英语人>词典>汉英 : 眼干燥 的英文翻译,例句
眼干燥 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与眼干燥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Table 1 medical packaging materials, containers, scope of pharmaceutical packaging materials, containers, in the form of the name preparation notes plastic bottle kalidehydroandrogropholidi = 50ml material with PP, LDPE Infusion bags, kalidehydroandrogropholidi = 50ml material is PVC, polyalkene glass infusion bottle 50ml clorsulon = injection bottle kalidehydroandrogropholidi 50ml, kalidehydroandrogropholidi = 50ml-molded, control of glass bottle kalidehydroandrogropholidi kalidehydroandrogropholidi 50ml kalidehydroandrogropholidi 50ml ampule medical plastic bottle of tablets, capsules, tablets, colour.10pills glass ampoules, pills and capsules, syrup, oral solution, nanosuspensions, immunoembolization, tincture, linimentum, lotio hard PVC medicinal Tablet and capsule-plastic blister packaging PVC/PE/PVDC medicinal compound hard Tablet and capsule-plastic blister packaging Composite PVC/PVDC medicinal Tablet and capsule hard-plastic blister packaging cold metal forming hard medicinal compound tablets, capsules, suppository materials have nylon/aluminium/PVC double aluminum packaging Tablet and capsule PVC/hard LDPE medicinal compound tablets, capsules, suppository glass bottle ciinincal ciinincal ciinincal plastic bottle medicinal ciinincal medicinal eardrops plastic bottle eardrops medicinal nasal drops plastic bottle nose drops for external use liquid medicinal plastic bottle tincture, linimentum, lotio koufuye of medicinal plastic bottle syrup, oral solution, nanosuspensions, immunoembolization glass control oral bottle syrup, oral solution, nanosuspensions, immunoembolization packaging for medicine bag laminating film, puivis bletillae, feian and Tablet foil Tablet and capsule of unguentum Al fighting、smoke aluminium pipe, oculentum, puivis bletillae, Tin aerosolon, nabulization materials have aluminum, plastic valve pyritionate, nabulization stopple kalidehydroandrogropholidi 50ml, 50ml clorsulon = material bromide, CIIR synthesis of oprene 50ml clorsulon = gasket aluminium caps combination Cap koufuye falchion, kalidehydroandrogropholidi 50ml, 50ml prestrain kalidehydroandrogropholidi = potting needle kalidehydroandrogropholidi 50ml desiccant tablets, capsules, pills and aluminium bottles vinpocetione polyethylene film and bag vinpocetione b, package management and standards on the management of the drug packaging mainly has two modes: a mode of government management, such as Singapore, Indonesia adopted a market access system, United States, Canada, the European Union through the implementation of the medicine on the packaging of the strict management, that is, the drug registration, declare to use medical packaging of related materials; Government departments on the packaging manufacturer production system to carry out spot checks.

表1 药品包装材料、容器适用的范围药用包装材料、容器名称制剂形式备注塑料输液瓶注射剂≥50ml 材料有PP、LDPE 输液膜、袋注射剂≥50ml 材料有PVC、聚烯烃玻璃输液瓶注射剂≥50ml 冻干注射剂瓶注射剂0ml、注射剂≥50ml 模制、管制玻璃注射剂瓶注射剂0ml 安瓿注射剂0ml 口服固体药用塑料瓶片剂、胶囊、丸剂玻璃药瓶片剂、胶囊、丸剂、糖浆剂、口服溶液剂、混悬剂、乳剂、酊剂、搽剂、洗剂 PVC药用硬片片剂、胶囊铝塑泡罩包装 PVC/PE/PVDC药用复合硬片片剂、胶囊铝塑泡罩包装 PVC/PVDC药用复合硬片片剂、胶囊铝塑泡罩包装冷冲压成型药用复合硬片片剂、胶囊、栓剂材料有尼龙/铝/聚氯乙烯双铝包装片剂、胶囊 PVC/LDPE药用复合硬片片剂、胶囊、栓剂玻璃滴眼剂瓶滴眼剂药用滴眼剂塑料瓶滴眼剂药用滴耳剂塑料瓶滴耳剂药用滴鼻剂塑料瓶滴鼻剂外用液体药用塑料瓶酊剂、搽剂、洗剂口服液体药用塑料瓶糖浆剂、口服溶液剂、混悬剂、乳剂玻璃管制口服液瓶糖浆剂、口服溶液剂、混悬剂、乳剂药品包装用复合膜、袋散剂、颗粒剂、片剂药品包装用铝箔片剂、胶囊铝管、铝塑管软膏、眼膏剂、散剂、罐气雾剂、喷雾剂材料有铝、塑料阀门气雾剂、喷雾剂胶塞注射剂0ml、注射剂≥50ml 材料有溴化、氯化丁基橡胶合成聚异戊二烯垫片注射剂≥50ml 铝盖、铝塑组合盖口服液、注射剂0ml、注射剂≥50ml 预灌封注射针注射剂0ml 干燥剂片剂、胶囊、丸剂铝瓶原料药聚乙烯膜、袋原料药二、包装管理及标准各国对药品包装的管理主要有两种模式:一种模式是政府管理,如新加坡、印度尼西亚采取市场准入制的方式,美国、加拿大、欧盟通过对药品的管理实施对药品包装的严格管理即在药品注册时,申报所使用药品包装的相关材料;政府部门对药品包装生产企业的生产体系进行现场检查。

