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相当稀少的 的英文翻译、例句


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Beyond the group of events, there would be few shocks and the strong shocks take place discretely in time and space.


The Formosan serow is not uncommon in mid-high elevation zones, but because of its alert nature, it is rarely spotted, let alone observed.

台湾长鬃山羊Formosan serow(学名 Capricornis crispus swinhoei)在中高海拔地区不算稀少,但是它的习性相当警觉,因此我们在野地里很少能见到它,更别提好好的观察了。

During the party's leadership contest in 2005, Theresa May declared that there were fewer women in the Shadow Cabinet than there were men called David.


Spontaneous political protests involving attacks on the diplomatic quarters of other states are even rarer in Beijing, where police authority is very strong - one reason some observers say the protests were not uncalculated.


The base colour chocolate brown is already pretty rare, so a combination with merle is seldomly seen.


The base colour chocolate brown is already pretty rare, so a combination with merle is seldomly seen.


Odonates include insects we commonly called dragonflies and damselflies. Species from a scarce odonate group, known as "diverse damselfly", are considered living fossils.


Rapid expansion of soybean plantations in South America could displace 22 million hectares (54 million acres) of tropical forest and savanna in the next 20 years.


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the rarest cat on Earth:世界上最稀少的猫科动物

An Amur leopard|一只远东豹 | the rarest cat on Earth.|世界上最稀少的猫科动物 | Winter is a difficult time for this hunter.|冬天对这个动物来说相当难熬

Lophura swinhoii:藍腹鷴

蓝腹鹇(Lophura swinhoii)为台湾特有的珍稀鸟类,分布於海拔2000公尺以下的阔叶林中,因其数量稀少,加上主要栖息地受到严重破坏,於1966年与帝雉同时被列入国际濒临绝种动物之红皮书中,是台湾相当珍稀的生物.


萨卡拉瓦人主要过著半游牧生活,让牛群自由活动於马任加(Majunga)省和突耳以尔(Tulear)省本地的草原上. 他们也在河床上播种稻米从事相当原始的农业. 梅里纳人和贝齐寮人(Betsileo)为寻求农地而来到这片人口稀少的土地上,