英语人>词典>汉英 : 直立行走的 的英文翻译,例句
直立行走的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Now are sure that Australopithecus had a two-way movement of feet to walk upright.


The Yunxian Man fossil skull is believed by scientists to belong to homo erectus, a predecessor of homo sapiens that walked on their two legs with an upright body posture.


But the omnivorous beast is rampant still.


Last time we discussed how human beings are the only primate that walks on two feet.

上一次 ,我们讨论了人类是唯一能直立行走的灵长类动物。

An important difference between humans and other vertebrates is the fact that humans ambulate in a fully erect position.


Compared to us, they had larger teeth and stronger chewing muscles, a stouter skull with a smaller brain.


A re-examination of anklebones from early hominids indicates their gait was not as stable as previous research suggested.


"The lower part of the body, which includes the foot, the shin bone and the thigh bone clearly shows us that this species was an upright walking creature," he said.


Dated to 3.5 million years ago, they were evidence of three four-foot-tall, upright-walking prehumans.


Right now we can say this is the world's oldest bipedal-an animal walking on two feet and what makes this significant is because what makes us human is walking upright," Latimer said."This new discovery will give us a picture of how our 4-million-year-old ancestors walked upright .


更多网络解释与直立行走的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Australopithecus anamensis:南方古猿湖畔种

这些化石所表现出来的特征不同于已知的南方古猿各人科,而是一种新发现的南方古猿的新科. 1995年他被定名为"南方古猿湖畔种"(australopithecus anamensis). 由于学术界对始祖种的人科地位还有不同看法,因此通常都认为湖畔种是最早能直立行走的人科成员.

clump walk clumsily and noisily:用沉重的脚步行走

9. clomp clump重踏着走 | 10. clump walk clumsily and noisily用沉重的脚步行走 | 12. curvet prance or canter, used esp. of horses直立跳跃, 腾跃

curvet prance or canter, used esp. of horses:直立跳跃, 腾跃

10. clump walk clumsily and noisily用沉重的脚步行走 | 12. curvet prance or canter, used esp. of horses直立跳跃, 腾跃 | 13. dart move suddenly and rapidly飞奔


因此,他采用了海克尔提出的"猿人"作为属名,又根据股骨所表现出的能立行走的特征,便使用"直立的"(erectus)一词作为种名,正式的学名就定为"直立猿人"(Pithecanthropus erectus).

Pithecanthropus erectus:直立猿人

1894年,他提出爪哇的化石代表猿和人的过渡类型,是现代人的先驱,虽然脑子小,但已获得直立行走的姿态,并改用了"直立猿人" (Pithecanthropus erectus)的新属名.

Foramen magnum:大孔

尤其有意义的是他可以「直立行走」,因为他的枕骨大孔(foramen magnum)的位置比较靠前,不像其他四足行走的动物枕骨大孔是在头骨的后方,这显示他跟尼安德塔人、北京人、爪哇人一样是腰杆(脊柱)直起来,用双足行走的.


有一个根本的问题被忽略了:"人科动物"(hominid)的根本标志是什么呢?!恩格斯告诉我们说,人的根本特征是有目的地制造工具,以及由此发展而来的,直立行走、高度发达的智力和语言能力. 这也是19世纪后生物学界广泛认同的观点.

Ape.Men the Homo Erectus,Upright Man:猿人--直立行走的人类

52 First Aid for the Dying Dot Com 网络公司求生计 | 53 Ape.Men the Homo Erectus,Upright Man 猿人--直立行走的人类 | 54 Translater 翻译员

tree shrew:树鼩

而树鼩(tree shrew)则是还没有甩掉尾巴并直立行走的人类吗?直立人中的原始人(hominid)的确是进化的产物. 但智人本身则是一个突然的产物,是一个爆炸性事件. 他们在30万年前无法解释地出现了,比进化理论上的时间早了上百万年.

nictitating membrane:瞬膜

脊椎骨末端的尾骶骨(Coccyx)是人类祖先尾巴退化的痕迹器官,证明了人类起源自有尾的动物,尾巴的消失推测和直立行走与运动方式有关;眼睛内侧的半月皱摺(Plica semilunaris)是瞬膜(Nictitating membrane)的痕迹;动耳肌连接耳朵,却已然不够发达,