英语人>词典>汉英 : 直肠阴道的 的英文翻译,例句
直肠阴道的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与直肠阴道的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was no postoperative complication.Follow up from1to1.5years recurrence of rectocele symptom was no found.


Methods From August 2004 to August 2006, 12 female patients with rectocele were treated,aging 49-73 years.


For 40 more years, we have insisted in using the combination method of Chinese Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine and Cured 500,000 more patients who suffered from some diseases as internal hemorrhoid, external hemorrhoid, mixed hemorrhoid, anal fissure, anal fistula, perianal abscess, intestinal polyp, prolepses of rectal mucosa, costingpation, proctatresia, stricture of anus, rectoperineal fistula, rectal carcinoma, carcinoma of colon, proctitis, colitis, etc.


Objective To investigate the causes and outcome of different treatment methods of iatrogenic rectovaginal fistula.


Objective To explore the causes and management strategies of rectovaginal fistula after anterior resection for rectal cancer.

目的 研究和探讨直肠癌前切除术后并发直肠阴道瘘的原因及对策。

Objective To analyse the etiological factors of rectovaginal fistula and to summarize the experience of clinical treatment on rectovaginal fistula.


Objective To observe the clinical effect of repairing rectovaginal septum with graft of fascia flap with blood vessels.


Methods Clinical and followup data of 11 patients with postoperative rectovaginal fistula after anterior resection for rectal cancer from March 2004 to August 2006 were reviewed.


The technique of transanal repair in combination with transvaginal repair for the treatment of rectovaginal fistula complicated by anterior resection is effective and safe, no requirement to divide the perineal body and anal sphincter, with less postoperative complications and no incontinence.


Three, congenital anorectal atresia: This is because of bad or abnormal embryonic development due to congenital diseases, children with anal atresia completely, and some combined vestibular rectal fistula, rectal-perineal fistula or rectovaginal fistula, boys still rectal fistula and other bladder deformity.


更多网络解释与直肠阴道的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fecal fistula:粪瘘

[概述] 粪瘘(fecal fistula)是指生殖器官与肠道之间形成的异常通道. 在妇产科临床中最常见的是直肠阴道瘘. 滞产形成的粪瘘有时并发尿瘘. 此外也可有小肠、结肠阴道瘘. 生殖器官瘘管是一种极为痛苦的损伤性疾病. 由于尿、粪不能自行控制,


接近膀膀和直肠(肠的后截). 子宫是女性生殖系统的一个器官,其它器官包括卵巢、输卵管、子宫颈和阴道. 在骨盆内还有肌肉、韧带辅助固定这些器官,网膜(Omentum)把器官包围起来,以起保护作用,淋巴液(腺)帮助身体抵抗细菌感染.

mons pubis:阴阜

临床上可经阴道穹后部,向直肠子宫陷凹穿刺作诊断. 阴道前方邻接膀胱底和尿道,后方邻接直肠. 阴道的下端开口于阴道前庭,称阴道口,处女的阴道口周缘有环形或半月形的处女膜. . (一)阴阜(mons pubis) 为耻骨联合前方的隆起区,皮下脂肪丰富.

recto vaginal fistula:直肠阴道<>,直肠腔<>

\\"直肠阴道的\\",\\"recto-vaginal\\" | \\"直肠阴道,直肠腔\\",\\"recto-vaginal fistula\\" | \\"直肠膀胱腔\\",\\"recto-vesical pounch\\"

colpotomy posterior:子宫直肠凹陷切开术

10,子宫阴道突出metrocolpocele | 11,子宫直肠凹陷切开术colpotomy posterior | 12,子宫直肠的uterorectal

ischiorectal fossa:坐骨直肠窝

会阴结构的基本概况 2921骨盆 (Pars pelvis) 的整体观 2933坐骨直肠窝 (Ischiorectal fossa)及其相关的间隙 4216阴茎 (Penile) 的实用解剖学 4437有关卵巢肿瘤 (Ovarian tumor) 的解剖学 4439阴道 (Vagina) 的应用解剖学 44710外阴(女阴,


rectouterine 直肠子宫的 | rectovaginal 直肠阴道的 | rectovesical 直肠膀胱的

rectovaginal fistula:直肠阴道瘘

直肠阴道瘘(rectovaginal fistula)是指直肠与阴道之间的病理性通道,又称粪瘘. 表现为粪便积于阴道内,经阴道排出,稀便时更明显,也有极小瘘孔虽未见粪便自阴道排出,但有阴道排气存在. 由于病变部位局部解剖的特殊性和复杂性,直肠阴道瘘往往导致患者难言的病痛,


rectovaginal 直肠阴道的 | rectovesical 直肠膀胱的 | rectovesical fistula 直肠膀胱瘘


\\"直肠尿道的\\",\\"recto-urethral\\" | \\"直肠子宫的\\",\\"recto-uterine\\" | \\"直肠阴道的\\",\\"recto-vaginal\\"