英语人>词典>汉英 : 看破红尘 的英文翻译,例句
看破红尘 的英文翻译、例句


be cynical
更多网络例句与看破红尘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the center stage of night, those affectionateness, of waving sleeves, of valsing gossamer, was beckoning to me far away.


While you've often been seduced by intriguing ideas, offers or charming individuals, once your earth sign canniness kicks in, you come to your senses.


While you've often been seduced by intriguing ideas, offers orcharming individuals, once your earth sign canniness kicks in, youcome to your senses.


But those deep attaching in the center of the stage tonight flied lightly down its dancing sleeves to shake towards me,while shaking off the years to drink myself as a clear image under such a moon night,falling down the gentilesse recklessly and the eyes palpitating as well.


He was not like an idiot who lost his mind,and neithera negativist who renounced the world.


He wasn't like a stupid man without mind, or a negativist who has passed everything by.


The cynic in me cringes on rereading this.


更多网络解释与看破红尘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be cynical:玩世不恭

Be brave in a dangerous situation. 临危不惧. | be cynical 玩世不恭 | Be disillusioned with the mortal world. 看破红尘.

the wind abates and the waves calm down:风平浪静

独一无二--one and only | 风平浪静--the wind abates and the waves calm down. | 看破红尘--to see through the vanity of the world