英语人>词典>汉英 : 直肠息肉 的英文翻译,例句
直肠息肉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
proctopolypus  ·  prortopolypus

更多网络例句与直肠息肉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apart from one cases of rectal polyp "chela" shedding legacy root, others were taken onetime polyps highfrequency trap removal.


In the palliative treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma, it was 2.50; in endoscopic hemostasis, it was 1.23; in the treatment of colorectal polypi, it was 1.15, in the treatment of upper gastrointestinal polypi, it was 1.03, in the management of self-expand stent overgrowth or tumor stenosis, it was 1.17; in the ablation of Barrett's esophagus, it was 1.13; in the ablation of gastric dysplasia, gastritis verrucosa, gastric xanthelasma and gastric or duodenal liparomphalus, only 1 session was needed.


The rectum and the sigmoid colon are the main invasive sites of polypus, inflammation, ulcer and tumors.


Methods The expressions of MAGE-3 in tumor tissue, para-tumor tissue of (5±1)cm from border of tumor tissue, tissue of resection border and polypus were detected by RT-PCR. Results MAGE-3 expression was positive in 14 of 33 (42.42%) samples of rectal cancer, 6 of 33 (18.18%) of para-tumor tissue, and 5 of 33 (15.15%) of resection border tissue respectively.


Be engaged in clinical over 20 years, and being good at disposing common ailment and severe cases in anorectum section, masculine branch and urinary surgery , especially in operation on internal pile, external pile, combined hemorrhoid, anal fissure, colorectal Polyp, pruritus ani, rectocele, prolapse of ring-like hemorrhoids .


In case of: rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, omarthritis, cervical disease, bronchitis, gastritis, indigestion, stomach cramps, constipation, colorectal polyps, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, Qu vein bulging, veins Jing Twin, sciatica, neurasthenia, insomnia, arteriosclerosis, cerebral ischemia, cerebral thrombosis, stroke sequelae, hypertension, low blood pressure, cardiac insufficiency, the lower immune function, women's Disease: Irregular Menstruation, dysmenorrhea, Leucorrhea, comprehensive menopause Disease,......


At present,with the increasing studies on neuropeptide,many of them have shown that substance Pand vasoactive intestinal peptideare closely related to the occurrence of nasal polyps and colorectal polyps which are similar to the occurrence and pathology of vocal cord polyps.This article will discuss these aspects in order to investigate the relationship between SP,VIP and vocal cord polyps.


Sessile and 17 semi-pedunculated polyps were only treated with APC, whereas 21 pedunculated polyps were treated with piecemeal polypectomy and polyp remnants were also treated with APC. Follow-up endoscopies had been performed 1 month after the treatment completion. Results: Complete ablation was achieved in all poplys in the course of one session.


Colonoscopy revealed one polypoid tumor, which was proved to be a malignant melanoma after biopsy pathology.


Methods Among patients with colorectal polyps diagnosed with the colonoscope,those were chosen who had sporadic colorectal adenomata through pathologic inspection and were hospitalized in order to excise adenomata with electro┐tomy.


更多网络解释与直肠息肉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

convalescence, recovery:直肠息肉手术费用

prognosis预后 | convalescence,recovery直肠息肉手术费用 | relapse复发



rectal polyp:直肠息肉

直肠息肉(rectal polyp)泛指自直肠黏膜突向肠腔的隆起性病变(图1). 息肉种类很多,亦很常见. 直肠是息肉的多发部位,并常常合并有结肠息肉. 肿瘤性息肉有恶变倾向.

Rectal polypus:直肠息肉

Rectal perforation 直肠穿破 | Rectal polypus 直肠息肉 | Rectal tuberculosis 直肠结核

polypose colo-rectale:结直肠息肉病

polypo?de biliaire 胆囊息肉样病变 | polypose colo-rectale 结直肠息肉病 | ponction articulaire 关节穿刺术


proctoplastyrectoplasty 直肠成形术 | proctopolypus 直肠息肉 | proctoptosiaproctoptosis 直肠脱垂

proctopolypus forceps:直肠息肉钳

proctopexy with injection method 注射法直肠固定术 | proctopolypus forceps 直肠息肉钳 | proctopolypus punch forceps 直肠息肉咬除钳

proctopolypus punch forceps:直肠息肉咬除钳

proctopolypus forceps 直肠息肉钳 | proctopolypus punch forceps 直肠息肉咬除钳 | Proctor needle 葡氏密实度测定针


proctopolypuspunchforceps 直肠息肉咬除钳 | proctoptoma 直肠脱垂 | proctoptosia 直肠脱垂

rectosigmoid polypus snare:直肠乙状结肠息肉圈套器

rectosigmoidoscopy 直肠乙状结肠镜检查 | rectosigmoid polypus snare 直肠乙状结肠息肉圈套器 | rectotome 直肠刀