英语人>词典>汉英 : 直接继承人 的英文翻译,例句
直接继承人 的英文翻译、例句


direct successor
更多网络例句与直接继承人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our country practices tail system, and takes direct mode of inherit. It is very disbennifit to protect debtee because there is not efficiency supervision to haeres. So it is necessary to restrict haeres.


Our country practices tail system , and takes direct mode of inherit . It is very disbennifit to protect debtee because there is not efficiency supervision to haeres .


He is an immediate successor to the president of the company.


From now on, all property rights including property rights will be free gift spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandparents, grandchildren, grandson, daughter, brother and sisters; housing housing property owners will be free gifts directly dependent on its commitment to the maintenance or obligations or the maintenance of dependents; and housing property rights of all deaths, according to the legal heirs to obtain property rights, wills and other heir or legatee three cases of property rights free gift, to the parties not to collect personal income tax.


According to the Circular, there are three conditions under which the donor and the donee of the real estate endowed as gift may be exempted from individual income tax: where the owner of the real estate donates the ownership for no consideration to his or her spouse, parents, offspring, paternal grandparents, maternal grandparents, paternal grandchildren, maternal grandchildren or siblings; where the owner of the real estate donates the ownership for no consideration to the person who is under the direct obligation to take care of or support the owner; where the ownership of the real estate, following its owner's demise, is transferred to the legal heir by operation of law or to the legatee or donee under the will.


II. THE second offense, more immediately affecting the personal security of individuals, relates to the female part of his majesty's subjects; being that of their forcible abduction and marriage; which is vulgarly called stealing an heiress.

II。 第二种更直接的影响到对个人人身保障的侵犯,与国王臣民的女性部分有关;以暴力相威胁的诱骗和婚姻;这通常的被称为"偷女继承人"。

Or conveyance takes and estate of freehold, and in the same gift or conveyance an estate is limited, either mediately or


The Dealer shall have the right whenever in the Dealer's sole discretion, the Dealer shall consider it necessary for the protection of the Dealer, because of margin requirements or otherwise, or, in the event that a petition in bankruptcy, or a petition for the appointment of a receiver, is filed by or against the Client or, when an attachment is levied against the account of the Client with the Dealer, or, in the event of the death or judicial declaration of incompetence of the Client, to: satisfy any obligation the Client may have to the Dealer (either directly or by way of guaranty or suretyship) out of any property belonging to the Client in custody or control by the Dealer, sell any or all positions long in the Client's account, buy any or all positions which may be short in such account, and, cancel any outstanding orders in order to close the account or accounts of the Client, all without demand for margin or additional margin, notice to the Client, the Client's heirs, executors, administrators, legatees, personal, representatives or assigns, of sale or purchase or other notice or advertisement and whether or not the ownership interest shall be solely the Client's or jointly with others.


The Company shall have the right whenever in the Company's sole discretion, the Company shall consider it necessary for the protection of the Company, because of margin requirements or otherwise, or, in the event that a petition in bankruptcy, or a petition for the appointment of a receiver, is filed by or against the Client or, when an attachment is levied against the account of the Client with the Company, or, in the event of the death of judicial declaration of incompetence of the Client, to: satisfy any obligation the Client may have to the Company (either directly or by way of guaranty or suretyship) out of any property belonging to the Client in the custody or control of the Company, sell any or all positions long in the Client's account, buy any or all positions which may be short in such account, and, cancel any outstanding orders in order to close the account or accounts of the Client, all without demand for margin or additional margin, notice to the Client, the Client's heirs, executors, administrators, legatees, personal representatives or assigns, of sale or purchase or other notice or advertisement and whether or not the ownership interest shall be solely the Client's or jointly with others.


更多网络解释与直接继承人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heres voluntarius:任意继承人

五、罗马法的法定继承人分当然继承人(heres suus)、必然继承人(heres necessarii)和任意继承人(heres voluntarius) 当然继承人是指直接在家长权下而在家长死亡后便成为自权人的家属,他们由于古代继承家祀和家产公有的关系,即理所当然地继承家长的遗产,