英语人>词典>汉英 : 皮革制作 的英文翻译,例句
皮革制作 的英文翻译、例句


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We just recently added in some new things for Blacksmithing and Leatherworking.


According to the dress characteristic of parade shoe, the large base of the shoe chooses balata to make, recipe of large to balata base undertakes improvement, increased the content proportion of balata, prevent in order to make sure wear-resisting is mixed slippery, at the same time change of handpick and high grade soft cowhide makes side range, with assuring a shoe beautiful and comfortable.


Te property of semi-grain leather: Only half of the grain remains after processing and grinding during the manufacture, so it is called semi-grain leather.


Hoche people are the only people who own fishskin costume.


Designing princeple and measuring programme which combines a manul instrument with artificial intelligence for data analysis were put forward. As an alternative, another approach with computer-sensor system is also proposed for future development of leather industry.


Is a material that animal's leater has been tannined.its usaully use for make fashionable dress, and winter clothing.it can divided into two kinds, one is diaphragm leather, which is process by get the leather hair off, the other one is called designing fur, the leather has hair but is was tannined.


Shadow puppets were the third form of puppeteering I was introduced to yesterday. These puppets measure about 8 to 10 inches high and are constructed from thin translucent pieces of dyed or painted leather.


If you have only a few rabbits, it probably would be best to let a professional tanner prepare the fur for you.


Louis ' s father was a saddle maker who made items out of leather.


Louis's father was a saddle maker who made items out of leather.


更多网络解释与皮革制作相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chaise longue:躺椅

PK24休闲躺椅系1965年设计,将它形容为吊床(hammock)和躺椅(chaise longue)的混交设计,十分实在. PK-24的座位与靠背顺沿柳条编织包覆的不锈钢框架而下,人们躺坐上面可以全身在椅框内移动位置. 皮革制作的头枕藉由不锈钢配重(counterweight)悬挂在背后,


将它形容为吊床(hammock)和躺椅(chaise longue)的混交设计,十分实在. PK-24的座位与靠背顺沿柳条编织包覆的不锈钢框架而下,人们躺坐上面可以全身在椅框内移动位置. 皮革制作的头枕藉由不锈钢配重(counterweight)悬挂在背后,还可调整到使坐者感到最舒适的位置.

gutta percha:杜仲胶

1844年,发明了具有稳定飞行性能的杜仲胶(Gutta Percha)球,这种原料是从马来亚(Malaya)的树木中提炼. 1870年,在杜仲胶球里面添加液体粘合剂,并放入金属物质、皮革、橡胶等,从而制成了古塔(Guttie)球. 这种古塔球制作方法简单,可实现大量生产.


到1944年该刺刀被命名为"欧文"(Owen),装备了部队. 该刀为单刃、直形,带双面血槽,刀身材料为钢. 刀柄护板为螺接木质握柄. 刀鞘由褐色皮革制作,外涂虫胶. 它不带刀鞘长372毫米,重420克;带刀鞘长415毫米,重605克;刀身长252毫米,

Nickel Plated:镀镍

看起来轻巧(light)、优美(airy),这意味著家具将成为建筑空间(space)的一部份,而非在引人注意,他有名的镀镍(nickel plated)钢管及皮革制作之「Wassily」椅,是为纪念抽象艺术家 Wassily Kindinsky而命名,这张椅子比起他许多其他的设计更复杂.

Victorian Values:为婚礼及晚装制做各类高级的胸衣

Axfords 提供女式背心、灯笼裤及专业制作男女背心 | Victorian Values 为婚礼及晚装制做各类高级的胸衣 | Vito Valenti 生产皮带及定做各种皮革制品

Pythonidae:蟒 科

较大的蛇:人类 (Homo sapiens) 捕捉作食用及取其蛇皮保育:蟒科(Pythonidae)所有种皆收录在 CITES 附录二 中. 被捕捉作食用及取其蛇皮. 每年约有6万只由苏门答腊出口,用其蛇皮以制作皮革的原料,少数颜色较鲜艳的会被选出到宠物市场.

Food, Beverage and Tobacco Processing Machinery Manufacturing:食品,饮料及菸草制作用机械设备制造业

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Food, Beverage and Tobacco Processing Machinery Manufacturing:食品、饮料及菸草制作用机械设备制造业

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