英语人>词典>汉英 : 石灰状的 的英文翻译,例句
石灰状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与石灰状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tufa, a porous or spongy deposit of calcium carbonate found in ''.


This project is to make aeroconcrete through the high temp and high pressure to make it into poriferous AAC with the tail quartz sand as the main material, the cement and lime as agglutinant featuring wind block, warm-keeping, sound/heat insulation, water/humidity resistance, antifreezing, vibration proof, acid/alkaline resistance, partial load bearing, large size and weight light, shape formed optionally, moreover, it is a new building material of mast processing possibility since it can be sawed, drilled and nailed so as to save masonry sand and slurry and quicken the process and simplify the operation.


The results show that one type of soft slurry occurs on the surface of mortar prism due to addition of limestone filler and a mass of thaumasite and gypsum forms in the slurry.


Dr Panno and his team found their recording angel in the form of stalagmites, the conical projections that grow on the floors of limestone caves.


更多网络解释与石灰状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


calciform 石灰状的 | calcifuge 避钙植物 | calcify 成石灰质


赤道无风带 doldrums | 长头型;长头状的 dolichocephalic | 渗穴;石灰阱 dolina


现在菲利普和他的妻子西维亚(Sylvia)住在南港,并有一女,名为珀涅罗珀(Penelope). 回忆起来,菲利普首次接触颜料是在他3岁的时候. 那是一个阳光明媚的夏日午时,小菲利普闲逛的时候溜进了父亲的玻璃暖房,温室里有一大桶石灰涂料和一个管状泵型喷雾器.

calcarine:距的 距的

calcareoussoil 钙质土 含钙土 石灰土壤 石灰性土壤 石灰质土 | calcarine 距的 距的 | calcarinesulcus 距状沟 距状沟

calcarine fissure:距状破裂,踵状沟

\\"距状的,距的,禽距的\\",\\"calcarine\\" | \\"距状破裂,踵状沟\\",\\"calcarine fissure\\" | \\"石灰尿,钙盐尿\\",\\"calcariuria\\"

calcic horizon:钙积层

碳酸钙在剖面中的分布,根据不同的成土条件,有的与土壤均匀混合,有的沿土壤孔隙以菌丝或皮膜状的白色析出物存在,有的形成硬结核,还有的在一定深度形成碳酸盐积聚层,称为钙积层(calcic horizon)或石灰结盘层(calcareous hardpan).


calcification 石灰化 | calciform 石灰状的 | calcifuge 避钙植物


长头型;长头状的 dolichocephalic | 渗穴;石灰阱 dolina | 白云石;白云岩 dolomite

calceate:穿鞋的, 有蹄铁的

calcariuria || 石灰尿, 钙盐尿 | calceate || 穿鞋的, 有蹄铁的 | calceiform || 拖鞋状的