NON-DRYING CLEANSING LOTION removes all makeup and impurities from sensitive skin WASH-OFF CLEANSING LOTION dissolves dirt and oil, leaving skin clean and refreshed MAKEUP REMOVER gently removes all traces of makeup without irritation especially around eyes NEUTRAL CLEANSING BAR a gentle long lasting glycerin based soap with humectants to hold moisture and protect skin BALANCING CLEANSER prepares your skin with thorough cleansing and gentle exfoliation AHA REVITALIZING CLEANSER 4 a 4% glycolic acid based formulation for all skin types which gently cleanses and revitalizes skin DAILY MOISTURE SPF 15 combines hydration with Vitamins A, C and E for enhanced antioxidant protection - protects against both UVA and UVB radiation FACIAL MOISTURIZING CREAM binds moisture to the skin, excellent for dry and mature skin LIGHT TEXTURED MOISTURIZER a lightweight hydrating treatment OIL-FREE ULTRA LIGHT HYDRATOR a sheer lightweight lotion that provides hydration without oil - perfect for oily and acne prone skin HYDRATING SERUM delivers a powerful dose of hyaluronic acid to help restore aging skin to its ideal state SUPER RICH EYE CREAM combines Vitamins A, C and E with intense moisture binding ingredients ULTRA GENTLE EYE CREAM a lightweight and fragrance-free cream that helps to minimize fine lines and puffiness around eyes AHA REVITALIZING EYE CREAM moisturizes and helps to eliminate the signs of aging

你好 翻译如下非干燥洁净乳液消除所有的化妆及杂质从敏感的皮肤讲小康洁净乳液溶解灰尘和油,使皮肤清洁和刷新化妆剂轻轻地消除所有的痕迹化妆特别是在不刺激眼睛中性洁净英美柔和持久甘油肥皂基于举行水分和保护皮肤平衡洁面乳准备您的皮肤彻底清洗和温和去角质美国心脏学会振兴洁面乳 4 %乙醇酸基础制定的所有的皮肤类型轻轻清洁皮肤每日水分的SPF 15 结合水与维生素A, C和E ,加强抗氧化保护-防止两种紫外线和UVB辐射面部润肤乳结合水分的皮肤,非常适合干燥和成熟的皮肤光织润肤品一个轻量级水化治疗无油超轻型纯粹轻量级水化洗剂,提供无油-适合油性和青春痘的皮肤容易保湿血清提供了一个强大的剂量透明质酸帮助恢复皮肤衰老的理想状态超富眼霜结合维他命A, C和E与激烈的水分结合成分超温和的眼霜一个轻量级和香料无霜,帮助减少细纹与虚胖周围的眼睛美国心脏学会振兴眼霜润泽,并有助于消除老化的迹象

Apply to skin quality: The eye is dry, lack of water, wrinkle, pouch tumescence, black eye socket.


The statistical analysis was performed by means of the unpaired Student t test.


Oily skin if elected too Oil Eye, eye week after oil mascara will open halo; and completely free of grease eye gel (for example, stressed the firm immediately eye gel), although there will be dried Besharati effect, but also caused the relative makeup of desquamative distress, sometimes after the powder will be so fine lines more obvious.


It contains natural plant essence and rich nutrient content, and plays functions of deep skin-care as well as activating celluars; it complements moisture content and nutrient that eyes need daily quickly, and eases dryness and sag of eye area; it desalts tiny wrinkles, black ring around eye, pouch.


