英语人>词典>汉英 : 目录路径 的英文翻译,例句
目录路径 的英文翻译、例句


directory path
更多网络例句与目录路径相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You can also make your own changes to the configurations such as directories, volume label, and boot sector path.


A relative path is based on the current directory, also known as the present working directory.


As a directory component in a path to represent the current directory.


As a directory component in a path to represent the parent of the current directory.


Step 1 : In the "Search in" field, enter the directory path.


If so, set DataDirectory to the path of this directory.


Optionally, you can add the path to the SDK tools directory to your path.

特别的,你可以把 SDK工具的目录路径添加到你的路径中。

The main reason is the directory path has changed to mobile from root.


You'll probably need to add that directory to your MANPATH environment variable.


By default neither this directory nor your main Python executable are on your PATH so you will not be able to run Python itself or any Python scripts from a Command Prompt unless you first navigate to the correct directory or specify the full path each time.


更多网络解释与目录路径相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

current directory path:现行目录路径

现行目录 current directory | 现行目录路径 current directory path | 现用磁盘 current disk

destination directory:目标目录

"同步目录"(Hotsync directory)是指定类型文件 的目录路径,你也可以让它空着,用选项(Preferences)里指定的"目标目录"(Destination Directory)来存放文件.

directory path:目录路径

它还能帮你创建新的目录甚至是目录路径(directory path),如果目录不存在的话. 此外它还能用来检查文件的属性(大小,上次修改的日期,读写权限等),判断File对象表示的是文件还是目录,以及删除文件. renameTo( )这个方法会把文件重命名成(或者说移动到)新的目录,

DP Directory Path:目录路径

DP Digital Processing 数字处理 | DP Directory Path 目录路径 | DP Disk Pack 磁盘组

full directory path:完整目录路径

"全位址直接定址","full direct addressing" | "完整目录路径","full directory path" | "全公布;全解密","full disclosure"

AFP directory path AFP:目录路径

AE indicator 接收序列出错指示符 | AFP directory path AFP目录路径 | AFTRA 美国电视和收音机艺术家联盟

Undetermined file or directory path:不能确定的文件或目录路径

Unanticipated SMART Status: 不可预知的SMART 情况 | Undetermined file or directory path 不能确定的文件或目录路径 | Unknown 未知

directory pathname:目录路径名

676directory path目录路径 | 677directory pathname目录路径名 | 678directory tree目录树

mcd cd:更改目录路径

mattrib attrib 更改文档属性 | mcd cd 更改目录路径 | mcopy copy 拷贝文档

path:路径 路径
