英语人>词典>汉英 : 眶额的 的英文翻译,例句
眶额的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The opioid receptors mainly distribute at prefrontal lobe(obitofrontal gyrus, medial superior frontal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus), paralimbic cortices (cingulated cortex and hippocampus), insular cortex、pallidum and the opercular section of frontal lobe and parietal lobe. These results corresponded with the classic theories on PET neurorecepotors imaging.


The main cortical activation areas lies in : obitofrontal gyrus, medial superior frontal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, the opercular section of frontal lobe and parietal lobe, anterior and middle cingulated cortex, insula cortex, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, precuneus, middle temporal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus, occipital lobe.


A research survey conducted by Morten Kringelbach, senior fellow at Oxford University's department of psychiatry, found the orbitofrontal cortex could be a "new stimulation target" to help people suffering from anhedonia, an inability to experience pleasure from such activities.

牛津大学精神病系的资深成员Morten Kringelbach做了一个研究调查,发现眶额皮层可能是的一个&新的刺激靶点&,对那些无法体会相关快感的所谓&快感缺乏症&的患者,该区域意义非凡。而快感缺乏是一种体会来自上述那些活动的快乐的能力缺陷。

The increase in either OCDAS or AAS scores associated with provocation was statistically significant (P<0.01). A statistically significant increase (P<0.05) in rCBV during the OCD symptomatic state versus the control state was found in the right inferiofrontal cortex, postcentral cortex, angular cortex, and bilateral orbitofrontal cortices, cuneus cortices, heads of caudate neucli, thalami and amygdalae.

结果 静息期和诱发期的强迫症状评分结果分别是1.00±0.33和6.65±0.71,有显著性差异(P<0.01);静息期和诱发期的焦虑症状评分结果分别是1.20±0.42和2.75±0.42,也有显著性差异(P<0.01);与静息期相比,右侧额下回、中央后回、角回、双侧眶额部、楔叶皮质及双侧尾状核头、丘脑、杏仁核rCBV在症状诱发期显著增加(P<0.05)。

The evidences from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, especially recently from neuropsychology and neuroimaging studies of OCD suggest that: the functional overactivities in OFC and ACC could be responsible for the increased functions of error recognition and evaluation of emotion and motivation; the functional hypoactivity in DLPC could result in the lack of cognitive integration of the consequence of action.


But in recent months scientists have been focusing on the area of the brain just behind the eyes known as the orbitofrontal cortex - this is associated with feelings of pleasure derived from eating and sex.


Objective: To provide microanatomical data for Heubner recurrent artery, explore its relationship with Al segment, and distinguish it with orbitofrontal artery and frontopolar artery.


The SERT reduction in orbitofrontal cortex complements other data suggesting involvement of this area in MA-related behaviour.


Each of the younger volunteers later lay in a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, which measured the volume of three brain structures: the amygdala, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the orbitofrontal cortex.


Analysis of the relation between serotonin and its receptor in OFC and stress depression(n=8):(1) Microinjection of 5-HT into OFC significantly shortened immobility time, dejections have no great changes; though locomotor、 grooming activitives have little increased, they have no significant difference; rearing scores greatly reduced;(2)microinjection of pCPA into OFC significantly prolong immobility time, dejections have no great changes; locomotor、rearing activities are greatly reduced, but have no significant effect on grooming activity receding;(3)compared with the effect of 5-HT alone, microinjection of spiperone combined with 5-HT into OFC, significantly prolong immobility time and greatly reduced dejections; locomotor、 rearing、 grooming activities are all reduced, but have no significant differences.


更多网络解释与眶额的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


较现代人为大,在中国猿人中,眶间宽也较大. 马坝人由鼻粱至眶间宽的高为5.8毫米,因此其上颔额点指数=×100=27.9. 较现代人为小. 顶骨在前囟点(bregma)处的厚度马坝人为7.0毫米,梭罗人平均为9.4毫米,中国猿人平均为16.4毫米.


通过电极,研究小组可以发现老鼠的神经元在一种气味前的"发火"(firing)速度是否高于在另一种气味前. 发火速度的快慢是老鼠思考活跃程度的表现. 眶额前脑皮层受损的老鼠,其神经元发火的速度明显慢于正常老鼠.

Margo lateralis:舌缘:同

margo lateralis humeri 肱骨外侧缘:从大结节后下延伸到外上髁之肱骨缘 | margo lateralis 舌缘:同margo linguae | margo lateralis orbitae 眶外侧缘:由额骨的颧突和颧骨的额突构成


(survivaloriented)的皮质下(subcortex)之间,起着联结的作用. 在前额叶中,首先形成对情绪的理性反应的部分位于眶额叶区域(眼睛后部、杏仁体附近以及扣带回部位,). 在人一生的经历中,眶额叶区域扮演着重要的角色,在个体的情绪生活中,


Makoto等认为左大脑半球发生癫痫会导致心动过缓(braclyeardia)和心脏停搏(cardiacaft'eat),右半球致痫灶可导致心动过速(tachycardia). 多种皮质起源的发作都可出现心动过缓,可能为岛叶一顶盖、内侧颞叶和眶额皮质组成的皮质系统的功能障碍,

Muntiacus reevesi:黄麂

2002年3-4月对上海动物园人工饲养的黄麂(Muntiacus reevesi)的标记行为进行了初步研究. 结果表明黄麂的标记方式可分为用面腺(包括额腺和眶前腺)、尿液和粪便标记3种. 雌雄黄麂用面腺标记的频次差异显著(P<0,01). 面腺标记是雄麂最主要的标记方式,

orbitofrontal cortex:眶额皮层

他们发现,失眠患者左侧眶额皮层(orbitofrontal cortex)的灰质体积较小,这是与他们主观上的个人的严重失眠密切相关. "结果显示,第一次检测中,失眠患者的涉及评价愉快刺激的脑区,以及与大脑的'休眠状态(resting state)'有关的脑区中,灰质密度较小".


2.骨化程度不高,骨块数目也很少,软骨性硬骨有侧枕骨,眶蝶骨(或单块筛蝶骨)和 前耳骨(protic)各一对,而膜性硬骨也只有颅骨背面的鼻骨,额骨,顶骨(或愈合成额顶骨 frontoparietal)各一对.颅侧有一块鳞骨(squamosal),颅底由单块副蝶骨 (parasphenoid)和一对犁骨构成.鱼


zygomaticofacialforamen 颧面孔 | zygomaticofrontal 颧额的 | zygomaticoorbitalartery 颧眶动脉

silent area:静区

而额叶癫痫起源于中央前回时表现为运动性发作,起源于眶额区时则属于边缘系统发作,通常累及颞叶. 一般情况下,发作时的最初症状常提示发作的起源部位,但起源于"静区"(silent area)的发作可能仅表现出发作扩散区域的症状.