英语人>词典>汉英 : 矿层 的英文翻译,例句
矿层 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ledge  ·  manto

ore bed · ore horizon · stratum of ores
更多网络例句与矿层相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Knowledge of the occurrence of chromite deposits is likewise incomplete .


Introduced the geologic background of the Coal-Ge, and the distribution of Germanium in the coal seam.


There is no way for them to ride roughshod and defecate over our heads.


Through experiments, we have studied on solution characteristic of glauberite-one kind of rock salt-in water and chemical impregnant,the characteristic curves of solution are established in different solution condition.That can direct the fast slot in the rock salt beds.


The lime-stone rocks bed up against the coal.


The country is level and it is not easy to follow the magnetite seams continuously.


Based on the pressure curve experiment, the physical characteristic of ore-bearing rocks of the Luoba lead-zinc deposit in the Qinling Xicheng deposit field shows small porosity, low permeability and bad link ostiole in the ore-bearing rocks series. The feature indicates that the physical characteristic of ore bearing is unfavorable for forming the Luoba lead-zinc deposit.


Iron deposit is concerned with spilite keratophyre, rich in Fe, Na〓O, Alternative types are similar-skarnization, Iron deposit is of aeromagnetic anomaly. Indexes of Cu, Pb-Zn deposits are contemporaneous fault, ore-bearing bed, volcanic rock with high potassium, volcanic structure, a serious of alternative in ore-bearing bed and under ore-bearing bed, high content of Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu, Cd, Ba, As, CaO, Fe, Mn, low Na〓O, Al〓O〓 in mineralizing body.


The invention comprises that:(1) an injectant containing air is formed and the injectant is injected into a manto (3) through an injection well (2) or a recovery well (1);(2) the pressure of the injection well (2) and the recovery well is kept (1) for a period of time so that the oil and the injectant are mixed into more uniform fluid;(3) the pressure of the injection well (2) and the recovery well (1) is decreased, the pressure of the manto(3) is decreased and the oil-containing mixed fluid is obtained from the recovery well (1) or the injection well (2);(4) the procedure of (1),(2) and (3) is repeated, the pressure fluctuation of the fluid in the manto (3) is realized until the oil recovery rate is less than the economic recovery rate.


The invention is suitable for the oil production field and can be suitable for any manto so long as the displacement exploitation is possible; also the invention can be suitable for the manto that is unsuitable for the displacement exploitation due to the strong heterogeneity of the manto, which greatly breaks through the scope and recovery rate of the traditionally displacement exploitation method.


更多网络解释与矿层相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Basse Oil-Measures:无油砂岩组

bass 夹煤碳质页岩 | Basse Oil-Measures 无油砂岩组 | basset 露出地面;矿层露头;露出


Basse Oil-Measures 无油砂岩组 | basset 露出地面;矿层露头;露出 | bastard box 不合格的阴螺纹


blackband 泥铁矿 | blackband 黑矿层 | blackberry 黑莓子

blackband:黑矿层 泥铁矿

blackband 黑带 | blackband 黑矿层 泥铁矿 | blackbean 黑大豆 豆豉

steep coal seam:急倾斜矿层

steep channel fish pass 陡槽式鱼道 | steep coal seam 急倾斜矿层 | steep curve 急弯

oil dipper:油杓

石油矿层 oil deposit | 油杓 oil dipper | 配油箱 oil distributing box


flash spectrum 闪光光谱 | flat seam 平矿层 | flat topped fold 箱状褶皱

ore deposit:矿床 矿层

ore body 矿体 | ore deposit 矿床 矿层 | ore microscopy 矿相学

ore bed:矿层

ore bearing 含矿的 | ore bed 矿层 | ore bin 矿仓

iron ore bed:铁矿层

铁矿 iron ore | 铁矿层 iron ore bed | 铁矿床 iron ore deposit