英语人>词典>汉英 : 石锚 的英文翻译,例句
石锚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
killick  ·  killock  ·  killagh  ·  kelleg

更多网络例句与石锚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tigers Eye or Rutilated Quartz will assist initiates in anchoring a new form of leadership that is non-conditional, honors, supports, and augments the birth of unity consciousness within a group.


When they had come inside the harbour they furled the sails and laid them in the ship's hold; they slackened the forestays, lowered the mast into its place, and rowed the ship to the place where they would have her lie; there they cast out their mooring-stones and made fast the hawsers.


Domestic Tools: Shanghai Star tools; Shanghai China United jack; Shandong Wendeng tools; Shandong Yanggu yang heavy long sleeve series; Shandong long arrow cutting film series; Shandong greenwood tools; Shandong Penglai national pipeline tools; Ningbo Tong Chi tools; Zhejiang Yuhuan 'jade works, hydraulic tools;¨Dalian machine ping the mouth with forceps; Dalian watttools; Xuzhou Hua Shi pipe clamp; Xuzhou golden torch; Hong Kong-day wood planer wells; Hebei Xingtai Steel Works file; Tianjin, sparks' welding clamp series; Tianjin Jing-long lifting tool; Tianjin Dawnrays instrumentation; Tianjin mighty Tools; Tianjin Pipe clamp Kelly; Tianjin anchor balers; Tianjin Golden Anchor glue gun; Yangzhou Yinxin oil gun oiling device; zaoqiang·brazing; Yongjia helmets; Tangshan shovel; Yang-Ho; hoe; Guangdong 'gold, mining of the cloth; insurance products and various building materials supplies tools.


The main product has followed several types: Z1 type (stone soil, take the stone as the major and stone collapsed): Bolt, support rope, steel mesh, the grid network

主要产品有以下几种类型: Z1型(石夹土,以石为主、石崩):锚杆、支撑绳、钢丝网、格栅网。

更多网络解释与石锚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


grappling tool 抓捞工具 | grappling 锚定;探线 | graptolite 笔石


killick hitch 圆材结加半结 | killick 石锚 | killick 石锚;代用锚


killick 石锚 | killick 石锚;代用锚 | killing 切断电流脱氧

killick hitch:石锚结

17 马贼结 Highwayman's Hitch | 18 石锚结 Killick Hitch | 19 苦力结 Man Harness Knot

roadside slope:路旁斜坡

road-culvert 道路暗渠 | roadside slope 路旁斜坡 | rock anchor 石锚;入石锚定杆

roadside slope:路旁斜坡CEB中国学习动力网

road-culvert 道路暗渠CEB中国学习动力网 | roadside slope 路旁斜坡CEB中国学习动力网 | rock anchor 石锚;入石锚定杆CEB中国学习动力网


mooring 系船处 | moorstone 锚石 | moorstone 花岗岩

moorstone:锚石 花岗岩

moorsoil 泽地土壤 | moorstone 锚石 花岗岩 | moorwithtwoanchors 抛双锚

anchored retaining wall by tie rods:锚碇板式挡土墙

柱板式档土墙column-plate retaining wall | 锚碇板式挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods | 石笼rock fiilled gabion

stone bolt:锚栓

stone band 夹石层 | stone bolt 锚栓 | stone breaking plant 碎石厂