英语人>词典>汉英 : 皮质纹状体的 的英文翻译,例句
皮质纹状体的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与皮质纹状体的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By contrast,the activities of total SOD decreased in the cortex,subcortex, corpus striatum,liver,and heart of rats after the onset of heatstroke.


At G. 32W stable expression of nov mRNA was distributed in pontine abducens nucleus, red nucleus and substantia nigra of midbrain, ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus and mediodorsal thalamic nucleus.

第32周脑桥展神经核、中脑红核和黑质、丘脑腹外侧核和背内侧核以及第38周大脑纹状体、顶叶皮质显示nov mRNA稳定的表达。

Results of HE dye after cerebral alchemic reperfusion showed: Cortex was infiltrated by neutrophil; Cells of corpus striatum and cortex of parietal lobe were stained light; the number off cells obviously reduced; the feature of cells necrosis, such as cells swelling, nuclear fragmentation and lysis et al, would be observed.

HE染色结果显示:脑缺血再灌注后,皮质区中性白细胞浸润,纹状体外侧和顶叶皮质细胞染色淡,细胞数明显 NF-。B在脑缺血再灌注后脑组织局部炎症反应中的作用减少,出现细胞肿胀,胞核碎裂和溶解等细胞坏死特征。

Mehtods Thirty male SpragueDawley rats were randomly divided into acute stress,chronic stress and control group(each n=10),acute and chronic stress models were made with forced swimming and empty bottle stimulation separately,and frequency of getting into central grille, detention time , outer grille numbers,modifying numbers and dejecture grain number were observed with openfield experimental box;expressions of neuropeptide Y and adenylcyclase in prefrontal lobe cortex, hippocampus CA3,striatum of the groups were observed using the immunohistochemistry method and correlation analyses conducted.


Mehtods Thirty male Sprague??Dawley rats were randomly divided into acute stress,chronic stress and control group(each n=10),acute and chronic stress models were made with forced swimming and empty bottle stimulation separately,and frequency of getting into central grille, detention time , outer grille numbers,modifying numbers and dejecture grain number were observed with open??field experimental box;expressions of neuropeptide Y and adenylcyclase in prefrontal lobe cortex, hippocampus CA3,striatum of the groups were observed using the immunohistochemistry method and correlation analyses conducted.


The cells from hippocampus, stria-tum, ependyma, thalamus, olfactory bulb, cortex, brain stem and cerebellum of the brain were studied using HE staining and im-munocytochemistry.


At day 3 to day 10 of reperfusion, PCNA-labeled cells significantly increased in infarct boundary in preoptic area, striatum and deep layer of frontoparietal cortex.

再灌流3~10 d,视前区梗死区周边、纹状体、额顶皮质的增殖性细胞核抗原免疫反应阳性细胞显著增加。

BrdU labeling indicated that the positive cells in the lateral ganglionic eminence migrated in a similar way to those in control group 6 h following Xray irradiation, the positive cells were observed to be around the cystic cavities in cortexstriatum 2 days later and migrated to the ventral cortical plate 4 days later.

BrdU标识显示腹侧端脑的外侧节隆起的神经细胞移动类似于正常对照组,2 d后阳性细胞分布在皮质纹状体区形成的空洞周围,4 d后移动到腹侧皮质板。

The results showed that①the fos like immunoreactionwas increased in the rat frontal cortex,cingulate cortex,islands of Calleja and caudate putamen in the acute group;②the FLI was increased in the rats frontal cortex,mammillary nucleus,amygdaloid nucleus and caudate putamen in the chronic group;③...

结果显示:1一次给药后额叶皮质,扣带回,嗅结节岛,纹状体四个部位的免疫反应阳性细胞数显著增加;2长期给药组额叶皮质,乳头体核,杏仁核和纹状体四个部位的 C- FOS免疫反应阳性细胞数显著增加;3不同抗抑郁药作用的部位有差异。

Results GFAP-immunoreactive cells in the control mice were observed mainly within hippocampal formation, piriform, entorhinal cortex, septum, striatum, amygdaloid nucleus, subcortical white matter, as well as in the main fiber tracts.


更多网络解释与皮质纹状体的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cingulate gyrus:扣带回

和颞叶这些组成有联系的大脑其他部分). 丘脑内背侧(MD)核接受来自杏仁体,鼻内(entorhinal)区,脊髓及纹状体的传入讯息,其投射到额前皮质. 外后侧(LP)核及丘脑枕 (pulvinar)部接受视觉糸统的传入,而投射到顶叶及额叶皮质和扣带回(cingulate gyrus).


corticostriate 皮质纹状体的 | corticotroph 促肾上腺皮质激素细胞 | cortisone 可的松

basal ganglia:基底节

6.脑基底节(basal ganglia) (1) 解剖 如图7-1: 图7-1 基底节结构 旧纹状体与丘脑下核,中脑红核,黑质,构成苍白球系统. 新纹状体有控制旧纹状体的作用. 皮质和大脑脚8个核团密切联系. 8个核团即:纹状体,丘脑下核,中脑红核、黑质、网状结构核,

trigonum olfactorium:嗅三角

内、外侧嗅束之间的三角区称为嗅三角(Trigonum olfactorium)o嗅三角的后部有大量小血管穿人的部位称为前穿质(Substantia perforat arostralis). 它们的深部为基底核(纹状体). 梨状叶(Lobus piriformis)的表层是灰质,称为梨状叶皮质. 梨状叶内有腔,