- 更多网络例句与眼偏视相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Of the binocular diplopia, there were 17 cases of strabismic diplopia and 2 cases of diplopia due to central fusional impairment. Of the cases with monocular diplopia, there were 4 cases resulted from operative complication and one case with congenital iridocoloboma.
结果 双眼复视19例中,斜视性复视17例,中枢融合障碍性复视2例;斜视性复视中,除3例为间歇性外斜视外,其余14例均有不同程度的眼肌运动障碍;单眼复视5例中,4例为手术后人工晶体偏位所致,1例为先天性下方虹膜缺损所致。
Methods The 201 cases in 1979~1996 were retrospectively summarized. The clinical features including chief complaints, sex distribution, age at first visit, laterality, type of presentation, ocular deviation in the primary position, refractive errors, amblyopia, globe retraction, change of the palpebral fissure, upshoot and downshoot in adduction, binocular single vision, and its associated ocular and non-ocular anomalies were analyzed.
Sensory impairment and urinary dysfunction also had developed, and paraparesis persisted after the hypokalemia was corrected during hospitalization. An optokinetic nystagmus test showed bilateral sick waves and at the same time a cerebrospinal fluid analysis was normal. A blood examination disclosed borderline anti-nuclear antibodies and an elevated serum IgG level. Her cervical spinal cord showed mild swelling and contrast-enhancement when examined by magnetic resonance imaging. Neither a brain stem nor an optic nerve's lesion was found. Based on the above, acute transverse myelitis was diagnosed. All the symptoms present in the patient relieved gradually after 5-days of pulsed intravenous methylprednisolone therapy.
- 更多网络解释与眼偏视相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
第三节 弱视(amblyopia) 眼部内外没有器质性病变而矫正视力达不到正常(低于0.9)者称为弱视. 弱视与斜视有密切关系,单眼偏斜可致该眼弱视,而弱视又可形成斜视. 一、分类 (一)斜视性弱视(strabismic amblyopia) 患者有斜视或曾有过斜视,
核心提示:隐斜视(heterophoria) 隐斜视是一种潜在性眼位偏斜,但能在融合反射控制下保持双眼单视,以强制两眼球保持在正位而不显出偏斜,一旦大脑融合作用遭到阻断(如一眼被遮盖时)或失去控制(如在过度使用目力或精神疲劳时),
paralytic strabismus:麻痹性斜视
麻痹性斜视(paralytic strabismus)是以一条或数条眼外肌完全或不完全麻痹而引起的眼位偏斜,眼球运动受限,复视,眩晕,恶心呕吐等为特征的眼病. 为眼科临床常见病,多一眼发病,起病突然,患者往往因严重的自觉症状而影响工作及生活(1),属风牵偏视(2)等范畴.
anorgasmy 性快感缺乏 | anorthography 运动性失写症 | anorthopia 眼偏视
anorthography 运动性失写症 | anorthopia 眼偏视 | anorthoscope 动景镜
anorthopia 眼偏视 | anorthoscope 动景镜 | anorthoscope 弱视镜
内隐斜(esophoria)是眼位有向内偏斜的倾向,平时可用矫正性融合反射来控制,不出现斜位,并能保持双眼单视. 一般内隐斜如超过9△可出现症状,但也要看患者的融合功能而定
上隐斜(hyperphoria)是眼位有向上偏斜的倾向,平时两眼可用矫正性融合反射来控制,使不出现斜位并能保持双眼单视. 一般上隐斜超过2△可出现症状,在隐斜患者中,上隐斜占15%~30%.
strabismic amblyopia:斜视性弱视
(一)斜视性弱视(strabismic amblyopia)患者有斜视或曾有过斜视由于眼位偏斜而发生复视为了解除或克服斜视所造成的复视大脑视皮质中枢就抑制由斜视眼传入的视觉冲动斜视眼的黄斑功能长期被抑制而导致弱视这种弱视是斜视的后果是继发的功能性