- 更多网络例句与矮星相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Aurelia is the planet of a red dwarf, a star much cooler than our own sun.
But how do relatively rare titans such as Betelgeuse emerge from the same stuff that usually yields batches of sun-sized orbs and even more common red dwarfs?
At first, this age-dating approach was used to estimate the age of G-dwarf stars with Th/Nd chronometry. Recently, it has been used to evaluate the age of halo field stars and globular cluster stars with the Th/Eu and U/Th chronometers.
这种方法最初是利用元素对 Th/Nd 来确定 G 矮星的年龄,近年来开始利用元素对 Th/Eu 和 U/Th 来确定晕族场星和球状星团内恒星的年龄。
Even at that, it'd be a red dwarf star. These red dwarfs are thought to make up 75% of the Milky Way galaxy's stars, but these stars are so small and faint that not a single one can be seen with the unaided eye!
They found that the cool stars, both the M-dwarf stars and browndwarfs, showed no hydrogen cyanide at all, while 30 percent of thesun-like stars did.
They found that the cool stars, both the M-dwarf stars and brown dwarfs, showed no hydrogen cyanide at all, while 30 percent of the sun-like stars did.
Furthermore, Binary stars have been neglected in most studies of the integrated light of the stellar populations with the EPS methods. However in real clusters and galaxies over 50% stars are in binaries, and binary interaction can result in some important classes of objects, such as blue straggles and subdwarf B stars (sdB, also referred as extreme horizontal branch ) which contribute significantly to the integrated light.
Spectral type is O ﹑ B ﹑ A dwarf star known as the blue dwarf star (such as Vega ﹑ Sirius), spectral type is F ﹑ G dwarf star known as the yellow dwarf star, spectral type as K and later the dwarf star called red dwarf star (such as the South Gate diethylamino star )...
The researchers detected hydrogen cyanide molecules in disks circling yellow stars like our sun -- but found none around cooler and smaller stars, such as the reddish-colored "M-dwarfs" and "brown dwarfs" common throughout the universe.
The researchers detected hydrogen cyanide molecules in disks circlingyellow stars like our sun -- but found none around cooler and smallerstars, such as the reddish-colored "M-dwarfs" and "brown dwarfs" commonthroughout the universe.
- 更多网络解释与矮星相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
dwarf carbon star:碳矮星
dust ring 尘环 | dwarf carbon star 碳矮星 | dwarf spheroidal 矮球状星系
dwarf star:矮星
主要剧情:一场流星雨(meteor shower)中,一块矮星(dwarf star)碎片击中了月球,从而引发了地球上一系列的异常现象,比如:手机通讯信号全面中断,巨大的潮汐,偶尔出现的失重状态,等等.
red dwarf star:红矮星
原来这颗灰暗的'太阳' 就在我们不远处, 就我看到的资料, 这暗淡无光的红矮星(red dwarf star) 就在我们太阳的一至三光年的距离左右, 但近这几年, 这颗星已迈向她的死亡边沿, 在始踏入棕色矮星(brown dwarf) 的行列.
halo dwarf:晕族矮星
Hale Telescope 海尔望远镜 | halo dwarf 晕族矮星 | halo globular cluster 晕族球状星团
Peter Pettigrew:小矮星彼得
在"哈利.波特"的故事框架中,小矮星彼得(Peter Pettigrew)也即虫尾巴(Wormtail),是伏地魔的仆人. 在霍格沃茨魔法学校求学期间,他与詹姆.波特,莱姆斯.卢平,小天狼星布莱克是四人组,后来他背叛了波特夫妇,并嫁祸给小天狼星,
Peter Pettigrew:小矮星.彼得(又译彼得佩迪鲁)
雷古勒斯.布莱克 Regulus Arcturus Black | 小矮星.彼得(又译彼得佩迪鲁) Peter Pettigrew | 弗立维 Professor Flitwick
dwarf spheroidal:矮球状星系
dwarf carbon star 碳矮星 | dwarf spheroidal 矮球状星系 | dwarf spheroidal galaxy 矮球状星系
Fang:牙牙--海格的大狗 | Scaffer:斑斑--荣恩的宠物,是小矮星彼得变形后的样子 | Owl:猫头鹰--信使
dwarf Cepheids:矮造父新星
dwarf 矮星 | dwarf Cepheids 矮造父新星 | dwarf galaxy 矮星系
subdwarf O star O:型亚矮星
subdwarf B star B 型亚矮星 | subdwarf O star O 型亚矮星 | subgiant branch 亚巨星支