studying quasicrystals at the Universitat Tubingen, Germany. As principal researcher from 1990 to 1993 at the Centro Internacional de Fisica in Bogota,Colombia, his research interests extended to the applications of the non-compact symplectic group to quantum dots, q-deformed quantum algebras and groups applied to mass generation, and fullerenes. From 1994 to 2004 he became associate professor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

在奥地利Universtat Wien大学攻读完博士后学位之后,于1985年成为了Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung的研究员,在德国Universitat Tubingen大学学习准晶体。1990年至1993年间,任哥伦比亚波哥大 Centro Internacional de Fisica 首席研究员,研究领域扩展到了非紧凑辛群在量子点中的应用,q变形量子群和组群在质量产生和富勒烯中的应用。1994年至2004年,担任 Universidad Nacional de Colombia 大学副教授。

In their research, Roberts; Toshihiko Ezashi, a research assistant professor of animal sciences in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and lead author on the study; and Bhanu Telugu, a post-doctoral fellow in animal sciences; cultured fibroblasts from a fetal pig.

在 他们的研究人员中有:罗伯茨;研究动物科学的助理教授Toshihiko Ezashi,也是食品和自然资源的主要作者的研究员;和Bhanu Telugu,动物科学博士后研究员

Today Cunningham's claims are rejected by nearly all researchers, but a minority of mostly Indian scholars continues to argue for the Indus script as the predecessor of the Brahmic family.


The whole atmosphere was nice. All sat in the meeting room full of fruit, dessert and drink, looked at the project show by the graduated students and trainee, listened to the detailed and interesting introduce of "star of tomorrow" by Chenwen and occasionally pointed out some questions about project technology or trainee selection even put forward challengingly difficult questions. All these showed the great interest in this activity and willing to think about it, only in this way, could we gain much.


For souvenir " earthly day ", establish consciousness of hardship of resource of the whole people, protect the earth, this print editorial office is special branch of youth of society of economy of as geological as division of science and technology of academy of economy of Chinese land natural resources, China mineral products was engineered jointly this period commemorative column, li Xinyu of academy of economy of natural resources of land of specially invite China's deputy researcher, Wang Wen's deputy researcher, Hu Xiaoping's deputy researcher " be kind to resource of the earth, protection " write civil, with period the protective consciousness that raises numerous people, be kind to the earth, protect resource, to build comparatively well-off society in the round the implementation of grand target provides enough resource safeguard.


更多网络解释与研究员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

research assistant:助理研究员

美国思想库的研究人员一般分为高级研究员(senior fellow)、研究员(research associate)和助理研究员(research assistant). 研究员是思想库的主体,但为了保证研究工作的高效率,专职研究人员与辅助人员的合理配置至关重要.

associate professor:副研究员

研究员 Professor | 副研究员 Associate Professor | 助理研究员 Research Associate

Research Associate:助理研究员

现在,第一位到公司作助理研究员(Research Associate)的,拿了工商管理硕士,跳到另家生物公司当小经理去了. 第二位到公司来的助理研究员早进了法学院学法律,已经成了一家事务所的合伙人. 还有一对夫妻双双考过医学资格考试,双双去做了住院医.

Research Associate:附属研究员/副研究员

Research Assistant 研究助理 | Research Associate 附属研究员/副研究员 | Research Fellow 研究员

research fellow:研究员 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

teaching assistant助教 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | research fellow 研究员 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | research assistant 助理研究员 本文来自:博研联盟论坛


有例为证,摩根图书馆为了招徕项目资助者,便授予他们"研究员"(Fellows)的称号,而不是捐资者(Donors)或资助者(Benefactors). 而且还根据捐钱的多少分成各种等级,最高的级别是"终身研究员"(意思似乎是说你可以享受大学教授终身制的地位,

Principal investigator:首席调查研究员

Post-doctoral Research Fellow 博士后研究员 | Principal Investigator 首席调查研究员 | Principal Language Instructor 首席语言教师

Associate Investigator:副研究员

研究员--investigator | 副研究员--associate investigator | 护师--senior nurse


1987年至1993年,任四川省盐源县民中、职中教师;1994年至1997年,任四川省盐源县科委主任科员;2001年至2007年曾3次任日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员;2007年8月至2008年4月,复旦大学药学院研究员 (Professor);2008年5月至今,浙江大学药学院研究员(Professor)、博士生导师.

WAFUNIF; World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows:联合国退职实习人员和研究员世界协会; (联合国退职实习人员和研究员协会)

*WAFR; World Appraisal o... | *WAFUNIF; World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows; 联合国退职实习人员和研究员世界协会; (联合国退职实习人员和研究员协会) | *WAGGGS; World Associatio...