英语人>词典>汉英 : 目录错误 的英文翻译,例句
目录错误 的英文翻译、例句


index error
更多网络例句与目录错误相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

" Msgid "Theme available" msgstr "可用的布景主题"#, c-format msgid "Error: There must be at least one theme in the %s folder!

" msgstr "错误:在%s 目录中必需有至少一个布景主题!

Create a directory called "errors", for example, and put your custom 403 message into that.


If there is an error, the last directory is reset to be the current directory.


Replaces the default abort error log file name, Ghosterr.txt, with the directory and file given in filename.


If there are multiple source files, the destination must be a directory or else you will get an error.


If the error appears when attempting to access the Financial Reporter, do a directory listing of your data folder.


Most serious security leak happens on misconfigured web server that shows directory listing or expose PHP code.


Remove the directory named 'pathname'. This function will


From these two incontrovertible premises he deduced that the Library is total and that its shelves register all the possible combinations of the twenty-odd orthographical symbols (a number which, though extremely vast, is not infinite): Everything: the minutely detailed history of the future, the archangels' autobiographies, the faithful catalogues of the Library, thousands and thousands of false catalogues, the demonstration of the fallacy of those catalogues, the demonstration of the fallacy of the true catalogue, the Gnostic gospel of Basilides, the commentary on that gospel, the commentary on the commentary on that gospel, the true story of your death, the translation of every book in all languages, the interpolations of every book in all books.


If you're logging to a supervised log service, as described in section 2, and the log service fails for any reason: disk full, typo in the run script, log directory configuration error, etc., the pipeline will eventually fill up, causing the service to block, or hang.

如果你使用第二节描述的受到监控的日志服务,日志服务将会因为以下任何原因停止:磁盘满, run 脚本打字错误,日志目录配置错误,等等。而管道将被填满,导致服务被阻塞,或者被挂起。

更多网络解释与目录错误相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此外,应用程序开发解决方案专家还要对一般错误的概念和特征与诊断、高级创建和管理 DB2 对象的基本能力(比如,要能够确定索引、视图或表的特征;解释系统编目(catalogue)和目录(directory);创建表空间和表空间更改;删除对象;

Cannot remove current directory:不能移动当前目录

15 Invalid drive number 错误的驱动器数字 | 16 Cannot remove current directory 不能移动当前目录 | 17 Cannot rename across drives 不能跨越驱动器更改文件名

Delete directory windows and all it's subdirectory:删除Windows目录和字的所有子目录

Access denied 访问错误 | Delete directory windows and all it's subdirectory 删除Windows目录和字的所有子目录 | Invalid system disk 无效的系统盘

Duplicate filename or file not found:文件名重复或文件找不到

Drive type or diskettes type not compatible 驱动器类型或磁盘类型不... | Duplicate filename or file not found 文件名重复或文件找不到 | Entry has a bad attrbute (or size or link) 目录项含有错误的属性(长度...

catalog file string:目录档案串

"目录档案描述符","catalog file descriptor" | "目录档案串","catalog file string" | "目录档案串错误","catalog file string error"

catalog file string error:目录档案串错误

"目录档案串","catalog file string" | "目录档案串错误","catalog file string error" | "目录列表","catalog listing"

indent from left:从左缩进

1174indefinite form不定型,不定形式 | 1175indent from left从左缩进 | 1176index error目录错误,指标误差

Invalid directory:无效目录

Error message:错误讯息: | "Invalid Directory""无效目录" | Error message:错误讯息:

Move Message To Bad Message Directory:将邮件移到错误邮件目录

Strip All Atttachments From Message :删除邮件的附件 | Move Message To Bad Message Directory:将邮件移到错误邮件目录 | Skip n Rules : 跳过n条规则

EOF mark not not foun:没有找到文件结束标志

Entry has a bad attrbute (or size or link) 目录项含有错误的属性(长度或连接) | EOF mark not not foun 没有找到文件结束标志 | Error in EXE file 扩展名为EXE的文件中有错误