英语人>词典>汉英 : 矿灰 的英文翻译,例句
矿灰 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
calx  ·  calxes

更多网络例句与矿灰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the house for instance requires "Stone", you can choose between Calx, Saburra, Granum etc.


In this deposit, ore bodies exist in the stratoid form and are c ontrolled by thrust faults. The host rocks are limestone in Bolila Formation of Late Triassic Jiezha Group and in Gadikao Formation of Early-Middle Permian Kaix i nling Group, with strong dolomitization and weak silicification. Minerals are ra ther simple and consist of sphalerite, galena, pyrite, calcite, dolomite and barite. The important ore textures are colloforms such as framboid and crust and xenom orphic grains, and the ore structures are in disseminated, brecciated, veinlike and lumpy forms.


The company has mine 5 (grey mine of mine of tortoise plastron jade, Bai Po yellow mine, multicoloured rock mine, evergreen mine, straightforward) all be distinctive breed.


Geochemical study indicates that constant elements, microelements and trace elements in manganese ores and protore wholly take on thermal sedimentary characteristics, the siliceous limestone, silica-bearing limestone and bioclastic limestone is predominant protore beds of manganese-capped ores.


If the house for instance requires "Stone", you can choose between Calx, Saburra, Granum etc.


Based on the geological background , ore?deposit and structural geology, the paper analyzed the geological character istics and metallogenic mechanism of the gold deposit and suggests that the deposit occurring in the limestone and metamorphic siliceous rocks in the third litholog ic unit of Devonian Tuokesalei formation is controlled by the Duolanasayi shear zone characteristic of secondary shear deformation, mineralizaion and multiphased vei n mineralization?.


Mineral fuels, mineral oil and its products; asphalt; ore, ore slag and ash; jewellery, precious metals and products; imitation jewellery, coins, inorganic chemicals, precious metals and other compounds; aluminum products; meat and edible Zasui, boiler, machinery Apparatus, parts and components; vehicles and Accessories, but railway vehicles; drugs; copper and its products; drinks, wine and vinegar; motors, electrical, audio-visual equipment and Accessories; cereals; wool and other animal hair; horse hair yarn and woven fabrics ; Optical, photographic and medical equipment and Accessories; milk, eggs, honey, other edible animal products, nickel and its products; zinc and its products; iron and steel, wood and wood products; charcoal, plastic products, fish and other aquatic invertebrates Animal Health Paper and leather; Lead and its products; live animals, animal products, iron and steel products, paper and paperboard, paper pulp, paper or cardboard products; edible fruits and nuts, melon and other fruit peel; Rouliao; coloring materials ; Coating; putties; ink; cotton


ABSTRACT Mechanical properties of soil stabilized cement made from kiln ash, which consists of clinkers made from kiln ash only or the kiln ash with CaSO4-CaF2 compound mineralizer and certain amount of gypsum are studied. Moreover, the effects of burning temperature and gypsum content on the strength of the stabilized soil with kiln ash cement have been researched.

摘 要 研究了用纯窑灰、掺CaSO4-CaF2复合矿化剂的窑灰烧熟料与适量石膏混合配制的窑灰水泥稳定土的力学性能,并探讨了烧温度和石膏掺量对窑灰水泥稳定土强度的影响。

Considering the three principles of the plant indicator for mineral exploration,namely certainty,sensitivity and feasibility,this paper evaluates comprehensively the indicating functions of the eight plants,on the basis of some quantitative indexes such as the relation coefficient between plant ash and ore-forming element,concentration coefficient,etc.


The main operating companies and processing:AB color, MEI Hong, AB color, mineral colors, gray ore, gold ore mining silver, Czech drilling, oak drilling, drilling in the Middle East, South Korea and drilling products.

公司主要经营及加工:AB 彩,梅红,AB彩,矿彩,矿灰,矿金,矿银,捷克钻,奥克钻,中东钻,韩钻等产品。

更多网络解释与矿灰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agaric mineral:岩乳;山乳;山木矿;粉矿;木耳矿;灰乳

"绿松石;甸子","agaphite" | "岩乳;山乳;山木矿;粉矿;木耳矿;灰乳","agaric mineral" | "玛瑙","agate"


calutron 卡留管;加州大学回旋加速器 | calx 金属灰;矿灰;石灰 | calyces calyx的复数


tieilite 铝板钛矿 | tiemannite 灰硒汞矿 | tiger's eye 虎眼石


但是很少能产瑶岗仙这样大个儿的晶体. 车轮矿属后期热液成矿产物,呈钢灰、铅灰至带灰的黑色,金属光泽,断口不平坦,性脆. 瑶岗仙最著名的矿物应该算是车轮矿(Bournonite)了,原因很简单,虽然国外也有车轮矿出产,但是很少能产瑶岗仙这样大个儿的晶体.


marlite 泥灰岩 泥灰质岩 | marlpit 泥灰岩矿 | marlslate 泥灰板岩层


baptin 灰叶泻甙 | siserskite 灰铱锇矿 | syserskite 灰铱锇矿


铀灰石 uranotantalite; samarskite | 铀灰石;铀钙石 uranothallite | 红褐硅酸钍矿;铀钍矿 uranothorite

mineralized limestone:矿化灰岩

矿化断层 mineralizing fault | 矿化灰岩 mineralized limestone | 矿化剂 mineralizing agent

silicate paint:灰胶漆

silicate wool 矿绵 | silicate paint 灰胶漆 | silicate cotton 矿绵

silicate paint WESTBANK:灰胶漆

silicate wool WESTBANK 矿绵 | silicate paint WESTBANK 灰胶漆 | silicate cotton WESTBANK 矿绵