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知的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Regulations, for the sport as we know it, were decided in England ages ago.


We can also see that because damping factor is a ratio that requires the load impedance to compute, it must be stated against some known impedance to be meaningful.


Only上知astronomy, geography under Xiaoguang, a geomancer fate of knowledge and proficiency, in order to explore a point to divine knowledge.


Theoretically, Gun Xiang thinks that the pattern of non-sage and guileless people is the most ideal society. The pattern of Sage and guileful people is Guo Xiang' ideal society in reality.


Besides, the long term pollution is not predicable and unforeseen.


Bill Bowerman pours rubber into his wife's waffle iron, creating the basis for the popular Nike Waffle Racer; a shoe with the optimal traction of waffle soles, wedged heel, the cushioned mid-sole,跨世运动城,对于90后的学生来说, and nylon uppers.


Higher Levels And Their Buffer Zones 更高的层次及其缓冲区 The commonly accepted names for the seven known levels of existence, from lowest to highest, are: Physical, Astral, Mental, Buddhic, Atmic, Anupadaka and Adi.


Under the condition of knowing trolly"s relation datas, the wire rop-load modle taking its load as the study object, using D"Alembert"s Principle and Hybrid method, solves out the mathematical expression of wire rop"s traction while settig the hiost speed; The elctronic motor-drum modle"s build up is attracted to the elctronic motor"s torque, and combines with the wire rop traction"s role on drum, only pay attation to the coupling"s flexibility and damping, which is between the elctronic motor and the reducer. The theory of transmission equations establishment is in Project Vibration.


When you are aware that you are Aware, your experience of Awareness shifts to a new level.


An open book 盡人皆知的事 Your life in this town has been an open book -- perhaps too open.


更多网络解释与知的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


6.all-in包括全部的(in在裡面) | 7.all-knowing全知的(只有神是all-knowing的) | 8.allover佈滿全面的(over全面)


6.all-in包括全部的(in在裡面) | 7.all-knowing全知的(只有神是all-knowing的) | 8.allover佈滿全面的(over全面)


ascensiveenlightenedprogressional 进步的 | ascertainable 可确定探知的 | ascertainment 探知

cognizant: a.1:察知的;认识到的,有认识能力的 2.有管辖(或审判)权的

dilemma: n.窘境,困境 | cognizant: a.1.察知的;认识到的,有认识能力的 2.有管辖(或审判)权的 | bereave: v.1.使丧失(亲人等),使孤寂;使凄凉 2.使失去(希望、生命等),剥夺


3.dramatic 引人注目的,突然的 | 4.foreseen 预见的,预知的 | 5.reluctant 不情愿的,不愿意的


patent applications),但是指南明确指出不要求标准制定的参与者对其或他人的所有的专利文件进行专利检索,早期披露的对象只涉及已知的(known)已有专利.用知晓来判断是否需要进行专利披露,大大减小了披露的范围,


他论证到:如果有全知的(omniscient)人,如果我们能洞察并预见过去、现在及未来的一切的一切,我们也就没有多少自由了. 自由之所以必不可少是因为它为不可全知,不可预见的事物留下了空间,为我们实现自己的目的提供机会. 没有自由,

not on the map:[口]办不到的 靠不住的 不为人所知的

516-map n.地图, 图 | not on the map [口]办不到的; 靠不住的; 不为人所知的 | off the map [口]不重要的; 不出名的; 废了的; 消失的


unlearn /忘掉/从脑中扫除掉/去掉...的弊习/ | unlearned /无学问的/无教育的/不学而知的/ | unleavened /没放酵粉的/未受激发的/

明显的,可触知的 (palpate v. 用手触摸):palpable adj

obvious adj. 明显的,显而易见的 | palpable adj. 明显的,可触知的 (palpate v. 用手触摸) | pronounced adj. 明显的,(观点等)强硬的