It contains natural plant essence and rich nutrient content and plays functions of deep skin-care as well as activating celluars; it complements moisture content and nutrient that eyes need daily quickly and eases dryness and sag of eye area; it desalts tiny wrinkles black ring around eye pouch.


It can also remove eye fatigue, replenish aqua for skin around eyes, eliminate skin dryness, prevent eye lines, reduce under-eye and pouch, eliminate swelling, leave skin bright and firm, full and moisturized.


It can slao remove eye fatigre, replenish aqua for skin around eyes, eliminate skindryness, prevent eye lines, reduce under-eye andpouch, eliminateswelling, leave skinbright and firm, full and moisturized.


It is fragrance-free, pigment-free, weak acidic and mild, and can make eye skin stretchy and smooth.

干燥的冬天或晚间可选用DCE加强修复霜,需要清爽感觉的夏天或早晨可选用DCE加强修复乳液,也可根据肌肤干燥状态搭配使用。 DCE 眼无痕美容液(J-43) EYE TREATMENT ESSENCE 30mL Wrinkle-free eye essence 功能:本品采用鲨鱼精华、胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白、透明质酸、复合氨基酸等主要成份;能抑制高分子成份减少,同时促进高分子成份生成,充分补充眼部所需的弹性和水润,防止因干燥而引起的小细纹,保持肌肤的紧致张力,无香料、无色素、呈弱酸性,温和零刺激;能维持眼部弹力、保持皮肤光滑。

更多网络解释与眼干燥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Arden雅顿银级更生抗皱眼霜15ml 所属类别 护肤品 所属品牌 雅顿(Arden)护肤品 最低价格 ¥170.00 一款浓缩、高营养的眼霜,能有效舒缓眼周干燥与细纹的现象,加强细胞的新陈代谢,延缓老化速度.


三.眼皱纹--眼皱纹绝对是揭发(Expose)女性芳龄并将之通告天下的叛徒. 眼部皱纹的形成主要是因为表皮组织干燥变薄,及真皮层的胶原蛋白(Protein)和弹力纤维填充(Added)不足(Notenough)(Notenough)而变细,失去网状支撑力. 除此之外,

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca:干燥性角膜结膜炎

xerophthalmia 眼干燥症 | keratoconjunctivitis sicca 干燥性角膜结膜炎 | pterygium 翼状胬肉


19例患者的19次事件被评估为"可能(possibly)"或"很可能(probably)"与利塞膦酸钠相关. 病人年龄50~92岁,从服药到发生眼部事件的时间为7天至5个月. 眼干燥(6例)、眼痛(5例)和结膜炎(3例)是最常见的与利塞膦酸钠治疗"可能"或"很可能"相关的眼部事件.

sicca syndrome:干燥综合征

干燥综合征(sicca syndrome)是以眼、口腔黏膜干燥为特征的自身免疫性疾病. 1888年首先由米库利奇(Mikulicz)所报告,早年称之为米库利奇综合征. 干燥综合征是一种以侵犯泪腺、唾液腺等外分泌腺体为主的慢性自身免疫性疾病,又称为自身免疫性外分泌腺体病.

Chrome-finish stemware rack mounts under a cabinet for drying and storage:铬完成stemware机架架下的内阁干燥和贮存

Features: 特点: | Chrome-finish stemware rack mounts under a cabinet for drying and storage铬完成stemware机架架下的内阁干燥和贮存 | Holds 6-9 stemware glasses, depending on style 6月9日举行stemware眼...


xerosis of conjunctiva 结膜干燥症 | xerophthalmia 眼干燥症 | keratoconjunctivitis sicca 干燥性角膜结膜炎

xerophthalmia:干眼病 眼干燥 眼球干燥

xerophobous 嫌旱的 | xerophthalmia 干眼病 眼干燥 眼球干燥 | xerophthalmus 眼干燥 干眼病



vitamin A deficiency:维生素A缺乏

维生素A缺乏(vitamin A deficiency)亦称蟾皮症(phrynoderma),系因缺乏维生素A引起的一种营养缺乏病. 其特征为皮肤干燥,四肢伸面有非炎性的棘刺状毛囊丘疹,伴以眼部症状如眼干燥、角膜软化或夜盲. 属中医"藜藿之亏"范畴.