英语人>词典>汉英 : 矮胖子 的英文翻译,例句
矮胖子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
endomorph  ·  pyknic  ·  squab  ·  stout  ·  stouter  ·  squabs  ·  punchinello

更多网络例句与矮胖子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was a short, burly man, almost dwarfish but he greeted them cheerfully and set a dish of chickpeas at their table.


Old person answers ∶" my 5 authority constitution ah " again a few days, this person rises again arrive early greatly the Kaidagelan before presidential government office the highway takes a walk, go write, discovery wear the middleaged endomorph that writes jacket, took a flashlight to be answered back and forth according to write a road, suitable write light to look, within an inch of faints, it is Xiaojiang unexpectedly, ask ∶" to you do what in this?


He's a humpty-dumpty.


"When I use a word", Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone,"it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less".


He is a pleasant rotund little man; he always looks very well-fed.


He was a short, florid man, normally very fat, now very thin, the skin of his paunch hanging slackly in folds.


However, the next time that you are at a expensive black tie event, and you are introduced to the short, bald, overweight man who fidgets nervously whilst making conversation with you, pay special attention to him.


"When I use a word", Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone,"it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less".


更多网络解释与矮胖子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How Much Is That Dogie:那只小狗多少钱

32. How Do You Do? 你好吗? | 33. How Much Is That Dogie? 那只小狗多少钱? | 34. Humpty-Dumpty 矮胖子

endomixis:内融合; 内合 (名)

endomitosis 核内的有丝分裂 (名) | endomixis 内融合; 内合 (名) | endomorph 矮胖子, 内容矿物 (名)


正是从这个视阈出发,剑桥学派学人(如波考克)乐于引用刘易斯卡罗尔的作品>中的人物"矮胖子"(Humpty Dumpty)的话:"当我使用一个单词时,它的意思总是恰恰等于我想要其表达的意思,既不多,也不少",矮胖子以相当傲慢的口吻说.

Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall:孵着孵着掉下来了

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,蛋人在断崖之上孵着 (原意是矮胖子. . 这里成了蛋人了. . ) | Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.孵着孵着掉下来了, | All the king's horses,就算聚集了国王所有的马,

Humpty Dusty:矮胖子

39 The Boy i nthe Ba rn在谷仓里的男孩 | 40 Humpty Dusty矮胖子 | 41 Pumpki n Pi e 南瓜派

Humpty and Dumpty:第六章 矮胖子

第五章 羊毛和水 Wool and Water | 第六章 矮胖子 Humpty and Dumpty | 第七章 狮子与独角兽 The Lion and the Unicorn


humpty-dumpty (矮胖子), | hurdy-gurdy (街头艺人用的手摇琴), | hurry-scurry (慌乱),


hanky-panky;hocus-pocus 把戏 | hurdy-gurdy 绞弦琴 | humpty-dumpty:矮胖子

He is tall and lanky:他高高瘦瘦的

Will is tall and quite lanky. Will高高瘦瘦的. | He is tall and lanky. 他高高瘦瘦的 | He is stout. 他是个矮胖子


gigolo 舞男,靠妓女生活的人 | punchinello丑角,矮胖子 | 63.dynamo 精力充沛的人